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Author Topic: Aboveground Diversity II (Continuing Barbarossa the Seal God's Thread)  (Read 6667 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Woohoo! Now we have a topic all about adding in new land formations, crazy features, and anything else having to do with the open land, the sky, or in the shallow hovels some creatures take refuge in.

If you have an idea more related to the things of the deep, oceans and overall watery diversity,feel free to post it here.

This is a brainstorming thread about features, creatures and events aboveground. Please feel free to contribute your ideas, point out flaws, or provide useful images, links or source materials. This is an extension and update of Barbarossa the Seal God's old thread which can be found here.

Note: this is not about anything in space, just on the surface, within the atmosphere, and one or two z-levels below, hiding in the soil.

This is not a discussion about game mechanics, balance issues, bugs or anything else not related to features, races, plants or animals above the surface.

UNDER NO CONDITION is this thread meant to be the end all, be all absolute PROPER place to post a AG related suggestion. DO NOT go around berating others for not posting here. Instead invite them here, or link their suggestion into this thread.

General Suggestions:
Things that do not fit into another category, this section is the catch-all for your funky new ideas.

  • Lightning - It's probably already in, but specifically, I want it to be possible for lightning to strike trees, occasionally strike aboveground buildings (doing damage, and setting wooden buildings on fire), and also strike the occasional critter.

  • Wind - in addition to powering mills at different levels, really strong wind could push items around and cause them to smack into objects. (such as dwarves and sand, as stated in the sand section below.)

  • Snowball Fights - Children (and recruits?) in snow have snowballs appear in their hands, and begin to throw. Children do little damage, but a recruit with an ice ball could hurt someone bad.

  • Squatters - Like immigrants, groups of half-starved crazy people might show up on your property and start fortifying and farming. On your land! it'd then be up to you to decide whether or not to beat the tar out of them and send them crying back to an angry parent civilization.

  • Only YOU don't have a chance! - Trees and bushes in scorching and warm climates randomly burst into flames!

  • Tar Pits - Pits of syrupy liquid that can be easily lit on fire. Difficult to pressurize.

Lava Features:
!!molten rock!! Magma seems to be one of the most sought after of resources. (barring land, of course) It has many uses from free fuel to population control. Here are a few more uses/suggestions for surface lava:

  • Volcanic Necks - Volcanic tubes inside a mountain harden after time, and the soft surface erodes away, leaving vertical pillars of igneous extrusive rock.

  • On the bright side - After lava flows from a volcano enter the game, we could see the vast plain of obsidian that encases your grand citiy decay into incredibly rich soil that allows for extremely fast growing seasons.

Ruins and Structures:
In the long history of the world it is more than possible that a fortress or adventurer might find an ancient ruin made by a previous group. Also, this area is for building ideas.

  • Wow! It's Perfectly Preserved! - Constructed rough rock walls should decay over time at a somewhat rapid rate after abandonment. Block walls, on the other hand, might get covered in moss and the like(n). (haha, made a lichen joke!)

  • Hmm, I didn't know swords were tubers! - Farmers (on soil layers) might dig up various artifacts while farming, such as flint arrowheads, stone(?) axes, bronze coins, or even a primitive statue.

  • Guard Posts - The civs that built the road should maintain it! possibly receiving occasional reinforcements if they fall below an X amount of guards.

  • Shrines - Nothing too fancy, they would range from a tiny 3x3 box with an altar to a 25x25 temple to Armok.

  • Rope Bridges - with one rope for every 2 tiles, (you can only make either a 1x# or #x1 bridge) you could create a biped-only bridge.

  • Fencing - Walls that prevent non-giant animals from pathing through them.

  • Ranching - The game needs stiles that allow dwarven movement, but not the movement of animals. Also, we could have cattle grids (floor bars over a channel) to prevent animal movement. Whether or not they can or will cross either of these would probably depend on a tag or two.

  • Mastodons, Smilodons and giant Bears! oh my! - Undead prehistoric creatures may roam the land.

  • Earthworks - Piles of ground with no slopes, good for a basic defense.

  • Ancient Battlefields - Depending on who was fighting, the terrain of an area could have some odd features explainable only by Legends mode. (dwarves making sinkholes to trap humans, etc.)

Geological Features:
Anything having to do with rock formations.

  • Craters - kind of like reverse mountains, caused by anything from a blob of space-adamantine to a bronze colossus plowing into the ground after tripping.

  • Comet Residue - Random ores in giant chunks, most likely in craters.

  • Overhangs- Erosion and odd rock formations could make overhangs, which may provide shelter for beasts and for dwarves.

  • Sea of Silt - A "desert" where the sand is so fine that it would basically function as quicksand, and may have tides, which might just make you want to watch where you step.

  • Fulgerites - A gem created whenever lightning meets sand.

  • Exposed Fossils - Occasionally existing as features of the landscape. Like, you could find fossilized shells in one geological formation, while another involves a dinosaur skeleton stuck into the side of a cliff.

  • Silver Lining - Being able to mine the silver out of certain varieties of clouds.

  • Sinkholes - giant pits (1-16 Z-level) in sedimentary rock (such as limestone) topped by a thin layer of land. dwarves might not trgger this, but constructed buildings most likely would.

  • Glacial Deposits - masses of jumbled stone being pushed forward incrementally in front of glaciers, and when the glacier melts, it leaves behind a "devil's garden" of debris, or a moraine.

  • Dunes - Currently sand acts like any other soil, when it should be able to make some pretty neat looking formations and squiggles, as in large quantities it acts like a pressureless liquid. Depending on the wind direction and strength, the sand could allow for a height differential between tiles of 1/7 for barely any wind, 2/7 for medium wind, and 3/7 for strong winds. During a storm, sand could even generate dust clouds which harm the lungs and cause unhappy thoughts in your dwarves. The main difference between sand and any other liquids though, is that you can walk on sand until it reaches a certain depth. (2 z-levels?) Flows could be measured at 1% the rate of water checks to reduce lag. Another possible way this could work is explained here. [init toggleable]

  • Placer Deposits - Deposits of various minerals and gems along rivers, these would be small (like aluminum clusters) and the most common forms would be Gold, Platinum, Tin, Diamonds, and in rare cases, Thorium. Some of these deposits
    would lead upstream to their source vein in a cliff or into a mountain.

  • Gold Dust! - Three bags of gold dust harvested from a placer deposit (there would need to be a limited amount) could be smelted together to form one gold bar.

  • Black Sand - Digging through a tile of black sand could result in a 'pile of sand' item being generated, and that item could be baggable. two to four bags of the stuff and you've got yourself an iron bar! This could be expanded to more ore types, as well.

  • Back in The

    Quake of 205... - A chasm was formed! Yup, diverging tectonic plates (or the DF equivalent of) can form a huge crack in the world (Chasm) that may or may not act as a magma spout.

  • Inselbergs - Large buttes or mountains jutting up in the middle of nowhere, due to eroding slower than the land surrounding it.

  • Mesas - Huge, tall, and flat. Mostly sheer sides with a few paths to the summit.

  • Springs and Oasis - Aquifers could occur partially exposed resulting in a large lake at the source of a river, or an oasis in desert biomes. Might allow the formation of small civilizations.

Water Features
see Watery Diversity

Sursumterranean Creatures:
Any suggestion for improving or adding to the existing above ground creatures.

  • Boneyards- Random areas (like pits) where a mass of animals died, causing a pseudo-permanent bone pile. (only permanent until you turn it into knickknacks!)

  • Silkworms - There are varieties that live above ground, and they make some mighty fine silk! Due to the harmless (and tiny) nature of silkworms however, you get less silk at less risk. Still, woe to the dwarf who tries to collect the silk of the mighty !!Giant Silkworm!!

  • Bees, Ants, and Termites! oh my! - Hives of these critters could occasionally spawn a type of vermin named something like "cloud of bees" or "swarm of ants", and would be able to attack and maim dwarves and animals alike.

  • Predators Vs. Prey - It'd be nice if wolves and other carnivores would hunt down other animals, and prey would run away.

  • Oh no! Zasit's been Herd! - Large wild animals in herds of dozens (or even hundreds) would really put the hurt on any little flesh-creatures in the way!

  • Birds! - Have YOU ever seen a finch or a crow ingame?

Above Ground Flora:
Anything about above ground plant life

  • Wood Products - I'd like to see maple trees be tap-able, and bark as a harvestable item (cinnamon, willow bark for medicine, papery bark for writing, even pine bark-under the bark is an edible layer). This could work like plant gathering but with multiple uses of the tree before the tree dies.

  • Petrified Forests - Forests where all the trees are made of stone would be nice for areas with aquifers.

  • Tree Strength - Currently all wood is EXACTLY THE SAME! Some woods are near iron in quality and some are soft enough to be cork. More variance would be nice.

  • Peat Bogs - Large areas of land with interspersed water and much peat. If a bog area lasts for a long enough time, small nodules of "Bog Iron" may form, and bodies dropped in the bog will be preserved almost eternally. (no rotting)

  • Decorative Plants - More Plants that aren't useful for wood OR food would be nice. Ferns, Flowers, and bushes are all nice, and may give happy thoughts.

  • Long Grass - Bonus to the ambusher skill, and creatures could hide in it.

  • Prickly! - Some kinds of plants may have brambles and thorns, causing minor cuts and slowing movement. this would be remedied by a high-traffic zone being set upon the plant.

  • Important Herbs - Add some tuber varieties and more berries that cannot be farmed, only gathered.

  • Water Flora - underwater plants, or plants that require at least 2/7 water to grow.

  • Fungal Growth - Dead trees can have fungus grow on them, which is harvestable for food and for brewing. some varieties could be poisonous in future versions.

  • Bloodvine - Another type of plant that slowly spawns another segment next to itself (as it grows) in a fractal or geometric pattern. Anything stepping on a fully grown bloodvine will be wounded or possibly strangled.

  • Bauxwood - A variety of the Boxwood tree that is resistant to magma.

  • Fruit Trees - With herbalism, a dwarf could gather food from a tree once or twice per year, depending of the plant. Also, the plant should be transplantable. The wood of a fruit tree would be more expensive than more common woods, and be used for luxury -Beds- and -other various furniture-

  • Beerfruit - Fruit fallen from a tree could ferment and be used as either a food or a drink. [Kitchen Tab toggleable]

  • World Tree(s) - Ginormous trees with odd and (possibly) vicious creatures inside, such as giant termites, giant BEES, elves, and more!

  • Invasive Species - Like sieges, a fast-growing plant species could enter your lands, destroying all other life in its path and harming your dwarves. (if it's prickly.) A Bloodvine invasion would be a 10 on the 1-10 difficulty. They could be repulsed and destroyed by woodcutters and digging ditches. Also, you could pave over the sky and kill them off. [init toggleable]

  • Desert Blooms - After a rainstorm, the deserts EXPLODE with plant life for a short amount of time.
    Spoiler (click to show/hide)

  • Exploding Trees - Trees may explode when extremely cold or struck by lightning.

Meta-game Modifications:
Some aspects of the game may have to be augmented to integrate the above suggestions.

  • Clouds - Currently, rain falls from space. Besides, Megabeasts need homes too! (it'd also add a nice visual effect when you have a massive spire poking through the cloud layer)

  • Breakable Land - Thin layers of rock or soil might break when something too heavy is on them.

  • Tundra Enhancement - Currently Tundra is a giant snowy wasteland, when it should in fact be fairly grassy during summer. The melting of the snows may cause flooding.

  • Swampland Enhancement - Currently the game does forests and swamps very similarly, when swamps should be full of random 2/7 bogs of water, quicksand, possibly more than one stream, and an aquifer in the top few soil layers.

  • Dynamic Environments - Trees and Animals should check the temperature and amount of water, and possibly migrate in and out of your region as they please. (example: Toads leaving the desert, Polar bears heading to colder climes)

  • Heat Exhaustion - Particularly in scorching climates, dwarves and animals would need to find shade or shelter from the sun or risk one of three things-
           1) Going Loopy
           2) Death
           3) Slower movement

  • Dynamic Clothing - Dwarves would also check the temperature, so that you don't have your dwarves die of heat exhaustion by wearing coats in a desert.

  • Wind direction - To help with dunes and placement of windmills.

  • Through sheer force of will - Move glacier, move!

  • Orion says... - Sentient constellations based off of or forming legends.

  • Snow -
    Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Formatting inspired by Othob Rithol's Underground Diversity Thread
Also, we now have an Eternal Voting Suggestion option. VOTE HERE!
« Last Edit: October 20, 2010, 02:02:57 pm by Farthing »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Aboveground Diversity II(under new ownership)
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2010, 12:01:07 am »

So much win in this thread, it's amazing. 

Also, perhaps this thread might be pertinent to implementing the "Dunes" suggestion and could be linked in the meta-game part:

I know it's sort of game mechanics related, and this thread isn't for that, but I think it fits in with the meta-game part.  Let me know if this is not the kind of stuff I should post here.  :3


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Aboveground Diversity II(under new ownership)
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2010, 12:43:37 pm »

Precisely on topic friend. I'll put the link into the main post as a reference to how loose sand could work. =]


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Aboveground Diversity II(under new ownership)
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2010, 06:02:31 pm »

  • Only YOU don't have a chance! - Trees and bushes in scorching and warm climates randomly burst into flames!
There's a place so hot, rattlesnakes combust. . .
Proud of my heritage.
Prepare to lose your sanity.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Aboveground Diversity II(under new ownership)
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2010, 09:31:14 am »

Actually that can happen to eucalyptus and other Trees that produce etheric-oils on mass.
[sarcasm] You know what? I love grammar Nazis! They give me that warm and fuzzy feeling. I am so ashamed of my bad english and that my first language is German. [/sarcasm]

Proud to be a Furry.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Aboveground Diversity II(under new ownership)
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2010, 03:42:59 pm »

Migratory Events- right now creatures just sort of drift on and off the map whenever they're in season. Maybe half an annual or semi-annual migration, where scores of some tasty ungulates charge across the map in one go, and you can get a year's worth of high-quality meat if you take advantage of them.

Maybe have some sort of more complicated population behavior, too, or have creatures that never leave the map- wolves that have their den there, maybe; something to make it so that if you hunt or trap them all, they don't neccesarily reappear, so there's some value in selective slaughter. Probably wouldn't work for simple food/pet beasts, but maybe something with some other use...
What do you really need to turn Elves into Dwarves? Mutation could make them grow a beard; insanity effects could make them evil-minded, aggressive, tree-hating cave dwellers, and instant, full necrosis of their lower legs could make them short.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Aboveground Diversity II(under new ownership)
« Reply #6 on: October 02, 2010, 04:00:09 pm »

Just a note about the comets, I like the idea but a meteor of only a few square meters can make a crater hundreds (perhaps kms) wide. If it were to big (big enough to leave large deposits) it would kill all life on the world. At that size, I don't think it would matter if it were a comet or meteor.However small quantities of iron from meteors have been used since the stone age. a unique mix of metals could also be found, making a very strong alloy. Perhaps this could be included.
I really liked the rest of the ideas presented in this thread.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Aboveground Diversity II(under new ownership)
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2010, 12:17:10 pm »

Valid points, I imagine that craters could be possible during early world gen before population is added or maybe even during. But yes, it would be unpleasant to say the least to have your fortress wiped off the map by a random event. Which sort of makes me want to try them anyway >=)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Aboveground Diversity II (under new ownership)
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2010, 04:45:31 pm »

What about the ability to build hives for the bee's? Kill a current hive, get the queen, stuff em in it. And after sometime be able to harvest honey?

Ability to harvest Juice or such from certain plants, such as cactus.

Setting fields/tree's on fire might have a burning effect, but leave better soil behind with the ashes and the like.


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Aboveground Diversity II (under new ownership)
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2010, 08:20:09 am »

Would also be nice to have snow on top of peaks, not just on glaciers/cold climates

Channeling also turns up artifacts and such?

Maybe fossils usable by a necromancer or something (just bursting ideas) making them skeletal things

vermin butcherable! and not in brains etc. just in: roasted lizard (or something)

animals need to stay on the maps longer and breed 'n stuff, soa nimals can go extinct in your region



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Aboveground Diversity II (under new ownership)
« Reply #10 on: October 09, 2010, 09:48:07 am »

Craters - kind of like reverse mountains, caused by anything from a blob of space-adamantine to a bronze colossus plowing into the ground after tripping.

What about a crater created by a verneshot? It'd be hilarious to have that happen in fortress mode. Absolutely slaughter the framerate though...



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Aboveground Diversity II(under new ownership)
« Reply #11 on: October 09, 2010, 11:10:33 am »

Valid points, I imagine that craters could be possible during early world gen before population is added or maybe even during. But yes, it would be unpleasant to say the least to have your fortress wiped off the map by a random event. Which sort of makes me want to try them anyway >=)
Meteors could also introduce alien life forms in limited numbers to an area. And mabye contain molten adamantine core, the remains of a spaceship.

Engraved on the monitor is an exceptionally designed image of FPS in Dwarf Fortress and it's multicore support by Toady. Toady is raising the multicore. The artwork relates to the masterful multicore support by Toady for the Dwarf Fortress in midwinter of 2010. Toady is surrounded by dwarves. The dwarves are rejoicing.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Aboveground Diversity II (under new ownership)
« Reply #12 on: October 12, 2010, 05:57:43 pm »

Valid points, I imagine that craters could be possible during early world gen before population is added or maybe even during. But yes, it would be unpleasant to say the least to have your fortress wiped off the map by a random event. Which sort of makes me want to try them anyway >=)
Meteors could also introduce alien life forms in limited numbers to an area. And mabye contain molten adamantine core, the remains of a spaceship.

So... This idea is either the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard, or sheer genius. Spaceship might be a bit much, given the tech limit, but this could be an alternate way of introducing HFS. Some of the fun stuff is pretty otherworldly already.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Aboveground Diversity II (under new ownership)
« Reply #13 on: October 12, 2010, 06:38:40 pm »

"Evolution" the question is have dwarfes "head and shoulders" products?
[sarcasm] You know what? I love grammar Nazis! They give me that warm and fuzzy feeling. I am so ashamed of my bad english and that my first language is German. [/sarcasm]

Proud to be a Furry.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Aboveground Diversity II (under new ownership)
« Reply #14 on: October 13, 2010, 10:54:00 pm »

I notice fog hasn't been mentioned, it can be integrated into the clouds part, by having low level clouds count as fog,swamps could also have thick fog regularly( to differentiate from marshes more).
Did you know that if you write 3.14 on a piece of paper and hold it in a mirror, it will say pie? And if you divide 42 by 3.14... you get 13.37!

It is incredibly satisfying to kill a man with a butterfly.
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