Ok, to clarify, I'm more musing (in an amused way) about the whole situation. At first I thought it would fit into the kind of discussions about Life Advice, but then decided that it wasn't really me seeking advice as just doing the musing about the approach I am already taking. Apologies if the TL;DR aspect means you didn't understand that. It probably didn't help that the opening paragraph was the last thing I wrote (just before posting, slightly hurried) and its attitude may not have blended into the rest (written and edited while isolated from the net, while otherwise avoiding more boring things I needed to do) quite as well as I had hoped.
I have been deliberately vague about the details because a) it would be too long[1], b) I'm not a "this morning, I had some toast" facebooker or "it's morning, and I am having some toast" tweeter and c) there's the sub-judicial aspect if my valued disassociation between my RL self and my online persona[2] breaks down.
What I was doing was musing that I am in a situation where all considerations finds the net result of trying to explicitly blame the other driver illogical. It's individually better for each of us to try to better the other, supposedly, but assuming one or other of us doesn't have a problem with their representation it'll end up as a no-fault (at best) or both-at-fault (at worse).
The eponymous Prisoners (the title of this thread being a pun on their eponymous Dilemma) get taking to separate interview rooms and get asked to dish the dirt on the other in an irreversible and unchangeable act, has an absolute change and after which their combined fate is sealed. I will say (and have said) "I won't fault the other party, but I'll assert my own faultlessness if challenged". Though the wheels of documentation are turning far too slowly for my liking[3] to tell what the other party's position is yet, I know I still have the option to assert if necessary.
As to personal injury, at the time of writing I was of the opinion I had no injuries worth speaking of. Nothing I'd be happy being money-grabbing about, given that such money doesn't come out of empty air, anyway.
And, to relate to something I said in another thread about fatalism/determinism, all this stems from the decision to start my travel at one particular moment in time which was all to do with a number of factors. The worst thing is that, if I had my time over, it'd all happen again. Unless I somehow sneaked this memory from the future into my psyche.
[1] Witness how the non-detailed one got so TL;DR, already... Add some more pages of information to that. And images/diagrams intended for the insurance company if I was feeling particularly forthcoming.
[2] That might give a wrong connotation that I'm 'playing being someone else'. No, I really am like this in real life, verbosity and all, but I like to maintain something of a Chinese Wall between my Real Life and various Virtual Life selves. While it's not specifically to ensure the stable door is bolted before the horse gets the first idea of escape, that is also one of the results. I also know that there's plenty of loose boards in the stable wall, which I'm not going overboard in nailing back in place.
[3] The two letters from the solicitor about their representing me on uninsured losses got to me quickly enough, but it's the insured losses that I want to concentrate on.