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Author Topic: Bellwaxed: Humans and Harpies (Succession Fort)  (Read 39518 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bellwaxed: Humans and Harpies (Succession Fort)
« Reply #195 on: January 08, 2011, 01:58:18 pm »

Okay, the turn list is updated.  Have fun and good luck, Duck.


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Re: Bellwaxed: Humans and Harpies (Succession Fort)
« Reply #196 on: January 09, 2011, 03:32:04 pm »

It doesn't look like I'll have an update today -- I was about two months in when I got a BSOD. But, for your viewing pleasure, I present "The Grizzle of Chambers," the world's lightest, most valuable anvil:

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The strange-mood blacksmith produced this. We'll have to see whether he produces the same thing next time (I figure he will, since he had all the materials and was working when the year started).

Edit: No need to repeat myself.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2011, 03:38:13 pm by DuckThatQuacks »

Baron Baconeer

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Re: Bellwaxed: Humans and Harpies (Succession Fort)
« Reply #197 on: January 09, 2011, 03:34:31 pm »

I bet he makes an adamantine bucket or millstone this time.
Yes, mother ****ing walruses stormed in through my well room, fatally gored my expedition leader, and danced off into the frosty tundra to sing happy walrus songs about oysters.


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Re: Bellwaxed: Humans and Harpies (Succession Fort)
« Reply #198 on: January 10, 2011, 09:11:08 pm »

DF is crashing with alarming frequency, which is slowing things down. In the past three hours, I have managed to get through a little more than a month of game time. I've now gone a whole six in-game days without a crash, though, so I am hoping that I am past all the tough spot. Unfortunately, I need to go to sleep now, so look for an update covering the events of the first month or three tomorrow.


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Re: Bellwaxed: Humans and Harpies (Succession Fort)
« Reply #199 on: January 11, 2011, 09:37:06 pm »

Besmar "DuckThatQuacks" Logemfoker, Bombardier and Captain of Artillery, surveyed her work. In the two months since she had been given command of the day-to-day operations of the fortress Bellwaxed she had, she felt, accomplished quite a lot. Most production had been moved to a centralized location, close to the newly constructed plebeian living district. A skilled engineer was creating enough masterwork parts for a battery of ballistae, while the forges were churning out bronze bars for future use. Pillboxes were rising across the surrounding landscape. Her thoughts were turned to the coming summer.

"I think," she said to Cerol Bersirab, her aide de camp, "that we'll spend the summer reorganizing the civilian workforce."

"Do you think that will go over well with the Commandant?" Cerol asked. "We're supposed to be a military outpost, after all. He and the other officers may resent it if you pay too much attention to the civvies."

"I think I can convince them of the necessity. We're at the dawn of a new generation of warfare. A handful of adamantine-clad champions will no longer be enough to defend us; they'll need to be supported by dozens (if not hundreds) of conscripts--"

"And heavy artillery," added Cerol.

"And heavy artillery," Duck agreed. "Producing the necessary quantity of equipment will require a well-organized and productive civilian economy. It's a shame we don't have any flux stone here -- I would have preferred to use steel, but I guess we'll have to make do with bronze ins--" she broke off at the sound of panicked shouts coming from outside the fort.

"What's going on up there?" she shouted up the stairs to the lookouts.

"It got the masons!" someone shouted back. "They're gone!"

Duck turned to Cerol. "Go inform the Commandant that we appear to be under attack," she said. "I'm going to take a look."

"Yes ma'am," he replied, turning and disappearing into the bowels of the fort.

Duck climbed the stairs to the top of the walls, looked eastward and saw -- nothing. Or, rather, something but not anything in particular -- just a wall of... blue... engulfing the landscape. As she watched, a woodcutter, racing back towards the fort, was overtaken and consumed.

"Clear the walls!" she shouted to the watchdwarves, as she ran to the nearest siege engine. The guards got out of the way as she trained it on the advancing mass. Offering a silent prayer to Ilon, she fired.

The adamantine-tipped bolt tore through the air, racing towards the blue. It met the mass and... nothing happened. The bolt disappeared into the wall, which continued to advance. She raced to another ballista. As she aimed, she heard a twang of bowstrings -- marksdwarves firing their crossbows. Neither their shots, nor the second ballista bolt, had any effect.

"Fall back!" she cried. "We can seal the fortress and take cover underground." She and the soldiers retreated, as the blue began engulfing the gates. But any hope they had of safety was lost when they heard the screaming echoing through the halls of Bellwaxed.

"Duck!" someone cried. Looking around (which was easy, as everyone had dropped flat), Duck saw that it was Cerol.

"What's going on?" she asked him.

"It's in here, too!" he replied. "The Commandant is gathering troops in the dining hall. You're ordered to use the training catapults to fight it as best you can. The rest of you, with me!" Cerol and the soldiers rushed off, leaving Duck alone with a handful of panicked plebs.

"Get as far west as you can!" she told them, before running down to the training room.

She had little time to prepare before the mass emerged from the wall. In rapid succession, she fired each of the three training catapults. But there was no effect, and she had nowhere left to run. Distantly, she heard Sergeant Fivex ordering survivors to retreat to the caverns, and then she was engulfed by a field of blue.

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"...and I've been assigned as your aide de camp," Cerol finished.

"Good, good," Duck said, distractedly. She had never spoken to Cerol before, and when he showed up at her table, she had had no idea what he was going to talk to her about. And yet, somehow, if she had had to guess, she would have said that it felt like the Commandant had, in light of the rumors of new weapons being developed by the humans, appointed her overseer of the fortress, given her free reign to modernize the military, and assigned Cerol as her aide de camp. When it had become clear that this was exactly what Cerol had come to tell her, she had stopped paying attention to him.

She was already thinking about what changes she would make. "Glad to have your assistance," she said. "Meet me in the quartermaster's office at 1430. I think our first order of business will be to issue new production orders, and to draw up plans for a new--"

"...and I've been--"

"-- assigned as my aide de camp," Duck interrupted, finishing Cerol's sentence.

"Yes, exactly," he said, looking a bit taken aback. "When would you like to talk to the quartermaster about production orders?"

Now it was Duck's turn to be taken aback. "I never said anything about production orders," she said.

"You're right," Cerol replied. "I guess you didn't. But I was pretty sure that's what you wanted to deal with first."

"Yes, it is. Let's speak with the quartermaster at 1430."

That afternoon, they met Quartermaster Felcis in her office.
"I'm afraid steel is out of the question," she told them. "We just don't have any flux stone here."

"But according to the surveyors," Cerol said, "we have both tin and copper. We can produce bronze instead."

"Yes, I suppose," said Duck. "Put through the orders to start smelting bronze." Cerol made a note on his notepad, and Felcis went off to fetch the necessary forms.

"Now, I noticed from the personnel roster that we have an extremely skilled siege engineer," Duck said to Cerol. "Why isn't he doing anything?"

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"As near as I can tell, it's because there are no orders for siege equipment at the moment," Cerol replied, leafing through his notes.

"Well, there are now. Have him produce ballista parts until further notice."

"Yes ma'am," Cerol said, writing in his notepad. At that moment, Felcis came back into the room.

"I've got the forms here," she said. "But before I fill them out, is there anything else you'll need from me?"

"Not at present," said Duck. She turned to Cerol. "We need to begin laying out plans for a new, centralized Craftsdwarves' Ward."

"Right," he said. "I'll track down the miners for consultation--"

"I've got the forms here," Felcis said, coming back into the room. "Is there anything else you'll need from me?"

"I already told you, no!" Duck said. "We need lay out plans for a Craftsdwarves' Ward."

"You didn't tell me that yet," Felcis said, defensively.

"Yes I did," said Duck, uncertainly. "Didn't I?"

"Did you?" Felcis asked. "It does sound familiar."

"Something weird is going on here," Duck said.

Edit: There are two "r"s in "order".
« Last Edit: January 11, 2011, 09:41:40 pm by DuckThatQuacks »


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Re: Bellwaxed: Humans and Harpies (Succession Fort)
« Reply #200 on: January 12, 2011, 03:18:18 am »

I really enjoy your writing Duck, clever plot device you have there.  These recurring-BSODs cause some concern though.  Are they still happening or were you able to pass the trouble spots?


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Re: Bellwaxed: Humans and Harpies (Succession Fort)
« Reply #201 on: January 12, 2011, 10:04:32 pm »

I really enjoy your writing Duck, clever plot device you have there.  These recurring-BSODs cause some concern though.  Are they still happening or were you able to pass the trouble spots?

I seem to have made it through the trouble spot. More at the end of this (long) post.

"I don't know, maybe we were all just imagining it," Cerol said, as he and Duck emerged from a meeting with the miners to draw up new construction plans. Cerol was finishing his notes on the meeting as they walked.

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It had been a day since the odd events of their meeting with the Quartermaster.

"I suppose so -- things seem normal enough," Duck admitted. "I guess it was just a synchronized bout of deja vu. What's next on our agenda?"

"We've got a meeting with the officers at 1500. There've been some complaints from the rank and file."

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"Alright. In preparation, I'd like you to put together a list of all active soldiers, along with their current training schedules."

"Right. I'll see you at 1500."

Elsewhere in the fortress...
Obok Gasolshem wiped the sweat from his eyes. For the first time in weeks, he fully realized what he was looking at.


Laboring deep in the bowels of the earth, he had produced a masterpiece, the likes of which had never been seen before. Taking it in his arms, he ran up to the dining hall, where he hoisted it triumphantly above his head.

"Behold, the fruit of my labors," he shouted, "Enol Mafol!"

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The assembled dwarves clapped awkwardly. They didn't feel much like clapping: Enol Mafol just didn't seem very... novel. But, when they thought about it, it was novel, and, really, it did deserve applause. So the clapped, but only because they felt they had to.

Their ambivalence showed.

"Philistines," Obok muttered to himself, putting the anvil under his arm and walking off to get a drink.

"I suppose so," Duck said. "Things seem... normal..." she trailed off. "No, I'm pretty sure something is up. This is not just a synchronized bout of deja vu."

Cerol nodded. "Yeah, I think you're right," he said. "What are we going to do about it?"

"We should probably start by interviewing people," Duck replied. "We've got to have more information."

"Alright," said Cerol. "Shall I cancel your appointment with the officers?"

"Have I scheduled it yet?" Duck asked.

Cerol consulted his notes. "Yes, it looks like you have. Right here: 'Meet with officers Re: complaints, 1500.'"

"Okay, go ahead and cancel it. This is more important than a few disgruntled privates."

Elsewhere in the fortress...
Obok Gasolshem wiped the sweat from his eyes. For the first time in weeks, he fully realized what he was looking at.


Laboring deep in the bowels of the earth, he had produced a masterpiece, the likes of which had never been seen before. Taking it in his arms, he ran up to the dining hall, where he hoisted it triumphantly above his head.

"Behold, the fruit of my labors," he shouted, "Enol Mafol!"

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There was no applause. Most of the dwarves barely even looked up from their drinks.

"Meh," someone said. "It's been done."

"No it hasn't!" Obok insisted. "I've only just now completed it! How could it have been done before?"

The other dwarf shrugged and turned back to her drink.

Obok had to hold back tears as he left the room, his unappreciated masterpiece tucked under his arm.

Later that day, Duck and Cerol went over their notes in the dining hall.

"It sure looks like this isn't an isolated phenomenon," Cerol said. Nearly everyone they had talked to had reported the odd, deja vu-like experiences.

"You've got that right," Duck agreed. "Did you notice any patterns in what people told us?"

"A lot of people talked about feeling strange about Obok's new anvil, but it probably just sticks in their minds because it was such a big deal. Or should have been," he added.

"And he came out of the forges at around 1030 -- just about the time we finished talking to the miners," Duck said.

"You think the anvil has something to do with it?" asked Cerol.

"Maybe, but... it doesn't feel right. After all, the anvil was incomplete yesterday during our meeting with the Quartermaster." She thought for a moment. "Regardless, we need to talk with the Commandant about this. Schedule a meeting."

"Yes ma'am," Cerol said, making a note of it on his notepad.

"Duck!" someone cried. Looking around as everyone dived to the floor, Duck saw that the speaker was Mayor Zonkubuk.

"Yes, Mr. Mayor?" she said.

"I hear ye're going to dig out some new workshops!" he said.

"That's right," Duck replied. "We finalized the plans this morning."

"Good on ye, lass," said the Mayor. "Just make sure ye've got enough tools for the job. We don't want any scuffles breaking out oe'r who gets the best equipment." He handed her a form.

"Uh, will do, Mr. Mayor," Duck said.

"Good, good," the mayor responded, wandering off in search of a drink. Sighing, Duck passed the form to Cerol.

"I'll go post the work orders at the forges," he said.

"Leave your notes with me," Duck said. "I want to go ov--"

"Duck!" someone cried. Duck dived to the floor along with everyone else.

"Duck! Are ye here lass?" the mayor asked. "Eh, well, it'll have to wait." He walked back out of the room.

"I suppose this isn't all bad," Duck said to Cerol.

"It does have it's upsides," he agreed. "Honestly, we have plenty of picks alrea--"

He was interrupted by screams. "It sounds like it's coming from the hospital!" said Duck. They rushed out of the room, gathering a handful of soldiers as they ran towards the hospital. When they arrived they found a soldier huddled in the corner, and a surgeon standing over a dwarf in one of the beds, shaking his head.

"What happened here?" Duck demanded.

"That fellow," the surgeon said, indicating the huddled soldier, "appears to have snapped and bashed this poor dwarf's head in."

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"He was crippled," the surgeon went on. "He never had a chance."

"Take him to the dungeons," Duck told the soldiers, pointing to the murderer.

"Um, we don't, strictly speaking, have any dungeons," Cerol said.


"We have no officially-designated dungeons, ma'am, and no police force to carry out arrests." Cerol explained.

"Fine. But at least get him out of the hospital," Duck said. The soldiers dragged the dwarf out. "Cerol," Duck continued, "Make a note that we need to bring this up with the Commandant, too. A dwarf is dead, and we have no official way to punish the culprit."

Cerol nodded and began writing in his notepad.

The next day, they met with the Commandant.

"So you think," he said to Duck, "that we are somehow being forced to re-live certain periods of time. Am I correct?"

"Yes, sir," she said. "Our investigation suggests that it is not just a synchronized bout of deja vu."

"Well then we need to do someth--" he paused. "Hold on, where's my scepter?"

"Your scepter, sir?" an aide asked.

"Yes, my bloody scepter. I'm a baron now, and people need to know that I'm a baron. A scepter tells them that, and," he paused for a breath, "I distinctly remember issuing orders for a scepter and several backups!"

Cerol and the Commandant's aide quickly went over their notes. "Sir," Cerol said, nervously, "there's no record here of you ever issuing those orders."

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"Well I'm bloody well issuing some now!" the Commandant yelled.

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"And write it down, so you don't forget!" he shouted to Cerol. Cerol began making a note of it while the Commandant turned back to Duck.

"Anyway," he said, "we need to do something about this. It may be some plot by the humans and goblins to unbalance us. Continue your investigations until you figure out what's going on and how we stop it."

"Yes sir," said Duck. "Now, there was something else I wanted to talk to you about. Some of the soldiers are showing signs of excessive stress and--" She stopped as a commotion came from the hall. Two soldiers came in, hauling a third between them.

"Sir," one of them said, "this dwarf has committed murder. Again."

"Who's the victim?" asked the Commandant.

"Some stoneworker," the soldier replied. "Witnesses report that this guy had it in for him. They say he ran halfway across the fortress, with murder in his eyes, to confront the victim"

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"Well, put him under guard. We'll have a court-martial tomo--"

"Anyway," said the Commandant, "we need to do something about this. It may be some... plot... did I already say this?"

"Maybe?" said Duck.

"Regardless: Duck, you are to figure out what's causing these disruptions and how to kill it."

"Yes sir," she said. "Now, as you might recall, there I wanted to talk to you about the stress on our soldiers--" She was interrupted as a glum-looking dwarf walked through the door.

"Sir, I need to talk to you," said Olon Berdakas.

"Who are you, soldier?" the Commandant demanded. "Why aren't you at your post? Or did you kill someone?"

"No, sir, not since yesterday in the hospital. I've come to inform you that I'm resigning," Olon said.

"What? You don't get to resign!" the Commandant shouted, "Here in Bellwaxed, we serve in the military for life!"

"Well then I'm resigning from life," Olon said, quietly. "It's too much for me." He turned and walked slowly from the room.

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"Don't bother going after him," the Commandant told his guards. "I've seen that look before -- he's already dead on the inside."

"Excuse me, sir," said Duck, "but this is exactly the sort of thing I was worried about. Our soldiers are never allowed to time off. They're under a great deal of stress."

"If they can't take the constant training, they shouldn't be soldiers!" the Commandant said.

"Maybe... but, well, you have asked me to modernize the military, and I think that's going to involve fielding a lot more soldiers. We can't have them all working all the time."

"Fine, fine," said the Commandant. "They can take one month in five off. That should be enough for any dwarf."

Duck held back her argument. There were more important things to deal with.

"You there," the Commandant said, pointing to Cerol. "Have that dwarf's name stricken from the personnel roster. He's no good to anyone any longer."

"Yes sir," Cerol said, writing it down on his notepad. The Commandant turned to Duck.

"Now then, Bombardier, you have work to attend to," the Commandant said. "Find a way to stop the disturbances we've been having."

"Yes sir," Duck replied. "Cerol, come with me. We'll go over the--"

As Cerol finished writing on his notepad, the Commandant turned to Duck.

"Now then, Bombardier, you have work to attend to," the Commandant said. "Find a way to stop the disturbances we've been having."

"Yes sir," Duck replied. "Cerol, I want to take a look at--"

As Cerol finished writing on his notepad, the Commandant turned to Duck.

"Now then, Bombardier, you have work to attend to," the Commandant said. "Find a way to -- you know."

"Yes sir," Duck replied. "Cerol... Cerol, write down everything we're doing!"

"What?" Cerol asked.

"What?" the Commandant asked.

"Make a note of what we're doing Cerol, now!" Duck demanded. Cerol began scribbling.

"What in Armok's name are you thinking?" demanded the Commandant.

"What in Armok's name are you thinking?" demanded the Commandant.

"Sir, I have a theory," said Duck. "When we... skip backwards in time... we go back to the last time we wrote something down!"

"Which 'we' is writing stuff down?" asked the Commandant. "And what qualifies as 'stuff'?"

"I don't know, sir," replied Duck. "But with your permission, I think I could figure that out."


"Come with me, then, Cerol." said Duck. "There's Science to do."

Two days later, they were back in the Commandant's office.

"It seems, sir, that it doesn't particularly matter who writes something down, as long as it is written in some sort of official capacity," Duck explained. "As for what needs to be written down, it appears that, once an event is entered into official notes or logs, we never 'skip' back past it."

"I see," said the Commandant. "So you've figured out an effective, if tedious, way to mitigate this."

"Yes sir."

"But you haven't stopped it outright."

"No, but perhaps whoever is responsible will give up when they see that it is no longer causing us problems."

"Perhaps," said the Commandant, "though that depends on how well they can tell whether we're having problems or not. Still, I don't want to focus on this any longer. There are other things to be done."

"Indeed, sir. In fact, I believe the lookouts spotted some new arrivals. With your permission, I'd like to go process them."


Duck and Cerol went up to the gates, where they began interviewing the arriving dwarves.

"Profession?" Duck asked the first.

"Planter," he replied. Cerol wrote it down.


"Profession?" Duck asked the second migrant. The skip had been almost imperceptible.

"Furnace operator," she replied.

"This works remarkably well," Duck said to Cerol, as he wrote on his notepad. "We've almost completely... alleviated... the..." she stopped for a moment. "Cerol," she said abruptly, "continue to process these migrants. I have to speak with the Commandant."

She burst into the Commandant's office as he was holding a meeting with the senior officers.

"Bombardier!" he shouted "What is the meaning of this intrusion?"

"Sir!" she said, "I've had an idea!"

"It had better be a damned good one for you to interrupt this meeting."

"Sir, we can use it!" Duck said.

"Use what?" the Commandant asked.

"The disturbance! We go back to the last time we wrote something down, but we can sort of remember what happened! We only have to log favorable events! If bad things happen, we just don't write anything down, and the next skip gives us a second chance! We could refight a battle until we won! We'd be unstoppable!"

"An interesting idea, Bombardier," the Commandant mused.

"Shall I go get Cerol and the other Designated Loggers and start working out a protocol?"


"He's up there with the migr-- wait, what?"

"No, do not set up a protocol," said the Commandant.

"Are you serious, sir?" asked Duck. Based on their faces, several of the officers in the room were just as shocked at the Commandant's pronouncement.

"Yes, Bombardier, I am serious," he said. "We are not going to do this."

"But we would never lose!" said Duck. "Why shouldn't seize this advantage?"

"Because," said the Commandant, "that would be cheating."

So, as I said, I appear to be through the troublesome spot. I've gone a whole in-game month without a crash now, and have not seen any full-on Blue Screens of Death since the very first one. After close to eight hours of play, I'm almost through the first season.

Now, my girlfriend will be visiting me this weekend (I haven't seen her in months), so I won't be playing DF at all Friday through Monday. If you would rather not wait, I can finish up the first season tomorrow, write a short report for the rest of the season (not much has happened; it is mostly progress on things mentioned in this one), and post the save for the next person to take over before the weekend. If, on the other hand, you don't mind waiting, I'd be happy to take up the fort again next week after my girlfriend has left.

Also, advice on how to space dialog is welcome. Everything I do ends up looking awkward.


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Re: Bellwaxed: Humans and Harpies (Succession Fort)
« Reply #202 on: January 12, 2011, 11:39:11 pm »

Damn right it would be cheating!  We have too much honor to resort to such sorcery.

Anyway, thanks for getting Bellwaxed through the blue wall of death.  I don't mind waiting, personally.  As for spacing dialogue, the way you have it is perfectly readable, I don't really know a better way to do it.  Now, about those scepters...


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Re: Bellwaxed: Humans and Harpies (Succession Fort)
« Reply #203 on: January 13, 2011, 12:33:11 am »

Ducks writing is supurb! Keep it up!

Hopefully bellwaxed wont be destroyed by constant blue-screening...
Forgotten Beasts seem to be akin to Toady playing Russian Roulette with your fortress, as they can be anything from harmless giant worms made of mud to necrotic-gas spewing nigh-invunerable iron hydras of doom.


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Re: Bellwaxed: Humans and Harpies (Succession Fort)
« Reply #204 on: January 13, 2011, 09:16:22 pm »

I've played through the spring, with no more crashes. So that's good. Unfortunately, I had no time to write an update, so that will have to wait. But here's a small preview:

With his remaining good arm, Iden managed to pull his axe from the goblin's corpse. Looking around, he saw that the group of goblins they'd been fighting was still clustered around Crafty. The latter was bobbing and weaving, bashing opponents with his crossbow. He had no armor to speak of, but so far had managed to avoid being hit. But as Iden started limping over to help, a goblin's whip caught Crafty around the ankle. He went down, and the goblins fell upon him.

"They got Crafty!" Iden shouted to Cerol. He immediately regretted it as the goblins turned back towards him. "Damn," Iden muttered. He began limping away as fast as he could. "Cerol, help me out here!" he shouted. He looked around as he ran "C'mon Cerol, where are you?!"

He tripped over something.

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Have the goblins finally defeated Bellwaxed's mighty army? Find out next week on the Bay 12 Forums.

« Last Edit: January 13, 2011, 09:21:12 pm by DuckThatQuacks »


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Re: Bellwaxed: Humans and Harpies (Succession Fort)
« Reply #205 on: January 20, 2011, 09:05:06 pm »

Update: after a bad few days, I'm able to play DF again, and am through the second season (running at ~15 FPS). I've encountered a problematic bug: the military crashes DF. The game kept on crashing at exactly the same spot -- I had it to the point where, as soon as I unpaused after loading the game, it crashed. I managed to get past it by disbanding the entire military. However, creating a new military causes the game to crash almost immediately. I'll see if I can get past this problem, too, but in the meantime, I have no military. Unfortunately, Bellwaxed needs its military -- without it, it will be difficult to get rid of the 150+ invaders on the map.


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Re: Bellwaxed: Humans and Harpies (Succession Fort)
« Reply #206 on: January 21, 2011, 12:53:37 pm »

Gah.  This sounds just like a bug I saw in a personal fort I had running.  Ended up abandoning it due to the crashing.  If we can't get around this we'll need to roll back to an older save to continue, or find a spectacular way to kill everyone.

Have you tried drafting them without assigning equipment or uniforms?  Maybe a bugged item is causing the problem, but that's just a wild guess.


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Re: Bellwaxed: Humans and Harpies (Succession Fort)
« Reply #207 on: January 21, 2011, 01:19:52 pm »

Out of curiosity, did abandoning the fort make the save viable for future fortresses?


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Re: Bellwaxed: Humans and Harpies (Succession Fort)
« Reply #208 on: January 21, 2011, 02:08:02 pm »

I was able to reclaim without it crashing immediately, but I didn't stick with it.  I was frustrated since I'd just got the king when the problem started and I couldn't figure out what was causing the problem.


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Re: Bellwaxed: Humans and Harpies (Succession Fort)
« Reply #209 on: January 21, 2011, 11:56:54 pm »

I've had no success rebuilding the regular military, but there are other ways to fight. I've finished the year, so look for an update and the save tomorrow.
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