So 'Snakes' clitoris' is obviously grammatically incorrect.
But this raises a question which philosophers will doubtless ponder for generations. What is the plural of clitoris? Clitorises? Clitori? Clitoren?
((Autocorrect suggests 'clitorises' is correct, but autocorrect is no fun))
Funny, I had a similar discussion just the other week. I think the dictionary result was 'clitorides.'
Sounds like a particularly lewd Greek.
I had a horrific night last night, goodness me. My wife had some sort of stomach bug over the weekend, presumably viral because she was sore, and I thought to myself yesterday that it appeared as though I avoided it.
No such luck. We had leftover Chinese food, I ate that and needed to go to the bathroom a few times for what I was expecting to be extra watery goodness, but nah. Then I had a big chug of water which was apparently 100% the wrong move and had a stupendously violent vomiting fit, but as that usually goes felt pretty good after it was done.
I usually stay up for a bit at night to look after our kid if he needs anything, but was just getting really sore, and went to bed at around 12.30am.
Between then and 2am, I got up four times for some more vomiting and pooping sessions, expelling less and less but also not being sure which end I might be expelling things from. The partially-digested Chinese food gave everything an oddly pleasant curry aroma.
The final session involved a great deal of dry heaving so I ended up just sitting on the toilet thinking “dude there is
nothing left” before one of the big spasms resulted in a magnificent spray of diarrhea into the bowl, followed by vomiting out the last contents of my digestive system, some think yellow bile.
Spent the remainder of the night waking up frequently because I was dehydrated, worrying about not being able to keep water down, being unbelievably sore when I moved, and having hot and cold flashes.
0/10, would not recommend. I am glad today is my wife’s day off.