Originally posted by Toady One:
<STRONG>I don't understand this bug yet. Is it starting the tunnels out filled on reclaim , turning them into some kind of aquifer, or both?</STRONG>
Here's an example:
I dug out a hole in the beach sand, it goes down 4 Z levels, is a perfect rectangle. I kept it blocked off from the water, though, so it was just an empty hole. I created a construction within the hole, namely, a boat, and then once the boat was waterproofed, I flooded the hole by removing the divider wall between the hole and the ocean, letting the water flow in until the waterlevel reached the original height of the ocean.
My construction, though, when in dwarf mode, remains free of water inside the ship. All of the possible entries for water and blocked off with hatches, and there is nowhere for a leak to get through. Waves hit the bow and flow off harmlessly.
But when I abandon and reclaim it,
The boat is entirely filled with water inside.
Also, any tunnels I dug below the surface level of the ocean water are filled with water as well. It's as if the ocean ignored any barriers and flowed through any unoccupied open space below the water level, ignoring walls, doors, hatches, etc.
I can upload screenshots or just a save for you to test if that would help, but I've had it happen on 2 different maps, and the OP's post confirms it that it is definitely a reproduceable bug.