So, fooling around with a savage embark. I have what I think is a secure moat (so far, all the caravans have come in via the bridge) and a burrow that encompasses the area inside the moat. I have a civilian alert on that burrow. I also have a scattering of cage traps out there to catch elephants and other delightful fauna; I d-b-f forbade them, to be reclaimed individually when there aren't ambushes and wild tigermen swarming around. For good measure, I also forbade every single cage and mechanism in the whole damn place via z-stocks.
My civilians are still trooping out like suicidal lemmings, wandering halfway across the screen to store Armok knows what in a damned stockpile. I tried actually assigning them all to the burrow I had the alert on, which seems to do nothing.
Restricting them to a burrow worked beautifully in .14. What am I doing wrong here? :[
Deleted burrow, turned off alert. Remade burrow, turned alert back on. Worked wonderfully.
Then I decided to expand the burrow a few squares to include some of the traps right by the bridge, so the mechanics could sneak out and reload them. They ignored them. Turned off their hauling, idled their workshops. Nothing. Turned alert off and back on. They hauled off the cages and started reloading.
(Next stupid question that was almost asked: Why aren't they using all those empty cages, the stockpile is in the burrow and I have about eighty bajillion green glass--right, green glass... the color of forbidden.)
So, yeah. Turn it off and turn it back on. Dur hur hur.