Jokes aside, "England has that international kind of perspective coming from the remnants of the old British empire", apparently. Not sure if she actually realises the makeup of the US population, but she can "see empires rise and fall" apparently. Unlike American college students. This is pretty funny.
"There are great civilisations that rose and became very sexually tolerant and then fell", again, can't tell how much of this is tongue in cheek...
"Tolerance of homosexuality... is symptomatic of a great civilisation just before it falls," apparently. Well, I guess if it's symptomatic, doing it can't have any negative effects, and civilisation is doomed anyway. Hey, at least guy-survivalists can have pink bomb shelters without prejudice or judgement!
Ah, it's just that we're too preoccupied on working out our gender at a time when ISIS is beheading people. Hey Pentagon, MI5, fuckin' priorities, people! We're threatened with extinction by suicide bombers, why are there media storms about transgender bathrooms?
To which the obvious question arises, why is she making a youtube video and not a GLORIOUS CALL TO ARMS!
If she was alive (think she meant young, hard to tell) now, she'd probably have ended up getting her gender changed without really wanting it, because it was fashionable.
Well, saying that takes some bravery. I personally aim to not be so stupid I'd have trouble feeding myself when I'm mid-twenties, but fully support anyone who admits that they were.
Oh actually, it's now become a fashion statement.
Not sure where that one came from.
"All unhappiness is consolidated into the gender issue."
Ummm. Is "strawman" the term those people on reddit and things use? Not sure if it applies in this case. But apparently there are other reasons to be unhappy. Will keep that in mind for if I ever get unhappy.
Interviewer: do you think that young women are afraid of sex? Do you think this is because of (and also causes) the attacks on what is percieved to be rape culture?
Tbh, this is just bad interviewing technique. Either she's leading the interviewee here, or they agreed on the questions beforehand.
Anyway, her generation fought for the "freedom to risk rape". So the problem is really that young women have no idea what sex is. They don't realise that wearing skimpy clothing can communicate sexual readiness. Haven't even seen Hitchcock's
Pyscho.Actually the last one is a real and major issue. Young people these days really need to watch more great old films.
"People who were raised in a farm understood sex because they saw the animals".
And yet another problem raised by the artificial insemination of livestock
But the big problem behind college rape is that girls want to get boyfriends and boys want to get sex.
I actually feel pretty insulted right now. And as a teenage male, given the choice... I'd prefer a relationship.
My god this person has a depressing outlook. I mean, natural suspiscion is fine, but does she live in a bunker with a dozen weapons hung on the wall?
She learned about sexual politics by watching robins. This does seem a little like learning about cookery by watching people cook up plastic explosives.
Love the historical context. As do the commenters, but again, can't tell how tongue in cheek they are... Frat boys as Vikings? Actually, some Vikings has jobs in retail.
Ah. And then opinions about the difficulty of coming forward for rape victims... this isn't going to a good place.
It was a fun 20 minutes...