I'm not sure if boss toad is involved with the wiki at all? Genuinely don't know, and most game wikis aren't directly affiliated with the games they're based around. There
is admin for it but I'm not sure who they are (looking at the wiki it seems whoever Emi is, though Kitfox is actually providing hosting at the moment so yeah, boss toad might be able to get in contact with someone).
The link you gave is working on my end at the moment, though.
For... what it's worth, I
have been having some serious slowdown/loading issues on the forum itself, but I'm suspecting extremely strongly it's more on my end than anything directly involving the forum (the pattern involved looks more like ISP throttling crap or a firefox update screwing over some handshake protocals than anything, with b12 just kinda' getting caught in the crossfire).
... in unrelated WTF, few days ago family brought a some fast food toy (mcdonalds, I think?) for the pets to play with and, it's... it's a yugioh/hello kitty crossover plush toy thing. First time I saw it I didn't realize what I was looking at, second time I stopped and stared for a bit and went "... wait a second. Is that a dark magician girl hello kitty?"
and then I checked and it was
someone thought it was a good idea to have hello kitty cosplay one of the most lewded card game related characters in existence and i'm just wondering
E: Though further check looks like
Emi is this person! They haven't been active on the forum for over a year though
E2: Also there's a
thread about the 404s! I hadn't even noticed we had a wiki subforum ahaha