i think the real issue is how many people honestly lack good coping skills.
face talking is a clandestine art; finger speak is vogue.
every special squirrel thinks that their opinion has to be respected and even validated due in part to the culture ofpc and the babysitting that we, at least in our own culture, foster around the kiddies.
everyone is above reproach, unless you dont fit the meme. then youre a meanie commofacist who covorts with hitler or a satanbike.
look upon what pop internet use has created, and know it is the cancer
It's a lot less that people
are being that (eg intentfully) and moreso that the communication barrier and linguistic context is being broadened and thinned even further--especially for young people, they're exposed to more and more...
insensitive commentary and expectations from around them; from media, and multiple other sources. Compared to before, it's a lot less 'personal'--the screen of technology depersonalizes that kind of communication and thus you see a lot more immaturity as if it's everywhere (eg the 'personal' face to face value--when you see it 'online', it feels a lot more broad than if viewed personally).
That and the notice that there's a lot more of insensitivity being spread out? There's a backstory to 'thin-skinned' people and it's a lot of help if this is understood rather than just commented and judged. Maybe these people are reacting, at times, to something genuinely real, but so easily backhanded by an extreme stereotype (or y'know, the <0.0001% percent of incidences in the world BUT THEN IT IS SEEN IN THE INTERNET so maybe that's a reference) that it's not depicted clearly at all.
And yeah I got the joke but it's pretty noted that it got zoomed out.
* Tiruin nudges all those squamous and pseudostratified tissues because hooray medicine \o/
Thick-skinned versus thin-skinned.
They're terms that refer to how easily a person is upset.
That's the joke.
I think it's more interesting to think about it the way Tiruin said, in this picture the skin thickness is the same, the view is just pulled back, you're seeing more, but in much less detail. I'm not even sure what the literal intended message of whoever made this was, but the irony of two different interpretations with pretty much opposite meanings is certainly interesting.
Microscopes have gotten better nowadays.
I'd agree with that because light microscopes back then was sooooo manual. ♥
Taking pics through the microscope was a ton of fun too.