This is a good thing for everyone. There will always be prostitutes, and there will alwayss be people who will hire them. Arresting them for that is just stupid, and now both sides will be safer. Now, disease and abuse can be properly reported without fear of arrests and everyone will be better off.
It's not the sex that should be illegal, it's the buying, and the trafficking. In Sweden, for example, victims of either free to report both abuse and disease without fear of arrest.
Anyway, this won't result in sex slavery, if anything it'll reduce it. If you go to a legal establishment and one of the prositutes tells you they're being held hostage, well... you'd tell the police about that, wouldn't you? I'm trying to see where your logic is coming from, and the only way it works is if everyone in the world is an apathetic sadistic monster.
They might not tell you. There could be any number of reasons for them not to - threats to their and their families lives amongst others.
Or maybe, you don't even speak the same language.
You make sure they are getting paid, and then if they are they can fucking leave
As said above, that might not be an option. If prostitution where legalised throughout the EU, you'd have these whoreganisations moving people all over the place - but especially from the eastern parts to the west. These people might not know how to leave, nor have the knowledge/language skills needed to communicate their state. Their pay might be sent back to "relatives" in the homeland. In fact, many victims of trafficking today are sold out to the traffickers by their own relatives.
In my eyes, you people are just far to naive and trusting to be able to see the seriousness of the issue.
Nobody in today's society sells their own body out of free will.
Scriver, do you say this is a bad change?
Or are you just saying prostitution is bad in general?
I'm not saying it's a change for the
worse, if that's what you mean. But on the other hand, legalising prostitution also feels like a way of sweeping the whole issue under the carpet and pretending nothing's wrong.