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Author Topic: Bellwaxed: Humans and Harpies (Succession Fort)  (Read 39532 times)


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Re: Bellwaxed: Humans and Harpies (Succession Fort)
« Reply #120 on: October 29, 2010, 10:30:04 am »

Well it's been three days, and FlyingDwarf's profile says he hasn't been active in over a week.  Maybe suspend his turn for Felcis'?


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Re: Bellwaxed: Humans and Harpies (Succession Fort)
« Reply #121 on: October 29, 2010, 04:31:28 pm »

Well, I would be ready, but I canīt play much tomorrow anyway, so we should wait till Sunday at least.


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Re: Bellwaxed: Humans and Harpies (Succession Fort)
« Reply #122 on: October 29, 2010, 04:40:14 pm »

Sounds good, let's wait till Sunday.


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Re: Bellwaxed: Humans and Harpies (Succession Fort)
« Reply #123 on: October 29, 2010, 08:08:32 pm »

Poor Flyingdwarf, he looked so eager to play when it started.


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Re: Bellwaxed: Humans and Harpies (Succession Fort)
« Reply #124 on: October 29, 2010, 09:47:05 pm »

I suppose he could always reapply.
Quote from: penguinofhonor
Quote from: miauw62
This guy needs to write a biography about Columbus. I would totally buy it.
I can see it now.

trying to make a different's: the life of Columbus


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Re: Bellwaxed: Humans and Harpies (Succession Fort)
« Reply #125 on: October 29, 2010, 11:16:06 pm »

He's got the day to respond.  I'm hoping he checks in.  It's the elf in me.

On a side note, I've been thinking.  Humans in cages.  Human zoo.

edit, sorry, drinking again
« Last Edit: October 29, 2010, 11:19:23 pm by SethCreiyd »


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Re: Bellwaxed: Humans and Harpies (Succession Fort)
« Reply #126 on: October 31, 2010, 04:56:59 am »

I guess I will get starting now. I already took a few looks at the legends and thought a bit about the history of our kingdom. This is the first time I ever got to play an actual round in a succession game, so letīs see what I can do. :D

Maybe I manage to post the first update some time during this day.


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Re: Bellwaxed: Humans and Harpies (Succession Fort)
« Reply #127 on: October 31, 2010, 09:13:44 am »

Journal of Felcis Nokgollikot, manager of Bellwaxed


"The last hope of 'The Ordered Hatchets'"..."'the light that will guide us through the dark'"...

To be honest, it was not easy to share the valor and cheerful optimism of my fellow dwarfes when we first set out to fulfill the final order of her majesty. Though member of the royal guard in title, I was always more of a mere steward to the late queen and working with raw letters and numbers all day teaches one to have a pragmatic view on reality, unimpressed by dreams of dwarfen heroism. Especially with a history like ours...

Yes, I feared for our expedition to fail after a few years. I feared for it to be sabotaged by jealous contestants for the throne, more goblin in soul than dwarven. I feared for us to be killed by Ogres, Lions and whatever wildlife prowled these lands, before even entering RŒsen's domain under the earth and for the elves of "The Heather of Inking" to root out our still young settlement after only 1 or 2 years, as they did so many times before. And of course I feared for our arch nemesi, the savage goblins and treacherous humans, to come down on us and rob everyhing that we hold dear including our very lives, only to then continue to do the same for our capital.

Seeing our halls now, 4 years later, it seems like dwarven survival spirit might trump the allegedly hopeless odds after all. Our walls and defensive mechanisms are strong and well secured and our military is well trained and equipped, turning every dangerous threat so far into mutilated corpses. Our stocks are bursting full with food and other important goods and our artisans continue to produce even more. Most of all though, we managed to secure of adamantine, the metal of the gods, which may very well turn the tide in this entire bloody war...

Our past overseers have certainly done well in creating a formidable outpost and rekindling the flame of hope in many dwarves including myself. Now it is the time for me to make amends for my undwarvenly doubts and feed that flame even further...


1st Granite 526:

I was just sitting in my small office and about to finish to assign the last of the old working orders from 525, when our doctor and overseer 'Mzbundifund' entered with some labelled stone plates in his hands.

"More reports and orders?" , I asked him. "Just put them on the table."
"Actually, no", he replied. "Spring has arrived and by tradition the lead needs to pass on to another. And with you being here since the beginning and already organizing the production anyway, we thought..."
"Understood.". I left my chair and took the documents out of his hands. "I will not disappoint you." With that I left the office to begin my assignement with a short inspection of our home.

Of course, there were no real surprises for me, as I lived and managed things here for years. Most workshops were abandoned at the moment, most likely to give me an easier start, there were no unwanted entrances to our main fort and we lacked for nothing of vital importance. I noticed however that we had almost no spare furniture at hand and most dwarves even lacked simple cabinets and containers to store their belongings. I will remember to change that in time.

After returning to my office I found 'DuckThatQuacks', our genius of heavy war machinery, waiting for me. He informed me that while he is happy with his placement on our battlements, he is unable to hit incoming invaders who are running over the ground below him. His ballistic weapon supposedly lacks the ability to shoot up- and downwards, or so he claims.

While that sounds like a rather stupid design flaw or even just a bold excuse for him to have a more comfortable seat, I am not in the mood to argue with a highly valued expert over his field of work, so I assured him that I will find a solution.

2st Granite 526:

While I was still busy assigning our workers to their new tasks, someone was shouting directly below my office.

It seems like I am not the only one who craves for a better availability of furniture. As if to set an example 'Dignato' storms of to claim the nearest carpenterīs workshop and starts collecting wood.

7th Granite 526:

I tightened the training schedule of our military a bit, to prevent them from dying of boredom. They may be already tough as nails, but Iīm not willing to take chances with the vanguard of our civilization.

I also insisted on putting our caged dogs to good use. The 3 hunting dogs can support a hunter if we employ one someday and the war dogs will make decent escorts for important civilians.


I would be excited, but I still got some planning to do.

Yeah, I only played a few days so far and nothing really happened, but I spend some time planning and wanted to get the introduction out of the way before I continue. Also sorry for the bad screenshot quality, I forgot to not use .jpg for screens., learn, forget and relearn.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bellwaxed: Humans and Harpies (Succession Fort)
« Reply #128 on: November 02, 2010, 02:35:30 pm »

Too bad the mood is a possession, we could really use a legendary furniture crafter of some sort.


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Re: Bellwaxed: Humans and Harpies (Succession Fort)
« Reply #129 on: November 02, 2010, 05:45:05 pm »

I can't resist an opportunity to follow DuckThatQuacks. Sign me up!


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Re: Bellwaxed: Humans and Harpies (Succession Fort)
« Reply #130 on: November 02, 2010, 09:47:36 pm »

Something oddly exciting about my dwarf getting possessed... I hope I turn out something good!


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Re: Bellwaxed: Humans and Harpies (Succession Fort)
« Reply #131 on: November 02, 2010, 10:52:31 pm »

Ahh, artifacts are always so much fun! So exciting...  :o

Also: I'm so looking forward to seeing what my dorf [Donpatrick] does in other people's turns. First succession game, so I'm mad excited! ;D


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Re: Bellwaxed: Humans and Harpies (Succession Fort)
« Reply #132 on: November 03, 2010, 04:43:01 am »

I am LOVING this succession game

For what it is worth...LET THE NUKE SIGN UP. :D

I assume my turn would  be after DuckThatQuacks and Glacial...of course.  :P
Forgotten Beasts seem to be akin to Toady playing Russian Roulette with your fortress, as they can be anything from harmless giant worms made of mud to necrotic-gas spewing nigh-invunerable iron hydras of doom.


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Re: Bellwaxed: Humans and Harpies (Succession Fort)
« Reply #133 on: November 03, 2010, 08:23:51 am »

Journal of Felcis Nokgollikot, manager of Bellwaxed

12th Granite 526:
Dignato finished his artifact: A Hatch Cover named "Gillteachers the Still Imprisonment".
While it certainly is not the result I expected, no one can deny the effort and skill put into it. It shows 3 of our most feared enemies, goblins, humans and ogres, and a battle between the latter 2, reminding us that the enemy of our enemy may very well be a useful ally. I especially admire the detailed depiction of the breaking human bones.
I will have it stored in a safe stockpile till a worthy place is found.

23th Granite 526:
My fellow founding dwarf Inod was ambushed by a few harpies while clearing away the forests near our entrance. Despite her supposed lack of martial prowess she managed to fight them of adequatly and even killed one before the military cleared up the rest. Inod only sustained minor injuries which fortunately quickly healed, even without further care from her beloved Mzbundifund.

27th Granite 526:
A big wave of migrants arrived!
I was not able to count them all, but it shouldīve been around 25 new dwarfs, mostly plebians. A few of them are skilled in useful crafts though, and 3 of them showed enough promise at arms to join the full-time military. Our population now counts 67 proud dwarves.

28th Granite 526:
The joy about our new helping hands was overshadowed by another harpy-attack on our cook Bomrek, however.
Though her injuries seemed much more severe than Inodīs, she just decided to brush of the dust of her clothes and returned to her work, without any medical attention. Truly, the fresh air far of from the capital seems to work wonders on the health of our workers.

Slate 526:
Slate was peace- and uneventful. We managed to melt down the rest of the inferior metalwork lying around just as Mzbundifund suggested and managed to employ the workless Plebians with the mass production of stone blocks and construction tasks.
The military is now training on the roof above our entrance so they stay accustomed to the sun. Most of our battles will be fought on the surface and we canīt afford dwarfes being distracted by the very natures elements while fighting the surface dwellers. We also built a small archery range for our militia to do occasional archery drills with their crossbows.

Felsite 526:
An elven caravan was visiting our fortress! Though their kind was not always a pleasant sight for our civilization in the past, I was glad that we could finally get rid of all that non-metallic garbage the goblins brought with them and wood is always a much desired good. I ordered the path to be cleared for them and for the tradegoods to be taken to...
Curse them indeed! I promptly sent out 'The Oily Gulfs' to meet them but the goblins already killed an elven trader at our entrance...
...and made of chasing pack animals north and south. Whatīs worse, those cowardly traders changed their minds about trading here and ran back out of our safe halls to our unfinished new entrance.
But that I could not allow...
I ordered two of their pack animals to be put down to secure their wood, cloth and exotic pets. The rest of them was allowed to flee with their useless rubbish intact.
Meanwhile swordmaster Donpatrick and hammerlord Urvad (both legendary) discovered another group of goblins...
...with predictable results.
The remaining invaders got easily hunted down or just fled. While our military was busy though, some goblin thiefs tried to infiltrate our fort and managed to hurt a Plebian named Feb, before the returning soldiers could strike them down.
Feb is now resting in the hospital, but I fear it will be a longer stay. Well, at least poor Litast has some company now.
Afterwards the cleanup, which will take even longer now with all the new trash in the landscape, and the expansion of our defensive system continued.

And with that, the Spring 526 of was over...

Yeah, it remains quiet peaceful so far. I already played a part of summer by now, but I want to keep those logs in good order. Iīm pretty sure I will be able to finish my turn this week.

One important question:
Are there any dorfing requests left that I have to fulfil? There is a huge number of new migrants (including 3 soldiers) that didnīt get to do much till now so I could easily grant a few requests right now. I also want to create a small fortress guard soon and I would prefer to man the captain position with a fresh named dwarf.


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Re: Bellwaxed: Humans and Harpies (Succession Fort)
« Reply #134 on: November 03, 2010, 11:42:47 am »

Ahh, artifacts are always so much fun! So exciting...  :o

Also: I'm so looking forward to seeing what my dorf [Donpatrick] does in other people's turns. First succession game, so I'm mad excited! ;D

On my turn Donpatrick was a military dorf who conducted his duties in a workmanlike manner.  No outstanding skills yet at that time, but he was never on break when the fighting started, so he got a few ogres/harpies and I think a goblin kill to his name.

Felcis you seem to be running a tight ship.  The military seems to be handling everything thrown at them well (and with full adamantium gear they sure better).  This fort seems to have a rather high number of non-fatal injuries.  Usually in my forts the doctor never has anything to do, since the dwarfs are either fully healthy or completely dead.

I've never thought to murder the traders' pack animals before.  A very dwarfy solution.
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