Okay, what the fuck reddit. At the same time, I'm trying to convince one person that anti-women sexism still exists and trying to convince another that the restrictive gender binary is harmful to men too.
Could somebody help me give some concrete examples for each of these?
For the former you're probably going to need to rely more on experiential stuff if you want to talk about the U.S./Europe/whatever. Here's a good one from library work: men, specifically foreign men from masculine-dominated cultures and older men (the same, natch), will sometimes cross the entire building to ask a page for computer help because the computer specialist on duty (at the desk two feet away from the banks of monitors, under a very clear sign) is female. It's an implicit assumption that a man will be more competent technologically, even though it's not his job and he doesn't have (in this case) literally decades of experience that his woman colleague does.
For the latter, you can actually go to library work again. It's viewed in some quarters as "pink collar" work; I had an older professor who I deeply admired (because he was intelligent and articulate, and because he was an old-fashioned conservative pissed at the current right-wing establishment) express to me that he worried that going into MLIS was "too mundane" for me -- it was mostly, I suspect, because I managed to completely reverse his opinion of me in one semester, mainly with a single paper I wrote on comparative judicial systems (prior to that I think I was Long Haired Socialist Know-Nothing #46392), but I can't help wondering if there was also a gendered assumption there. I've certainly come across people who are more blunt about it, and men in the field tend to gravitate towards the technical roles in part
because of those assumptions.
You could also talk about how courts disproportionately favor women in child custody proceedings -- the implicit assumption being that women are better parents and caregivers, even when they're demonstrably less capable. I distinctly recall a really great friend of mine at a young age who ended up in the clutches of his kinda crazy mom, by the time we got to high school he'd been totally brainwashed and was a diehard Reaganite evangelical. Granted, not the best example because his dad was an alcoholic and one of those here-have-some-stuff-sorry-about-not-being-around divorce-respondees. Was great fun at the time though because we all went to his place since we could get away with goddamn anything. He took a couple of us over state lines to buy a shitload of illegal fireworks one fourth, we ended that by lighting his lawn on fire when we mistook a tall glass of clear liquid for water instead of vodka. Was a pretty chill guy though, and actually tried to do good by the kid even if he didn't always know how. But he didn't have primary custody even though he was loaded and emotionally invested, while the kid's mother was IIRC unemployed and of the kids-are-little-ideology-sponges mentality.
I guess we're used to people like Dice or unicornone
Flying Dice is nice!
I don't know who you're talking about here.
From the context IDK what the intent was either. Might have been any number of things. And I ain't particularly nice, not by the standards you set. I'm certainly not consistent about it, probably because I wear out my manners playing nice with people who deserve it a lot less than y'all because financial stability is the most pressing concern and I can't afford to get fired, or knifed by some guy that got kicked out of city jail to free up room.