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Author Topic: Classroom Deathmatch - Battle Royale Forum PnP  (Read 8609 times)


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Classroom Deathmatch - Battle Royale Forum PnP
« on: October 10, 2010, 02:49:18 pm »

Not sure if anybody else has ever come across Classroom Deathmatch, the game put out by Atarashi Games (the guys who also made the hilariously named Panty Explosion). Basically, it's Battle Royale in pen and paper form.

It's also extremely free form. The players get to do most of the describing. The game is guided by dice, but only in terms of 'success' or 'fail' (similar to RtD, except less of the power is in the hands of the DM). The 'gamey' part is about resource management: Your stats are the amount of dice you get to roll. You can roll as much as you have, but once you do, they're gone (so if I have 9 in the 'Fire' stat, and roll 5 of them to try to punch you, I have 4 left). Any time one of the dice you roll comes up as a 5 or more, you have won a success. The details of your success is determined by your "Best Friend", another player chosen by you. If you fail, the task of describing it comes down to your "Rival". The sourcebook gave an example of somebody trying to shoot another character: If he succeeds, his Best Friend says that the other character takes the bullet to the head and dies. Victoly! If he fails, the particularly nasty Rival claims that the firearm explodes in our hero's hand, tearing it apart and embedding shrapnel in his chest and throat.

You are randomly assigned a student from a class of 50. The first one you have will almost certainly die. When this happens, a random (and still alive) student will be assigned to you as a replacement. Rinse and repeat until there are less characters left than players (at which point, it will be close to done anyways).

The class has been sent off to an enclosed location. At the end of 5 days, there must be only one student left alive, or nano-explosives will automatically kill everybody. If you are the last student standing, you win. Congratulations.

You can also win by escaping, but that's nearly impossible.

There are flashbacks and stuff, too.

Interest check here please, to get us started.
I am have extensive knowledge of philosophy and a strong morality
Okay, so, today this girl I know-Lauren, just took a sudden dis-interest in talking to me. Is she just on her period or something?


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Re: Classroom Deathmatch - Battle Royale Forum PnP
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2010, 02:51:35 pm »

Interest, checked.


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Re: Classroom Deathmatch - Battle Royale Forum PnP
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2010, 02:53:36 pm »


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"Those who guard their back encounter death from the front." - Drow Proverb.
I will punch you in the soul if you do that again.
"I'm going to kill another dragon and then see if I can't DUAL-WIELD DRAGONS!
Because I can"-WolfTengu


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Re: Classroom Deathmatch - Battle Royale Forum PnP
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2010, 02:56:42 pm »

Interest, checked.
I'm kind of confused with the player thing though.
What does it mean assigned as a replacement?
Will you make it out alive?


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Re: Classroom Deathmatch - Battle Royale Forum PnP
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2010, 03:01:43 pm »

How much dedication and time does this need?
So says Armok, God of blood.


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Re: Classroom Deathmatch - Battle Royale Forum PnP
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2010, 04:01:53 pm »

About as much as you would put into any other forum game. I ask only that you try to check on whenever you are checking on the forum, because of the "Best Friend and Rival" rule, which makes your presence important to other players. I'll say if you are gone for a period of 72 full hours without active response, that you are an NPC until you return, and anybody who chose you as a Best Friend or Rival will have to choose a new one.

Spade: You get a randomly chosen character (I will give some out to those who did interest checks already in the next post) from a pool of 50 at game start. If/when your character dies, you get a new one from whichever unclaimed characters are left. If there are no unclaimed characters left, then you are "shit out of luck" (Direct quote from the sourcebook. ;) ), but it's not so bad, because it means the game is almost done anyways.

Let me quickly explain what the stats mean in this game before I give you your characters. The game system uses a fairly abstract system based on the elements, which they call "Godai". There are five elements: Earth, Fire, Water, Air, and the Void (the Void, in this game, is usually referred to as 'Fear'). Whenever you come into 'conflict' with another character (that is, a point where you have differing goals in mind for a scene), you roll dice depending on the situation. Each of the elements has a different general category:

Earth: As described in the book, a person who embodies Earth is stubborn, resilient, stable, and hard to influence and change. "Use Earth to resolve conflicts by holding your ground, resisting physical force, refusing to change your mind, exerting physical strength and enduring hardship."

EXAMPLE: An obvious use of Earth is to resist being pushed into something or pushing something yourself. I have also used it when grappling for weapons, and, at one point, to hold onto a searing hot pipe so I could aim the gushing contents within at people. Also, I've used it for strangling, and resisting strangling. In a social setting, you can use it to actively resist temptation and outside influence and stay on course.

Water: Is change, adaptability, agility, flexibility. "Use Water to resolve conflicts by expressing or controlling your emotions, avoiding an attack, making use of physical dexterity or adapting to the situation."

EXAMPLE: Water is often used for sneaking up on people, escaping from things, bluffing people, etc. You can also use it to shimmy into tight spaces, or to climb things.

Fire: Passion and aggression. "Use Fire to resolve conflicts by attacking with words or force."

EXAMPLE: Probably the most straightforward element. All basic attacks, like punching and shooting, work through Fire. Characters with intense Fire stats don't have to think nearly as hard during combat as people without, because their actions are typically "I shoot/punch/stab Hiro Nakamura in the face". I haven't found much use for it outside of combat. I suppose intimidating people might be an option.

Air: Wisdom and movement. Running fast or jumping across things counts as Air. Actively searching things counts as air. Trying to convince people of things diplomatically is Air. Accuracy is air. It's one of the more varied ones. "Use Air to resolve conflicts through reasoning or rational discussion, by ignoring the problem entirely, through physical speed or accuracy, by running away or by getting out of the way."

EXAMPLE: Running away from the crazy dude with a chainsaw. Jumping across a gorge. Convincing the dude with a chainsaw who just caught you to let you live. Using your gun to shoot a rope, dropping a plank of wood onto an enemy. Although it says 'accuracy' in the name, the latter option is one of the few things you can do with this accuracy. Shooting the person directly is Fire.

Void: Fear. Use this to cry like a baby, cower in the corner, and run in a blind panic in the hopes that somebody helps you or pities you.

EXAMPLE: Not much. Sometimes you can convince NPCs that they can't go through with killing you, though it won't matter overly much if it's Day 5 and they've already personally killed 12 students. I once flailed madly and knocked some stuff onto an enemy NPC. Basically, this is the stat you use as a last resort, when you have nothing else. Also, you use it at the beginning of each day to restore some of your stats, so it's not REALLY a dump stat.

Each of these stats will have a number, ranging from 1-9 (the total of all stats will be exactly 25). This is how many dice you have. They disappear when you use them. So, let's say I have Fire 9, and I shoot my gun, and I really want to hit, so I roll 5 dice. I now have 4 Fire dice left. This is all I get. I can restore it using Flashback Scenes (which I can trigger at any time, and will be explained later), or at 6:00 AM every day during the morning announcements. If I go down to 0 dice in a stat, I simply can't use that stat anymore. I only need one success (a 5 or greater) on a die to succeed in whatever I am doing (be it making a birdhouse or mowing down a field full of students with my machine gun), so it is best to roll as few as you can risk.

I will now start assigning characters. Feel free to drop more questions!
I am have extensive knowledge of philosophy and a strong morality
Okay, so, today this girl I know-Lauren, just took a sudden dis-interest in talking to me. Is she just on her period or something?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Classroom Deathmatch - Battle Royale Forum PnP
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2010, 04:16:28 pm »

All of these characters are provided for us for free online, HERE (PDF File. HINT: Right click and turn clockwise). Except for Student #3, Emi Hokkaido, who was left out due to an error. Ignore the part that says "Special Technique". It is not important to this game (it is for high-fantasy psionic style rounds).

Confirm that you are in by choosing a "Best Friend" and a "Rival" from any of the other player-controlled characters. They can't be the same person. Choose people you trust, if you can, because they will describe the results of all your actions. Rivals can be particularly nasty.

Popularity determines what dice you roll during conflicts. Least Popular = d6, Average =d8, Most Popular = d10. Every morning at 6:00 AM, the players each vote (in secret) on who they want to be Most and Least Popular. They cannot vote for themselves. Whoever wins the Most Popular becomes 'Most Popular'. Whoever wins the Least Popular becomes 'Least Popular'. Everybody else will be average.

Student #9: Yamada, Oki
Earth 9/Water 5(Current3)/Fire (Current 4)/Air 1/Fear 3
Popularity: Average
Best freind: Okimoto, Den (KaguroDraven)
RIVAL: Suzuki Ayaka (Armok)
Hobbies: Streetfighting
Family & Friends: leader of the girl's gang
Personality: Intimidating

Student #22: Sasaki, Noko
Earth 1/Water 5/Fire 3/Air 9/Fear 7
Popularity: Most Popular
Best friend: Azuma, "Kid" Roko (Spade!)
Das Rival: Yamada, Oki (Criptfiend!)
Hobbies: Monopoly Champion
Friends & Family: Dates Watashi Hara (Student #26)

Student #41: Okimoto, Den
Earth 7/Water 9/Fire 3/Air 1/Fear 5
Popularity: Average
Bestfriend: Yamada, Oki (Criptfiend)
Rival:Azuma, "Kid" Roko (Spade)
Hobbies:selling drugs
Family & Friends: Leader of the boy's gang
Personality:Willing to go with the flow but stubborn on occation

Student #36: Azuma, "Kid" Roko
Earth 3/Water 1/Fire 7(Current4)/Air 9/Fear 5
Popularity: Most Popular
Best Friend: (Ottofar) Sasaki Noko
Rival: (Armok) Suzuki Ayaka

Student #8: Suzuki, Ayaka
Earth 3/Water 5/Fire 1/Air 9/Fear 7
Popularity: Average
Friend: Azuma, "Kid" Roko (Spade)
Rival: Wakayama Tendo (Toaster)

Student #40: Nakajima, Kaku
Earth 7(Current3)Water 1/Fire 3/Air 9(Current6)/Fear 5
Popularity: Average
Best Friend: Yamada, Oki (Criptfiend)
Rival: Azuma, "Kid" Roko (Spade)
Hobbies: Singing
Family and friends: Small family, spends much of their time alone, generally dislikes company.
Personality: Superiority Complex

Student #42: Wakayama, Tendo
Earth 3/Water 9/Fire 1/Air 5/Fear 7
Popularity: Most Popular
Friend: Suzuki, Ayaka (Armok)
Rival:  Sasaki, Noko (Ottofar)
Hobbies: Working Out
Friends & Family: Dates Sumi Fukushima (Student #2)
Personality: Complete Pervert

Student #23: Kikushi, Ami
Earth 3/Water 5/Fire 7/Air 1/Fear 9
Popularity: Average
Best Friend: Nakajima, Kaku (RAM)
Rival: Suzuki, Ayaka (Armok)
Hobbies: Shopping
Friends & Family: Wealthy Family
« Last Edit: October 12, 2010, 09:21:56 pm by Grakelin »
I am have extensive knowledge of philosophy and a strong morality
Okay, so, today this girl I know-Lauren, just took a sudden dis-interest in talking to me. Is she just on her period or something?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Classroom Deathmatch - Battle Royale Forum PnP
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2010, 04:21:33 pm »

I am interested, but we should keep the descriptions somewhat tame, as this forum does have standards.

Also, there is no least popular and 2 most popular...
Vote (1) for the Urist scale!
I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
Read the First Post!


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Re: Classroom Deathmatch - Battle Royale Forum PnP
« Reply #9 on: October 10, 2010, 04:23:54 pm »

Best friend: Ottofar
Rival: Armok
Will you make it out alive?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Classroom Deathmatch - Battle Royale Forum PnP
« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2010, 04:29:49 pm »

I am interested, but we should keep the descriptions somewhat tame, as this forum does have standards.

Also, there is no least popular and 2 most popular...


It's okay at game start if more than one person is most or least popular. That's just how they start out in the classroom dynamic. After the first vote, there will only be one of each.

I'll add you to the list in the other post!
I am have extensive knowledge of philosophy and a strong morality
Okay, so, today this girl I know-Lauren, just took a sudden dis-interest in talking to me. Is she just on her period or something?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Classroom Deathmatch - Battle Royale Forum PnP
« Reply #11 on: October 10, 2010, 04:33:00 pm »

So says Armok, God of blood.


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Re: Classroom Deathmatch - Battle Royale Forum PnP
« Reply #12 on: October 10, 2010, 04:58:02 pm »

Best Friend: Yamada, Oki
Rival: Azuma, "Kid" Roko
Vote (1) for the Urist scale!
I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
Read the First Post!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Classroom Deathmatch - Battle Royale Forum PnP
« Reply #13 on: October 10, 2010, 05:13:05 pm »

Also, if you want to get really creative, you'll notice there are blank spaces under "Hobbies, Family & Friends, Personality". Fill each of those in with one short descriptor each, similar to what is already there. For instance, under 'Hobbies', I might put in 'Building Birdhouses' or 'Can tie knots'. It just fleshes out your character a bit more. Also, if you can combine a trait with an action in conflict, you get to bump your die up a level (from d6 to d8 to d10 to d12).

Totally optional, though.
I am have extensive knowledge of philosophy and a strong morality
Okay, so, today this girl I know-Lauren, just took a sudden dis-interest in talking to me. Is she just on her period or something?


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Re: Classroom Deathmatch - Battle Royale Forum PnP
« Reply #14 on: October 10, 2010, 06:22:51 pm »

Personality:Willing to go with the flow but stubborn on occation/
"Those who guard their back encounter death from the front." - Drow Proverb.
I will punch you in the soul if you do that again.
"I'm going to kill another dragon and then see if I can't DUAL-WIELD DRAGONS!
Because I can"-WolfTengu
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