Now I am speaking out of my ass so I warn you.
MRA are either a counter movement to third wave feminism and/or a continuance of the sort of male based ideology that existed since the 50s and onward.
SJWs I feel are a product of our current teachings. That we were a racism filled society that just accepted the racism and allowed it to go on. Until one person stood up and said "No!" (Racism can be replaced by any ism)
So you have a framework that a evil exists if we abide by it and that systematic evil is the most.
This isn't a bad concept in it of itself and is a good lesson. Yet "Temperance" is a cardinal virtue and is thus based on achieving a balance between action and inaction around specific situations.
To complicate this further our teachings has both victims and victimizer. Victims are typically poor downtrodden minorities or powerless voiceless women. Victimizers are typically Rich White Straight and Male OR just a vague "everyone else". So you have a teaching that is overall a "Us against them" mentality.
Victims are considered, by virtue of being victims, to be innocent. While Victimizers are considered to be victimizers on the basis that victims exist, a sort of collective responsibility. Victims are only "freed" from being victims when they are equal to the victimizer.
NOW!!! Once again any one of these details are not a bad thing. It is where one can take them without the wisdom to think it out.
Taken well our society is about questioning your environment and doing what you can to make sure that you stop or at least do not perpetuate an evil... and that we should uplift and stand beside the disenfranchised and even question what powers those on top should have.
Ultimately SJWs, as a whole, want the same thing as most of us here: They want minorities to be equal members of society. Their ideas are, however, that Minorities are constant victims and need direct protection from the majority... and with no clear goal on what equal representation is.
I feel like their overall philosophy is destructive and segregating. When I want society to create communities and build bridges between them.
OR RATHER this is what happens when you think yourself so holy that you are beyond reproach.