While I get that perspective, and his as well, he's one of those people who'll listen and then promptly forget or ignore everything he's been told and do whatever he decided to do anyways. I've lost count of the amount of times where I've had the same goddamn argument about something with him, simply because he leaves it completely the same as he entered it, and then with a completely straight face says he doesn't understand why I get so angry when discussing such simple things (mostly because it's a damn waste of time since he'll forget or ignore all of it afterwards).
And I get that it's best to do this gradually, but I'm almost 25, I've finished school, I've been back home for over a year now, looking for work, and now that I've potentially found some abroad it's suddenly a problem.
And I honestly think that this is his only way of expressing love or care, trough money, because that's pretty much all he ever did, either because it was easy or because he was incapable of learning any other way. Regardless of that, that's on him to fix if he wants to (and he's shown zero inclination to do so), but I've told him countless times, I'd much rather have him spend the money on himself and the things he enjoys doing, hell, maybe even try fixing some of the health issues he got over the years, but it's always met with a shrug and the now infuriating statement that he's much happier to spend it on me. It's never occured to him (despite being told several times this exact thing) that maybe I'd rather have a healthy dad that doesn't complain about how his boss is an utter shithead than a few extra bills to spend on random shit I don't need.
I appreciate the advice guys, I really do, but I feel this is beyond me now, he won't change and I don't particularly feel like spending inordinate amounts of time and energy trying to fruitlessly change him.