Journal of xczxc, an ordinary peasant
5th Malachite, 523We are in the middle of the Summer and it's deadly hot...all the lakes have dried and the air is moist, there are a lot of bugs. I envy the dwarves who doesn't have to go to the surface to build.
The overall attitude is optimism: we have been doing very good lately. There is no sign of monsters, humans or goblins. Life is peaceful. One can almost forget that there is a war going on with brave dwarves getting slaughtered every can almost forget...
15th Malachite, 523For several weeks, Tekkud refused to drink or eat. Today he collapsed in the middle of the dinning room.
He was half naked. Two dwarves have died since we first arrived and one has been born. Tekkud wasn't exactly the social kind for he spent half a year hiding in a workshop, so very few people will miss him.
Argembarger is starving. Nobody wants to give him food and he is too weak to get some.
He has been near death more times than the rest of us together and he is still here, because of that, Zaik nicknamed him Argembarger "dead-dodger" Mebzuthnëlas. The dwarves are rumoring he is eaten plump helmet, specially with that mangled spine, and nobody wants to have a burden to care for. Perhaps that's why no one is feeding him.
26th Malachite, 523The glorious Squad of the Godly Mechanisms has been disbanded and the Oily Gulfs has been created, featuring 4 full-time soldiers. We all have high expectations for this squad. Training has started.
2nd Galena, 523Elephants have been spotted in the surroundings.
The Oily Gulfs are still too weak for any encounters so I ordered to raise the first bridge. We are sealed until further notice.
The linking of the upright spears at the danger room has begun.
6th Galena, 523Argembarger received food and water today. He is starting to feel depressed. The doctors still haven't diagnosed him, but they think he will probably never walk again...poor dwarf.
10th Galena, 523I have ordered to place several stone-fall traps thorough the whole fortress except on the way to the hospital (we don't want a dwarf passing out over a trap). If enemies enter the fortress or if someone goes berserk, we will be protected.
19th Galena, 523A giant mole entered the fort. It was a nice time for the Oily Gulfs to shine.
One on the new recruits, Thob Lertethèrith, chopped the mole to little pieces all by himself.
Afterwards, he said he enjoyed it thoroughly.
20th Galena, 523Atís Idenurvad, a novice surgeon, went to check how her patient was doing and found Argembarger trying to choke himself with a piece of camel meat someone gave him before.
He cried, telling her how he has heard everyone talking that he is a pest and that he won't walk again. He forced her to tell him that that was a lie, that everyone still loved him, that he would walk...Argembarger then tried to leave the bed, fell down to the floor and he started crawling with tears on his face.
Going to my room I encountered two dwarves talking about how they all expected that to happen and I could not help thinking that they were right. However, he is one of the starting seven and was a very popular guy, back there, in his golden days.