I'm sure that comes as a surprise to the likes of Victoria Nuland, who thinks that and even testified that she managed the changeover, including which people were selected for which posts after Maidan, Robert Kagan, who put the money and propaganda into it, and, heck, all the rest of our neocons, who believed they were setting up a vassal state. Which, coincidentally...
Now I doubt our little Vicky was anywhere near as influential as she thinks. She's just not bright enough to realize she was a puppet.
Don't know what the hell you've been reading, but Nuland and Pyatt did, in fact, have a long phone call discussing how to manage the aftermath of the change in power - there's no evidence at all that this involved discussions with the Ukrainian government and commands to put this or that person in a given slot. This is because Pyatt was the United States Ambassador to Ukraine, and identifying who the new people were going to be is a key part of their goddamn job. There was also discussion of whether the United Nations or the European Union would be a better outside advisor to forming the new government. Later on, after Russia sparked their semi-clandestine invasion, Nuland coordinated aid and advised Ukraine to start serious crackdowns on corruption. This was specifically because the new government issued specific "help us get this mess under control" requests. The new government was not a puppet in any way, shape, or form. But Russian propaganda has been strongly pushing that narrative in the hope that Useful Idiots will hamper attempts to block opposition to Russian empire building.
Robert Kagan is a neoconservative scholar that would have been extremely unlikely to aid the Obama administration (he was a hardline Republican until 2016, when he switched parties due to Trump) in any way, and does not appear to have taken any position on the issue at all.
Regardless, you do agree that eastern Ukraine desired closer ties with Russia, and western Ukraine with the EU, right?
First, that's irrelevant. The country as a whole - not individual regions - makes the decisions, and the populace was
overwhelmingly in favor of seeking closer relations with the EU.
Second, there was no talk of reducing ties with Russia - linking with the EU was intended to give a wider network, not a replacement. Putin didn't like it because he wanted Ukraine to be a helpless supplicant totally dependent on Russia.
Third, there's a very real chance it isn't accurate. Most of the "Eastern Ukraine really loves Russia!!" polling comes from after Putin pulled the oldest trick in the book and flooded it with Little Green Men.