Yes. But first for something completely different other! Rules!
You can pull as much shit out of the bucket as you like, so long as it doesn't contradict anything I say or imply. For instance, if there were two buildings really far apart, you could zip line across them, but if I said that there was no way across, or I said that the wire broke, good luck with that. This applies to abilities too.
The only way for players to communicate to each other is via Pesterchum, which can only be used at a computer or other device.
We'll be using d8s in combat, because that's what the trolls use.
Your server is one massive link-up, where everyone is everyone else's server and client, so everyone else can build up your fortress.
To help me out, it would be great if you posted your character's name before every action.
Your goal is to go through the gates and try to grab 11 Power Keys. Once everybody has them, you all get to fight an epic boss. And then... whatever the fuck it is you want to do.
...That's all I can think of, so here's some setup.
You had all planned this for a while now. It was the perfect plan-each of you would run multiple SBURB sessions at once, making for an epic game. The loading has finished. The game has begun. This is your adventure, and where it takes you is your choice. You each grab your five capatchalogue cards, your specibus, and prepare to rumble.
You each get a startup bonus of 2000 Build Grist.