Turn 2JetsquirrelChant With Sound And Air {Sound: 6}{Air: 4} - You start making a chanting noise, humming, clapping, and stomping your feet in a peculiar rhythm. You try to make the Air help the rhythm out, but your lack of knowledge on Air Magic can barely muster a breeze. In the opposite direction.
Nearby people watch you making the beat. They're impressed nonetheless. When you finish, they throw applaud, throwing coins at your feet. You gather them up and bow.
+{3} Sound XP
Coins GainedHmHInclude Vermin's Traits Into Rat {4} - Seeing as how your Rat never caught any vermin, you don't do anything.
RatCatch Vermin {3} - Your Rat fails to catch any vermin. Probably because it's a Rat.
Dwarf MidgetRetry Hypnotizing Wealthy Man {3} - Assume, for a second, you're not currently being attacked by an Air Mage. You'll have to get lucky enough that a wealthy man or woman is walking down this particular street alone with your current magical ability. Now, assume you take the money. Will you be able to make him forget your face? What if he fought back?
{Iniative: 3} Your thinking distracts you enough for the other mage to make the first move. {Aim: 3,4 = 4}{Dodge: 6} Aha, but this time, you're ready for the attack. {Attack: 1,6 = 6}{Defense: 1 + 2} This time, he summons a gail-force wind, pummeling you into the wall and battering your face and arms.
-3 HP
+1 Air XP{Aim: 2}{Dodge: 2} You breathe deeply, flexing your muscles. They're very sore. {Attack: 6 - 1}{Defense: 6 - 1} You run right at him, punching him as hard as you can. He manages to catch your fist with his hand and push aside the attack.
+2 Body XPFrelockBecome Air Master's Pupil {2} - You walk to the building. There are several small steps that you climb and enter. A woman inside at a desk stops you.
"I'm hear to become the Air Master's pupil. Is he here?"
The woman looks at you, smirking, pointing toward the big open door.
"Yeah, sure. Go inside. I'm sure he'll be happy to see you."
You take a few more steps toward the door when you're hit by an attack!
{Aim: 2,1 = 2}{Dodge: 4 - 1} You barely see it coming. {Attack: 6,5 = 6 - 1}{Defense: 6} You create a wall of fire, blocking the slice of air.
"Nice block. Most people don't have time to react."
She starts building another attack.
OchitaBecome Earth Master's Pupil {3} - Well, you're not really able to become his pupil this turn, seeing as how you're still in the Air Town. You'll be able to travel there, though, if you're really willing to learn.
Status:Mind: 2/2 [0/18]
Sound: 3/3 [3/24]
HP: 10/10
Metal: 2/2 [0/18]
Body: 2/2 [0/18]
Mind: 1/1 [1/12]
HP: 10/10
Pet: Rat
HP: 1/1
Only does 1 Attack
Body: 2/2 [2/18]
Mind: 2/2 [0/18]
Sound: 1/1 [0/12]
Air: 0/0 [1/6]
HP: 7/10
Mind: 1/1 [0/12]
Body: 1/1 [0/12]
Fire: 3/3 [0/24]
HP: 10/10
Water: 2/2 [0/18]
Air: 1/1 [0/12]
Fire: 1/1 [0/12]
Earth: 1/1 [0/12]
HP: 10/10