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Author Topic: Dungeon Keeper mod.  (Read 6821 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Dungeon Keeper mod.
« on: October 01, 2010, 04:37:39 pm »

Dungeon Keeper mod.
"But know this my child, that I am madness, and to hold me is to invite ruin. I will change everything you are and everything you see into an image that I see fit, an image I desire, a vision of pure chaos.

I am the truth that tears at the veil, and that truth is madness."

Download this mod at the nice, friendly service-enviroment of DFFD!

So around Monday I started to think that it sure would be nice if you could sort of play Dungeon Keeper, but in Dwarf Fortress.

Then I started to think that there was the problem with only one race supported right now in Fortress mode.

Then I started to wonder, if the game would support having different races within the entity creature file, but as castes.

So I tried it. And it worked. Sort of, there is an issue with blood being spilled odd, but I blame that on my horrid excuse of making a mod.

These past few days I've been editing away, modifying the creatures to be as close as possible to the ones in Dungeon Keeper, and of course the new modding system has me by my groin region, and it still hasn't opened up to me enough to let go and accept my work.


Here it is, a playable mod.

So how does this work?
You as the Keeper, have a variety of creatures that serve under you. I pretty much just made a creature file that had all of the different sorts of creatures under castes, and gave them symbols of their own so you could separate them from each other. For example, imps have i, warlocks have w, salamanders have A etc.

They all can be assigned labors, or recruited to your military, and pretty much function like any other race that you control under Fortress mode. They don't have nobles, but your first leader, the Keeper's Voice, which handles liaison talks and so on, wants a nice shiny room for his/her/its efforts.

So what's the point of this mod?
I just wanted to see if I could do this. And since I could, I started to think that hey, maybe other people would like to play a mod that has you making a dungeon with deadly traps and deadlier soldiers to kill your enemies with. That and hey, Dungeon Keeper. That was a good game series.

Okay so, what do you have for us then?
Not much besides the creatures that work under you. I didn't really know what else to add from the DK series but them, and I pretty much just copied the goblin entity file and changed a few lines. Their selection of weaponry also seemed proper for your minions to use, so eh.

Every single one of your minions prefers to eat meat, so plants are only good for brewing booze to make them happier.

Here's a list of your minions and short explanation about them.

- Imps. They are without gender, emotion and are content with gnawing nothing but bones. They're also reasonably fast, but also quite fragile. Not the best choice as melee soldiers. However, they're not really smart(slow learner), but they're at their best in crappy jobs like mining, or tending to food supply or the farms.
- Goblins. These goblins have pledged alliance to you, rather than their previous demon overlords.
- Trolls. Like in the DK games, trolls aren't much bigger from goblins, sort of dumb(slow learners), but at least they can pack a bit more of a punch.
- Warlocks. Human spellcasters able to shoot fire and shield themselves from it's harmful effects. They are quite frail though, so they're best at ranged support rather than the front lines. That, or counting beans.
- Salamanders. Bi-pedal lizards able to survive in magma, they can spit fire at enemies, and have claws instead of hands.
- Dark Elves. Like elves, except evil! I mean, eviler.
- Beetles. Insect warriors with large mandibles. They're perfectly content at biting people in the head and crushing their skulls.
- Spiders. Big intelligent spiders. Like to shoot web and bite things with their poison fangs. Just like a certain other species further down the list.
- Bile Demons. Legless demons who move with their hands instead. Quite tough and strong though. Also have a pair of horns to gore with. They also lack genders.
- Dark Mistresses. Female humans, quite fast.
- Dark Knights. Male humans, big and strong and full of RAAAAGE.
- Vampires. Undead and bloodless, it takes a lot of damage to take down a vampire. They also don't need to eat or drink, all they need is a nap. They're also really super fast and really super strong.
- Maiden of the Nest. Half-woman, half-spider. Likes to shoot web and bite with their poisonous fangs. Quite rare.
- Demon Spawn. Small adorable fast creatures with claws for hands and feet, they like to bite and shred. BITE AND SHRED YOUR GUTS. Also, they are really fast. They lack genders, and are perfectly happy to be without them to be honest.
- Dark Angels. Huge winged humanoids, quite rare, they shoot fire and are really super strong.
- Dragons. Ah yes, the dragons. Just like the megabeast, they're also really rare to have around.
- The horned devil. The rarest of your minions, it takes a lot of damage to kill Horny. Or maybe he never really dies, he just gets cast back to the pits of Hell he came from. On a vacation. Filled with blood and screams and all the things that make him moderately content.

Wait, how do they even breed?
From the looks of things, quite well. Although I will be honest. Due to work and so on and of course, modding to make minor adjustments to body size, strengths, looks etc. have left me with little time to test conclusively.

However, migrants have shown up with kids that are of different "race" than their parents. The most odd of families that migrated was a troll mother, troll kid, a salamander newt and a bile demon that was the father. Or as the game referred to it, "parent".

I'm THIS sure that the fortress mode breeding will work without problems. If I'm wrong, hey, I'm sorry. I really thought this would work. It SHOULD work. What with them all being different caste rather than different race. Despite the fact that most of them are totally different races but yeah.

So you said there were issues?
A few. The blood one is the biggest, but it's not game-crashing from the looks of it or anything negative to playing with the mod.

I have no idea what causes it, but your minions all bleed either unknown substance, material, or unkown plant material.

Demonspawns also shoot unkown plant material.

If anyone knows what I did wrong with that part, speak up and make me facepalm back here because I have a feeling it's something obvious, and right in front of my face and I just was too stupid to realize what it was.

The blood however doesn't seem to bother any of your creatures, or do anything except show up all wrong.

Of course, since this is, to me, in 0.1 stage what with the blood being stupid, I'm open to suggestions from people. Like, if there's something from the Dungeon Keeper series that you think I should have in the mod, do tell what so I can add it.

Speaking of which, here's one last part of bolded text that is me asking a question, masquerading as someone else in order to appear all smart and snooty and yeah let's just get on with it.

So did you screw up anything else with this?
Besides the blood, yes.

I had intented to add all the creatures you could have in both DK games, so at least orcs, hounds and ghosts are missing(I didn't add skeletons, because I'm hoping to add that in one beautiful day when you can create skeletal creatures from corpses that show up as real creatures rather than vermin. Does that still happen? I think it does.). The reason for this is an odd bug that happened the moment I tried to add them.

Every single creature(the mod ones, I mean) suddenly came to possess a body that all melee attacks flowed right through. First I thought it was something with the orcs gone wrong(having added them first), so I replaced them with hounds, but the problem showed up again. It went away when I removed the hounds as well.

I have no idea why that happened. I blame shoddy modding, really, or in the extremely unlikely case, I hit some sort of caste-limit. I don't even know if there is one, so I'm going with "I screwed up" for now.

I also had planned to mod in a Casino for your minions to use, carrying coins to gamble with. However, it seems that instead of the old version of DF where you had a percentage that had to be filled to 100% before you got something, they were getting gamble winnings all the time.

It's once again possible that this was just because I suck at modding.

But yeah. For the playability part, the mod works. The creatures that show up seem to obey the code for the most part. For example, spiders, beetles, salamanders and demon spawns don't show up with clothing on them. However, they CAN equip things. I have a spider that's holding a shield in one mandible, and a crossbow in another.

I think he just glued them on. It's also put on bronze armor all over itself.

They SHOULDN'T be able to wield things, but eh. At the moment, I just point at 0.1 and act like it's not my fault, it's the code!

So yeah. I hope someone out there might enjoy this.
And I hope those more skilled in modding DF don't claw their eyes out once they see what horrors I've inflicted upon the raw files with my meager ability.

- Added 2 of my own custom workshops, Casino and Temple. Added 2 from Deon too because he's such a swell guy he gave permission for 'em.
- A metal for the trouble of all that sacrifice you do on the Temple. SHOULD be better than steel, worse than adamantine. I hope. I sort of just threw numbers at it and hope that it works without being too crappy, or too great.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2010, 05:04:09 pm by Ieb »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Keeper mod.
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2010, 04:41:39 pm »

If you had problems with blood, you probably did something wrong. Make sure you define it for each body along with materials separately, or use a correct input.

In Genesis mod "goblins" were replaced by "demons" too, and I have most of the castes-races done (no salamanders or firebeetles though, they would look silly with weapons and in armor).

So it's good that I am not the only one who enjoys DK enough to mod it in DF :P.

P.S. What's your problem with blood? Be careful with it, it can cause crashes.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2010, 04:44:01 pm by Deon »
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Keeper mod.
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2010, 04:44:19 pm »

Yeah, I figure everything I have done with this mod has been nothing but a travesty the whole way. And yeah. I'm pretty sure I did that blood thing with each creature. Of course, it's much more likely that I'm wrong and missed something and just think that I did my part as a reasonable friendly modder guy.
I guess I can take a look at it again tomorrow, what with it being nearly 1 AM right now and there's work to be done in about 8 hours from now.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Keeper mod.
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2010, 04:45:53 pm »

I am a bit busy right now, I can try to check it later. Or maybe someone else will help you with that.
✫ DF Wanderer ✫ - the adventure mode crafting and tweaks
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Keeper mod.
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2010, 04:49:52 pm »

Doublepost because it's 2 AM and I am lazy to edit:

it seems that instead of the old version of DF where you had a percentage that had to be filled to 100% before you got something, they were getting gamble winnings all the time.
No, it's still a chance, I use it in adventure mode to give a chance to "Scavenge" something.

I have no idea what causes it, but your minions all bleed either unknown substance, material, or unkown plant material.
I hope Toady fixed that, but a bit earlier I am sure that spread of such blood caused CtD.

I didn't really know what else to add from the DK series
Go ahead and steal my Training Dummies, Libraries and Chickens! They fit perfectly!

P.S. I can't wait when we can get different graphics for castes.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Keeper mod.
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2010, 04:55:17 pm »

it seems that instead of the old version of DF where you had a percentage that had to be filled to 100% before you got something, they were getting gamble winnings all the time.

Then I just failed it. Which should come as no surprise right now. Hurr hurr.

Quote from: Deon
I have no idea what causes it, but your minions all bleed either unknown substance, material, or unkown plant material.
I hope Toady fixed that, but a bit earlier I am sure that spread of such blood caused CtD.

Urm. Oh dear. I actually did have a crashing issue when such blood was spilled at one point, but then the problem went away despite that blood still being thrown around. I really have no idea what I've been doing. But yeah. I'll sit down properly later on and check if I can figure out what the hell did I do wrong.

And well, if you are offering to let me utilize things that you made, I guess I can add those in.

Anyway, one last thing before I hit the hay. Casino thing.
First I made that they'd use 10 coins per gambling round.

They complained that they needed 9 more stacks. When there was only one.

I edit it that they only need 1 stack, since I figured that's how it worked.

They took the stack of coins, gambled, and poof. Only one coin of 500 was used.
"Wha... What is this... I don't even..."

Yeah. Good times were had. Good times.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Umomushil - the fortress of dark Ice, an overlord list compliant fort
Re: Dungeon Keeper mod.
« Reply #6 on: October 03, 2010, 08:21:24 am »

I was planning on making a Dungeon keeper mod as well, but have it rather different from the game, but mainly to make more sense gameplaywise.
If you want some of the ideas i had planned, just ask
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Keeper mod.
« Reply #7 on: October 03, 2010, 08:32:12 am »

You don't need to ask if I wish to ask other people regarding their ideas.
Just lay 'em on me, bro.

Although right now I'm still going "OH GOD WHAT THE HELL HAVE I DONE WRONG" with this thing.

So far from the current raw layout, I know that around Salamanders department, something goes wrong.

I've been messing around, moving 'em to different files to separate the castes from salamanders and beyond, but then new "OH GOD WHAT" issues started to arise when the game started offering creatures to spawn in the arena that weren't even present anymore in the raws.

So yeah.

This will take some time.
If I weren't such a patient man, I would have flipped over my table and kicked my computer through the monitor already and said "screw the whole thing".

EDIT: I'm fairly certain that all the fuck-uppery related to this mod is being caused by the castes. Somehow.

So I isolated the castes, what work and after what the problem with unknown material/unknown substance/unknown plant blood start. Add in Horny to the "this works" department, all seems fine.

Add dragons. All goes to hell.
For the hell of it, copy the imps over dragon.
Everything is still gone to hell.

Maaaaan, I'm like, the shittiest modder ever.

EDIT2: Annnnd now Horny doesn't work either. I think I'm going to cry.

EDIT3: MAYBE it's the presence of critters without blood. I guess I have to check that now.

EDIT4: Of course it's not. That would have been EASY. This game and the modding department likes to mock me! WELL I'LL SHOW THEM. I'LL KEEP GOING AT THIS UNTIL I GET SOME IDEA WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON.

« Last Edit: October 03, 2010, 08:54:44 am by Ieb »


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Umomushil - the fortress of dark Ice, an overlord list compliant fort
Re: Dungeon Keeper mod.
« Reply #8 on: October 03, 2010, 09:15:39 am »

Kay. my plans were just having the demons and the evil humans as the actual races ,

So mistresses and rogues would just be corrupted woman and corrrupted man, while bile demon and horny would just be demons.
and all the rest just be creatures that only the demoniacs can tame and train e.g the spiders and demon spawn.

The demon spawn would be a special case. I believe you can make things have more than baby and child life stages, so they would have demon creepers, demon spawn (after one year), after ten years they become dragonets (which behave like dragons, but smaller, and have a fireball rather than breath attack), then dragons finally at 200 years

The stacking rooms would be 2x2
so training rooms would be

The non easily staking rooms (hatchery, temple) would be 5x5 or whatever.

So yeah, thats what the ideas were
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Keeper mod.
« Reply #9 on: October 03, 2010, 09:30:35 am »

Yeah, I thought about adding the opposing "Goodly Heroes" as an entity that goes against the Keepers along the other races.

But I'm having this much problems already with the playable race.

I thought about that "how about they're like, PETS" with the more animal-like minions, but then decided against it because A) pets in DF are really stupid(can't tell them where to go, if you train them they follow their trainer around like crazy) and then there's the other pet issues. B) I wanted to let the player have control of all the minions like in the original game. Although you can't really pick them up and toss them right in front of the enemy.

So, did you have any special ideas for the hatchery or temple?
I thought about the first one fast, but the "reaction creates vermin-sized creatures" made me decide against putting it in. Would have been nice if free chickens could pop out of there by themselves though.

So, would creatures go to the temple to pray then? Sacrifice is sort of hard right now. Maybe make it a general sacrifice place, throw enemy corpses in, receive FABULOUS PRIZES!

I'll try to think of stuff to add. Later. Like, when I get this god damn mess of a mod to work 100% normally.


So. I have been going upside down my own head related to this blood thing. I look at the castes, they seem to be in perfect functional order. I wonder what the hell is up with them, take down some, slowly add in, they work. Add a new one, none work.

So I did a test for the hell of it, and copied the imp(that I know does work), and made 8 copies of the caste.


Up to Imp8, the identical castes worked fine, bled blood normally, but add any further and they all start to bleed unknown materials!

Maybe it's not me after all!
Or does someone here now want to stand up and point out that it is in fact me, having fucked up something somewhere which makes only 8 castes supported with normal bleeding and any further makes them all go haywire?


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Umomushil - the fortress of dark Ice, an overlord list compliant fort
Re: Dungeon Keeper mod.
« Reply #10 on: October 03, 2010, 09:51:13 am »

You have a good point there about the animals, i hadn't thought about that. The chicken problem. Since you can just create chickens in the mfrom of vermins, you could make the workshop have two jobs. spawn chicken, and prepare chicken.

The temple - do corpses have a tag? if so, just have the temple job be able to take the corpsesand have a small chance to create a "dark gods favour", which can be exchanged for creating things like super badass metal, or something like that.

Temples pattern (based on my favourite plan in the game)
π╞══╡OΩ ≈≈│π

Bigass temple design. many materials required to make it. And all of the ≈ have to be over wither water of magma. (i know the plan has to be square , but whatever, its not meant to be part of the plan.)
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Keeper mod.
« Reply #11 on: October 03, 2010, 10:05:07 am »

So like, what sort of materials are required for it?

Assuming you can pick whole corpses(maybe even specific ones for more specific sacrifice), what should the sacrifice spawn as reward? Something as good as steel? Just steel? Adamantine wafers? Something a little worse than adamantine but better than steel?


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Umomushil - the fortress of dark Ice, an overlord list compliant fort
Re: Dungeon Keeper mod.
« Reply #12 on: October 03, 2010, 10:28:47 am »

The materials for it would be
31 metal bars, 5 statues, and 32 torches (or something in df that makes light)       
        corrected parret (rotater for all the corners)
      π  Ω
    ππ ┌─

have it be able to be dangling over water on the watered parts

It would  create an actual item called "dark favour", this can then be used in other reactions to create crazy awesome things. increasing amount makes better metals /more valuble metals.

so like using one, and a darksteel bar would make it better than darksteel, but worse than addy.
Mix it with Black crux(a mixture of waste metals) to make a lot of very light, but otherwise useless bars (to turn into bins and barrels ect.).
Mix with Cursed pearlite to make a super dense, more valueble metal that can be used to make weapons.

The more you add, the better stats it gets in its respective field. Add a workshop to remove the favours by adding a tag to each higher value of metal ( make it fair that the item would be destroyed but you would get the favour back (but not the metal))
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Keeper mod.
« Reply #13 on: October 03, 2010, 10:36:33 am »

The demon spawn would be a special case. I believe you can make things have more than baby and child life stages, so they would have demon creepers, demon spawn (after one year), after ten years they become dragonets (which behave like dragons, but smaller, and have a fireball rather than breath attack), then dragons finally at 200 years
No you can't, and children/babies are just smaller adults so you can't make them to behave differently.
✫ DF Wanderer ✫ - the adventure mode crafting and tweaks
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  • Bay Watcher
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    • Umomushil - the fortress of dark Ice, an overlord list compliant fort
Re: Dungeon Keeper mod.
« Reply #14 on: October 03, 2010, 10:41:09 am »

The demon spawn would be a special case. I believe you can make things have more than baby and child life stages, so they would have demon creepers, demon spawn (after one year), after ten years they become dragonets (which behave like dragons, but smaller, and have a fireball rather than breath attack), then dragons finally at 200 years
No you can't, and children/babies are just smaller adults so you can't make them to behave differently.

well crap. fair enough. remove the dragon stage in growth then, and have them fire blobs of a rock that is always above magma temperature. this is fine, since the demon-spawn fired those creepy ass blobs of blood or whatever it was.

damn I can't get that noise out of my head.
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