It may seem cynical as hell, but here is my view:
ANYONE that cold calls me, ANYONE AT ALL, trying to offer any kind of sale, service, or otherwise--- (and TRIPLY SO for emails!) is immediately presumed to be a hostile scam artist.
The signal to noise ratio for this is pretty profound. It's almost to the level of God's suggestion to Lot, that he find a single good man in Soddom to spare the doomination, and Lot coming up empty.
So. People who get taken in by scam artists--- What are they thinking exactly? (And I say this as somebody who has had their identity stolen twice now, once by the Sony hack several years back, and once again recently through unknown methods-- the bank caught them both, thankfully, but I DID have to fight several thousand dollars worth of fraudulent transactions. I have told my bank in person to stringently flag all out-of-area transactions and alert me, and they were happy to comply.) NEVER trust a telemarketer. NEVER, EVER, EVER.
If you get an unsolicited email, junk it. End of story. if possible, set your email to exclusive "known contacts only" mode, and be very selective who you hand it out to. Also, if you are savvy enough, use encrypted email.
I really do not comprehend how people keep falling victim to the Nigerian Prince (and related email scams)-- or how people keep getting pressured into getting phony insurance from cold-call telemarketers. If you did not solicit the call, do not give them the time of day. If you did not solicit the email, junk it. If the email came from a seeminly legit entity you have real dealings with (your bank, ebay, et al)-- do not click anything in the email they send to you, and read it with a dumb text-only email client. If there are curious instructions inside it, contact the entity directly through their support website or phone number contact, and do not rely on email.
We arent living in the delicate age of the 80s anymore, where legit business was conducted over the phone and by mail. Scammers have poisoned the well, then dumped dumptruck loads of salt down it. It is terrible that people are still being victimized by that toxic bullshit, but by now, the realization that there is nothing good behind those avenues of contact should be so cliche as to be a meme by now. I do not ascribe to a worldview where we keep bailing out people that do not learn from their mistakes. Getting burned once, from a well crafted con, I can give sympathy and a pass to, but falling for them over and over and over again, and making no efforts whatsoever to avoid falling victim each subsequent time? No. Not so much. I am totally down with throwing the book down hard on scammers, and putting them in jail for life for the level of damage they have done to the world at large-- but I am not down with eternal-handholding-for-the-gullible. Adults are supposed to be able to make rational choices, and part of that is learning from past mistakes, to avoid them in the future. Society is not really helped by shielding the inept from the consequences of their ineptitude.