I just started a two-week vacation, and a post in the mildly upset thread hit on why I have some anxiety about it. Namely, coming back and having to clean up the mess left behind. Originally, I was only taking one week, the week after next, but I was informed at nearly the last minute I had an extra week left.
My job is to sort racks of clothing before the rollers move them out to the sales floor; this allows them to go in mostly one direction rather than going back and forth. However, because of... issues with the people in every position handling clothes before me, I also have to proofread every single item I sort. I handle literally thousands of items per day. In addition to that, every morning every production team member has to clean up their specific section of the sales floor, making sure the racks are in order, every piece in the correct place, it's not overfilled, etc. I handle the entirety of the Boys department, 10 rows total, about three times what everyone else has to deal with, while also being the hardest to clean up for various reasons. We're supposed to take one hour to do this, it usually takes me half an hour or more extra, but I do get it done. Almost nobody else does, they spend all hour wandering, talking, shopping(or stealing), and pulling random stuff to recycle to make it look like they worked.
The vast majority of my coworkers are massively lazy, and at least half of them demonstrate a lack of literacy with such regularity that I'm convinced they actually are illiterate. One pricer seemingly cannot tell the difference between long sleeves and short sleeves, and regularly misprices because of that. The taggers pay no attention whatsoever to what they're doing, resulting in a situation where a ticket failed to print(or double-printed) causing the tickets to be offset, something that is entirely avoidable if one looks at the ticket and the item to see if they match. The rollers do not seem to notice the difference between coats, tops, and suit jacket, at least in Boys. Despite each one being clearly marked and separated. Despite being instructed in this several times. Which I have to clean up. Every morning. In fact, when I do morning maintenance, I bring two racks; one for recycling, and one for re-rolling every piece in my section that was mis-rolled the day before. Almost always, the latter is full, sometimes it's enough to fill another.
One particular roller is particularly awful. Aside from from the above problems, she regularly places items in the middle of a clothing rack - it goes in front, that is, your right side when facing it; this is not difficult to understand. She frantically denies this when confronted about this, despite being caught many times red-handed by multiple people. She also tends to grab racks I haven't sorted yet, especially if it's a rack of kids' clothes. Last week she was caught wandering off while rolling to get kissy with her girlfriend, a transwoman about 50 years younger whom I don't have any real problem with aside from her association with the coworker I'm currently ranting about. But seriously, nobody wants to see that, especially not the customers, for fuck's sake. Oh, and when there's a situation there's no racks available to roll right then, she goes on about how nobody is doing their jobs or are working too slow.