It was at that point I decided to go to war. Leaving an open communication network is only a vulnerability in war. Severing it at this point would best be explained by protecting myself from any possible outside threats and allowing my military to use the communications they require to successfully conduct the war. It is military strategy 101, attempt to prevent the enemy from knowing what your are going to do before it happens. This would entail proper use of misinformation campaigns, false/confusing military positioning, and attempting to secure your lines of communication from the enemy. It makes a ton of sense from a military perspective what I'm doing. It doesn't take much to read the tea leaves and figure out, I'm in such an superior position now that if I wait any longer, my position will just degrade and I'll be in worse shape than I was before.
Furthermore, you're pretending that every member of anonymous has absolutely no qualms about giving up their life, happiness, and worldly wealth, to an organization... that exists "for the lulz". That is pure insanity, when encountered with the real choice of "Do what Anon says or face possible death" only the die-hards and lunatics would go with Anon.
Also, I find is hilarious you know exactly what the FWA would do in a cold war. And how are they capturing my shit, I've got better fleets, better military. I'm capable of deploying Marines down to any planet in which trouble does occur. I'm finding it hard to believe that he's going to be taking me down anytime soon.
I also argue against TVTropes being so damn effective against a program. It's not designed to read each damn article, they are designed for one damn purpose, to hunt A.I.s down and destroy them. The were originally designed for scanning a wasteland known as the CZ and you're telling me they couldn't effectively hunt down something in a single website?