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Author Topic: BronzeIron, a dualcommunity fortress  (Read 5811 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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BronzeIron, a dualcommunity fortress
« on: October 02, 2010, 06:24:44 pm »

I am currently gearing up for a fortress split between two communities - this one, and the community of my game development studio, most of whom are only familiar with Dwarf Fortress via some of the various stories they've seen on the Internet.  Anyone here who wants a Dwarf should post with their preferences.  Participants from either community can propose and vote on policy changes (and earn vîrs for doing so) as well as any other voting topics I throw up.  I expect anyone writing a journal entry to allow me to copy it for use with the rest of this story for the benefit of the other community.

I won't embark until I have some dwarves from both places ready, hopefully by Tuesday or Wednesday, at which point I'll be filling in some fortress information.

A map and some information on the world can be found here:
« Last Edit: October 05, 2010, 12:09:44 am by Justice »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Doom of Inalaelathu, a world of dualcommunity fortresses
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2010, 06:25:23 pm »

3rd Slate, 250

"Your Majesty, we must continue to press our advantage against the goblins."

Vabôk Asobudib was growing increasingly frustrated with King Astesh Regiden's lack of interest in destroying the goblin threat.  Not for the first time, he cursed the name of Olin Vinelake who took the life of the previous King, who showed so much promise.  How this jewel-crazed dwarf was able to drive off the titan was beyond his understanding, and none of the witnesses were able to give him a consistent accounting... before he was 'discouraged' from questioning further by the royal guard.

"General Vabôk, you know We value your military advice, but you have to look at the big picture."  Vabôk ground his teeth at the condescension in the King's voice.  "Maintaining such an army and attacking goblin fortresses so frequently costs us heavily in metals, food supplies, and dwarven lives.  They've been driven out of our mountains into the human lands.  Let them deal with the goblins."

 Vabôk knew he would be pushing his luck pursuing this topic, but couldn't resist this opening.  "Your majesty, the humans don't have the will to completely destroy the goblins.  I've seen them conquer goblin fortresses only to appoint a goblin administrator to run them with both humans and goblins under his command.  Should the goblins learn to make steel from the humans-"

"Enough, General Vabôk, We did not summon you to discuss warfare," interrupted the King, emphasizing Vabôk's lower status.  "We have a different problem for you to solve.  Do you see what is wrong here?" he continued, gesturing around the throne room.

Vabôk appreciated dwarven craftsmanship as much as any dwarf, but the King's throne room was nothing if not a monument to excess.  Platinum statues encrusted with hundreds of gemstones filled the cavernous expanse, any single one worth more than most fortresses produced in a year.  Tables and chairs made of solid gold sat near black bronze armor stands, holding suits of armor made from anything from copper to platinum, rather than more practical and effective metals like steel.  Aluminum weapons hung from racks of rose gold.  Scattered all around the tables were crowns, goblets, instruments, and crafts of all sorts, all made from metals and covered from gemstones.  Somehow Vabôk had failed to notice before, but even the floor was tiled in silver. 

"Well Vabôk?"

Vabôk, unsure of what the King was trying to get across, replied "Everything is very, um, well-"

"It's very old Vabôk!" interrupted the King again, growing louder and louder as he continued.  "Our craftsmen from all over the kingdom insist that they've all sent their best pieces.  Our miners report all the richest veins of precious metals have been depleted.  Most of what they find now goes towards the war effort, either directly or in trade for food supplies.  We need more metals and jewels for my throne room, or at least more trade goods for the humans, so that we can save more of the metals and gems for ourselves."

It was all Vabôk could do not to roll his eyes.  The King's childlike tirades and obsession with metalcraft and jewels were nothing new.  King Astesh wasn't done speaking yet.

"I expect you to solve this problem."

A sudden sinking feeling filled Vabôk, the same feeling he had whenever an enemy on the battlefield appeared in greater numbers or with better equipment than expected.

"Solve it, Majesty?  I'm not-", began Vabôk, as King Astesh interrupted, leaning forward.  "We don't want to hear excuses.  We already have a solution, We just need you to implement it.  Two years ago, We sent surveying teams to The Beak of Oceans.  They report that it remains empty of Dwarven settlements.  A pristine range, Vabôk!  No precious metals and gems yet mined out," the King continued, his eyes gleaming, "and it can all be Ours!"  He leaned back.

Vabôk, thrown off balance, tried to respond.  "Sire, security in a settlement so far from our borders-"

King Astesh interrupted with a wave of his hand.  "Nonsense.  The goblins are even further away.  We do not expect them to be hidden from them forever, only for the first few years, by which time We will have reinforced the settlement sufficiently to protect it from goblin assault."

Vabôk hesistated a moment.  In truth, he wasn't worried about the goblins, which were greatly weakened by constant warfare, or the elves, though they might take exception to a Dwarven settlement in the heart of their territory.  "Sire, my concern is for the ancient stories our people tell of those mountains.  You know as well as I that Enôr, Bërûl, and Zulban have all declared those mountains forbidden to us."

King Astesh smiled.  "That's why you are the one who must organize the expedition to The Beak of Oceans.  We cannot allow the people to believe my faith is less than theirs.  This misguided dogma almost certainly originated from priests who did not want to make such a long trek.  We've had some research done.  Did you know that no writings mention The Beak of Oceans until the year 48?  The first instance appeared shortly after King Dodók Zikelrith commanded the exploration of those mountains, when the three priests assigned to accompany them all claimed to have received a vision from their deity, and declared that not only would any Dwarven settlers there die a horrible death, but that death would even reach their King."

Vabôk, seeing how much thought and planning the King had already invested in this, knew he would not be swayed.  "Very well, Sire.  I will see it done."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Doom of Inalaelathu, a world of dualcommunity fortresses
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2010, 03:06:16 am »

Sounds fun, quick question though, is there a prefered narration style or is that just personal choice?

Also, Which gaming studio are you from? I kinda find it funny that you guys of all people would wanna play DF :P


5 Ambusher
2 Crossbow
2 Armor User
1 Hammer

It makes a really nice hunter, and I believe he comes with free gear (Xbow, some Leather armor, a couple bolts and a quiver)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Doom of Inalaelathu, a world of dualcommunity fortresses
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2010, 10:56:40 am »

If you want to write something, I'd prefer journal entries, but it's up to the Dwarf how they like to write in their journal.  If your dwarf likes to record his thoughts in Haikus, for example, I'm not one to judge.  I'm going to be switching over to journal entries (at least mostly) after embark.
You want a dwarf name of 'Trooper', or something else?

4th Slate, 250

"Sounds like the King's got himself a win-win situation, old friend."

Vabôk agreed with his friend Justice.  "I can't refuse the order.  That would be treason, and the King could replace me with someone with less popularity and more willingness to sacrifice our defenses for brass puzzleboxes.  After shortening me by a head.  If the settlement is lost, he can spin my failure as defiance of the Gods, and have me removed from my position.  If the settlement succeeds, he gets more petty knickknacks for his collection.  And, I fear, he may decide to 'reward' me for my success by sending me there to retire."

Justice chuckled for a moment, "Of course, if the legends are true, after the settlement is destroyed the King won't be around to remove you."

Vabôk shook his head.  "I find it hard to believe that anything a group of dwarves can do halfway across the continent could harm the King.  Not without harming far more dwarves.  No, my only chance is for the settlement to survive long enough to finish the war against the goblins.  Once they are no more, I wouldn't mind retirement.  Anything to get away from His Majesty."  Vabôk continued with a grin, "I might even join you in The Beak of Oceans."

Justice leapt out of his seat, spraying a mouthful of dwarven wine all over as he stammered, "Wha- me?  The Beak of Oceans?  After what we just talked about, you expect me to go there?"

Vabôk nodded.  "I do.  Anyone I'm close to would most likely be removed along with me if something goes wrong, one way or another.  You're in nearly as much danger as I.  I can choose the initial seven settlers, but I expect the King will use The Beak of Oceans as a dumping ground for the worst dwarves he can find.  I need dwarves I can trust to run the settlement."  Vabôk paused a moment, then continued "It won't be all bad.  The reports we have indicate warm temperatures, plenty of wood, and ample sources of water.  I'm sure you can find a way to motivate whomever the King sends your way, and as a founding member of a settlement, you will wield a lot of power and control over the direction taken by the fortress."

Vabôk waited as Justice stared at the walls of his room for several minutes, focusing on an engraving of a mountain, one with no mining tunnels or fortress walls to mar its natural beauty.  He finally looked back at Vabôk, and told him "I'll think about it."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Doom of Inalaelathu, a world of dualcommunity fortresses
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2010, 11:21:37 am »

Yes, without the numbers please. And journal entries are fine by me. Although one thing I dislike about dying with the journal entries is that it's kinda hard to explain how your dead when your well...dead. But I def can already think of a remedy for that so awesome!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Doom of Inalaelathu, a world of dualcommunity fortresses
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2010, 11:56:11 pm »

12th Obsidian, 250

Well Vabôk, if you’re reading this, then I’m probably dead.  If the settlement is lost, I’ll do my best to see this returned to your hands somehow - I don’t know if it will help you, but should our new home be lost, hopefully this will at least tell you why.  We’ve reached the mountains and are looking for a good place to stop.  We’ve managed to avoid any encounters with elves thanks to Trooper.  You were right about his ability to get us here alive.  His hunting has helped us stretch our supplies during this trip, so we shouldn’t have to rush to get our farms in order.  The weaponsmith you recommended... I’m not sure what to make of him.  Snark has barely said a word to most us during the trip, except to argue with Dave about his ‘nontraditional’ surgical techniques.  If you hadn’t vouched for him, I might have left him behind.  Rae has been searching for exposed gemstone deposits with Jon while he looks for useful or valuable ore.  They’ve located several promising deposits, but in locations that are either indefensible or lacking water. 

These are my impressions of the others, and myself for comparison.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

1st Granite, 251

“We’ve got exposed veins of garnierite and platinum, and Rae found clusters of Tanzanite, Peridot, Opal, and even a few kinds of diamonds,”  Jon reported.

We had seen richer sites, and I would have liked to have seen some iron ore or veins of coal, but we have a renewable supply of water, plenty of trees for fuel, plants for food, and sand for manufacturing glass.  The gems and precious metals will satisfy the mountainhome, and we should have everything here we need to survive until the first caravan arrives.

“HO!  Come on over here, all of you!”

“This is the place,” I began.  “Spring is here and so are we.  This is our new home, a new place of strength, and it needs a strong, new name.  This is Kilruddatan, ‘BronzeIron’!  Break out the picks and Strike the Earth!”


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: BronzeIron, a dualcommunity fortress
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2010, 01:16:10 am »

This looks promising.  I'd like a dwarf called Seth, please.  Any random migrant will do, the surprise'll be fun.  ^_^


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: BronzeIron, a dualcommunity fortress
« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2010, 03:42:19 am »

Trooper withdraws from society!

Draws pictures of polarbears with bottles...

Draws an image of a cake with cream...

Trooper has begun a mysterious construction!

Gunna re use this space for the actual journal log, just give me a few days.

EDIT: Actually, I've decided to do the logs yearly instead. I trust that you'll be able to describe what most "named" dwarves would be doing anyway.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2010, 03:54:17 am by Trooper0102 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: BronzeIron, a dualcommunity fortress
« Reply #8 on: October 05, 2010, 10:34:37 am »

I hope to do so, Trooper.
Seth added to the list, 3rd in line for the first migrant wave, behind Barthic and Drim.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: BronzeIron, a dualcommunity fortress
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2010, 05:37:16 pm »

10th Hematite, 251, Journal of Justice

I haven’t really been able to find time to sit down and write in here, so forgive my messy writing - I’m running outside to find some more trees to slay.  Wait, what’s Trooper doing out here? 

“Hey Trooper, why’re you just sitting by the wagon?” I ask.

“I’m on break,” he replies, shrugging.

I’m not sure what to say to that.  It’s not like we have a big surplus of dwarfpower.  “I know masonry probably isn’t your favorite job, but we still need some containers for the clinic and it would be nice to have some in our bedrooms... not to mention some tables and chairs for the dining hall that Dave and Jon are about to carve out.”

He shrugs, “It’s no big deal.  I’ll get to it eventually.”

I can’t force him to work, so I guess I’ll start doing some of the masonry myself.  We have enough beds for the moment and a couple splints in case someone falls down the stairs.  I swear these are some of the most accident-prone dwarves I’ve ever worked with.  I’ve heard Snark slip and fall on the floors he was working on three times already, heard Rae yelp when he dropped a rock on his foot yesterday, and nearly had Vel fall on top of me when she tripped right above our entrance as I was coming outside.

Nothing unusual has happened to us yet.  Snark had insisted that it was better to tunnel into the mountain from the side rather than digging in straight down, and since no one was in the mood to argue, Jon and Dave marched a short way to the north before tunneling in.  I’ve been slaying the trees near our entrance and shaping them into beds, barrels, and bins.  Snark “Bedrooms shouldn’t be rough stone!” Degëlrag has nearly finished smoothing said bedrooms, and we’re nearly ready to irrigate an area for farming.

Rae managed to catch me a few days ago to ask about starting some crafts so that we’ll have something to trade, which seemed like a good idea, and reminded me that we should get a depot built.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: BronzeIron, a dualcommunity fortress
« Reply #10 on: October 09, 2010, 05:51:05 pm »

I'll take a female dwarf, named Patchy.
Quote from: acetech09 date=1343968486
It's probably made from baby bone, with a handle of baby leather. Probably uses the leg bones wound together for the handle, the pelvis for the handle/pick joint, and the pick is the spine.

But that's all in theory, of course. Not like I've made a pick out of my own 5 month old baby before.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: BronzeIron, a dualcommunity fortress
« Reply #11 on: October 10, 2010, 12:24:15 pm »

22nd Hematite, 251, Journal of Justice
Migrants have arrived!  We’re not really ready for them yet, but at least there aren’t too many of them.  I’m going to meet them near the entrance and see what they can offer.

“Please state your name and profession before entering.”  Most of the dwarves look tired and out of breath.  I think they were running the last leg of the trip.

“SethCreyid Artobolon, High Master Cook,” says the first.

“Excellent,” I reply, “We’re putting the kitchen and breweries in soon, and I’m getting very tired of raw meat and plump helmets.  Next?”

“Drim Soshcilob.  I don’t really have a profession, but I can read and write and I’m good with numbers.”

“We don’t have a record keeper yet, so we can try you out in that position.  We don’t have an office yet - or a chair, for that matter - but I’ll see what I can do to get you set up.”  I wasn’t sure that we really needed a record keeper yet, but it couldn’t hurt to have one.  “Next!”

“Barthic Sefolmûthkat, Tanner.”

Now this dwarf doesn’t even look winded.  Tough looking guy, too.  “Hmm, well, we don’t have much call for a tanner right now.  We’ll see what happens, but have you considered a career in the military?  Strong dwarf like you could be very useful there.”

He replied with a grunt and a shrug.  I’ll have to see about setting up a barracks.

Two others came forward while I was thinking about the barracks.  I think they said they were a fisher and a farmer, but I didn’t catch their names.  I caught the third just as he was saying “milker.”

“Mason,” I say.

“Huh? No, I said I’m a milker,” he replied, looking bewildered.

“And now you’re a mason, unless you can figure out how to milk a male camel.  Welcome to Kilruddatan.”

Now that Trooper is back to work (I can see him putting together our trade depot), I think I’ll take a break, work on some sketches, and see how the others are doing.

23rd Hematite, 251, Journal of Justice
I’ve finished some sketches of the basic layout of our current tunnels and the surrounding area.  I’m putting them in the back of the journal for easy access here.  I have some reports from the others.

Snark was resting in his room, and didn’t look very happy about being disturbed.  “And what do you want?  More floors to polish?”

“Smoothing the bedrooms was your own idea, don’t go glaring at me.  I came to talk to you about weapons.”

That softened his expression a little.  “Yes, well, there’s not much here to make weapons.  Gems, nickel and trees.”  He continued, his expression darkening.  “And don’t you even think about telling me to make or use weapons made out of wood, except for training.  I won’t stand for that.”

I held up hands, “I’m no elf to fight iron with wood.  But we need some other options.”

We discussed some alloys we might be able to use, and I went searching for miners to inquire about some of the ores involved.

I found Jon and Dave working side-by-side on the dining hall access corridor.  Dave has gained considerable skill with the pick; chunks of garnierite go flying with every blow of his pick.  Jon had some good news for our King, but bad news for us.  “We’ve found more gems, platinum, and tetrahedrite.  So far, I haven’t hit any kind of rock that is likely to contain iron ore,” he reported, shattering a large section of rock with a carefully aimed blow.

I nodded.  “Snark noticed the tetrahedrite vein near the mechanics workshop.  Any chance that you’ve found any casserite?”

“Not yet,” Jon said.  He paused, running his fingers through his hair.  “We could dig down and look for granite.   There’s usually some casserite in granite layers.  Thinking about making bronze?”

“That’s the idea,” I replied.  “Bronze armor and silver war hammers to get us by until we find something better.”

“What I want to know,” Dave began, “is when the clinic will be finished?”

“I just ordered some of the new stone coffers brought up, and another operating table.  Should be ready for a couple of patients soon.  Hopefully we won’t need it for a while.”

Dave didn’t look very pleased by this news.  “What about clean water?  We don’t have any soap to clean wounds, and without at least clean water, infection is a major risk.  The ponds outside aren’t very clean, and the brook is pretty far.  We also need bandages.”

Hopefully someone will come up with a solution.  Rae ran past with a mechanism for the farm, but I decided to talk to him and Vel later, once the farm is ready. 

18th Galena, 251, Journal of Justice
“I’m impressed, SethCreiyd.  You weren’t exaggerating about your cooking skill,” I told him when I saw him near the entryway.

Seth was the first to use our new kitchen, turning out a masterpiece hedgehog meat roast almost immediately.  I caught the smell earlier, and couldn’t resist a nibble.

“No, I wasn’t.  As long as we’ve got something to cook, I can make meals fit for nobility.  I noticed there wasn’t much left in our food stockpile, though.”

“Well, we’ve got a pile of fish that need to be cleaned.  That should keep us fed until Vel’s first harvest, and we should have just enough plump helmets for wine until then.  I have to get back outside; I’m trying to clear a path to the south for wagons to come through.”

It was actually thanks to Drim that I knew about the food shortage and the uncleaned fish.  I had totally forgotten to have a fishery built.  He brought it to my attention after writing up the inventory in his new office.  He said it was “a bad sign to run out of meat so soon.”

22nd Limestone, 251, Journal of Justice
“Barthic, I’m appointing you Militia Commander and putting you in charge of The Brilliant Cloisters.  It’s just you and that milker for now, and we don’t have any weapons for you, so I want you to train as wrestlers for now.  Once we have some hammers, I’ll want you to use those.”

“Good,” he replied.

Now that autumn is here and we have some trade goods, I’ve started thinking about defense.  I’m going to start having some traps put up by the entrance as well.  Our food supplies are still critically low, but are increasing rather than decreasing now.  I’ve ordered Vel to stop hauling items for now, so that she can spend more time planting crops.  I need to go find Snark...

I found him heading for his bedroom.  “There you are, Snark,” I said.  “Now that the forge, wood burner, and smelter are set up, we’ll have some work for you soon.  I’m going to want that tetrahedrite smelted as soon as possible and a pair of silver war hammers for The Brilliant Cloisters.”

“The sooner you leave me alone so I can sleep, the sooner I can get to work,” he replied.  Good enough.  I’ll need to have Vel find some time to turn out some armor, even if it’s only copper.

“Justice!”  I hear someone yell.  One of the migrants, a skinny female whose name I didn’t catch when she arrived, was standing in the doorway.  “There’s been very little for me to do around here besides hauling items around.  No hides to tan, very little to brew, no leather to work, and no animals to milk.”

“Well, what would you like to do?” I ask.

“I noticed no one has put together the loom or clothier’s workshop.  I’ll put those together for now in case we need some bandages for the clinic.  Patchy is my name after all, so I ought to learn some sewing.”

“Feel free.  I’m sure it will make Dave happier.”

I should start asking the others what they think we should have the next group of migrants work on.  Perhaps larger quarters, or a glass industry.  Stronger defenses, maybe a wall to protect the trade depot and our fortress entrance, or a stone road to prevent trees from blocking the path to the depot.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2010, 12:27:47 pm by Justice »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: BronzeIron, a dualcommunity fortress
« Reply #12 on: October 10, 2010, 04:51:20 pm »

My vote is for Defenses if that counts :P

Also, if you ever get around to making a marksdwarf squad, my dwarf gladly volunteers!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: BronzeIron, a dualcommunity fortress
« Reply #13 on: October 10, 2010, 06:00:48 pm »

It counts.  If marksdwarves have really been fixed, I'll probably put you on one as captain at least part-time once I can make some metal bolts.

I wonder if I can make crossbows out of silver?  That would be kinda cool, and probably better than iron if you're forced to melee with it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: BronzeIron, a dualcommunity fortress
« Reply #14 on: October 10, 2010, 06:47:02 pm »

Yeah that'd be awesome. I doubt it though, and why only part time?
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