< TFW you probably prime yourself to wake up early and have a lucid dream, in your lucid dream, that becomes 'wait is this seriously real @_@' and 'real' as in 'I'm experiencing a lot of emotions and wow this is very real' because of the detail you had.
Plot summary: I was kidnapped by a gentleman-gangster who brought me to work as a maid for a rich family. Said rich family seemed to be an evil-alterego of my current family because they had rich English accents but looked the same...in a way. And I felt everything from prolonged shock to "GIVE ME A MINUTE TO TAKE THIS ALL IN" [and said gangster-kidnapper being all 'okay fine sure'] because of the presumed realism [like, feelings of ACTUALLY being there with a person you know is armed and shows off that they're trained to pretty much be reactive]
Goodness I can type out the whole dream in detail but when I do that I often describe the scenery because that's what gave it the realism.
"The moon was full this night, and the stars gave me comfort that being bereft of family and contacts did not."
Because wow that minute of silence was somewhat calming as I went back to my thoughts...in my dream...
But it is 4:34am and it will take a ton of time to type :v Yay lucid lucidity.
And alien therapist-spider controller that I purged with my inner flame because waking up twice and knowing it was a dream milliseconds after waking up is a thing that is hard to explain in words that I haven't refined yet because of trying to explain everything at the speed of thought.
It is 4:41am. Dreams are awesome [but at the time, can also be pretty intense]