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Author Topic: Zealots and Demons RTD Epilogue  (Read 93970 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Zealots and Demons RTD Turn 8: Enter the Demon Hunter
« Reply #120 on: October 10, 2010, 12:39:25 am »

"Heh not bad at all, we should have this done soon enough."

Pick up the crude iron sword and then go deeper into the cave.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Zealots and Demons RTD Turn 9: I wish I was that cool Q.Q
« Reply #121 on: October 10, 2010, 01:53:19 am »

Quote from: kilakan
"I am not a demon, simply a human mage looking for some work.... speaking of which could I help you in anyway.... except for you see I got injured and need healing before I can fight anyone..... so can I go or can I help you in some way?"
Basically explain myself while avoiding the guard incident and try and get work and possible healing out of him.

[3] You stumble through your story, slightly nervous, what with the gun sticking in your back and knowing he's probing you with his demonic all-seeing eye.  Finally he holsters his gun after what seems to be an eternity.  "I believe you, and yes you would be of some use to me.  You are an outsider to this town, that is exactly what I need.  However there is someone out in the hall waiting to come in, I'll explain more once you both come in" said the Demon Hunter.  He moved his arm to direct you to a table set out with some food that seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

"Eat, I'll explain while you do."  he said turning to open the door just as Dor'lek was about to knock.

Quote from: CoughDrop
If I see Khan and the Hunter, stand idly by and try to blend in. If not, knock lightly on the door. Either way being ready for a blinding flash.

[auto-success]The door opens before you can knock and you find yourself face to face with a figure shrouded in a dark gray cloak.  One of his eyes is covered, the other is a bright orange common among the As'ci'tilli.  Before you can do anything he says in a harsh whisper "Come in quickly."  You do so seeing as this was the arranged meeting spot but keep your spell at the ready.  "Go sit with the mage and eat while I explain, but be quick we have little enough time as it is and I am looking forward to this hunt being over."  You recognize the mage as Khan from earlier, completely unharmed, though he does look a little bit shaken.

"I saw your key earlier, while you were shopping for your cloak, a good choice might I add.  That is how I know you are safe.  That's not important though,  You both have chosen an ill time to visit the town of Zalud'thur, however with the assistance of you we might yet make this town safe once again.  As you have no doubt heard the goblins have recently become more bold in this area, as well as a plague striking this town, both happening at the very same time.  These both are not random coincidence, but rather the work of one being.  As you both have no doubt guess I am a demon hunter, and my pray is a demon working here, in Zalud'thur."  The demon hunter explained unwrapping the cloak from his head and letting it hit the floor as he went to a cabinet and collected several types of bullets and trinkets, placing them into many pockets in the bandoleer around his chest.  He also picked up a type of gun known as a caster and placed it into his second holster.

"I warn you, this will in no way be pleasant, but it must be done.  The demon has put many different poisons into foodstuffs and beverages of the town.  I've been able to work some antidotes into some of the food but I can't convince the bartender to de-poison his beverages, he's scared and won't do anything until I destroy the demon.  The demon has also been calling the goblins to the town, in stronger and stronger waves.  At this rate, full-scale siege will soon be on the door step of this town.  Once the demon is destroyed however, the goblins will instantly lose all that courage they've built up recently, and I'll be able to finish saving this town from the poison that is pouring into it..  Would you be willing to assist me or will I be hunting alone?"  He says picking up his cloak and putting it back on and covering up the same half of his face before you get a chance to see it.

Quote from: wolfchild
Enchant my robe to corrode any weapon that strikes it, the corrosion will be using acid, find some more alchemy ingedients

[6+1(enchantment skill)=7 out 15]  You arrange the runes in your head that you need to enchant your robe with what you think in a weapon corroding enchantment.  [3] Just to be on the safe side you take your robe off before enchanting it. 

As you channel your mana you realize you accidentally used a wrong rune.  It's too late to change it and just hope it a mostly harmless mistake.  As you finish the enchantment you examine the robe to make sure you didn't just accidentally put a skin-melting enchantment on it.  As you examine your robe you realize that the enchantment won't corrode weapons but rather corrode any armor that touches the robe. . . that was kind of worthless.  It's times like this you wish you had studied the art of enchanting more. ((this failure was caused by being under the Difficulty Check, as a note)

You think about going out to find more potion ingredients so you can sell them to buy a new robe, but realize you're out of containers to hold liquids, as well as containers to hold solid ingredients.

-5 mana from enchanting.

Quote from: SeriousConcentrate
I nod to Flintus and Frelock. "Malgun Wispyr," I say with a hat tip to introduce myself. There's spoils to go over, but once we're finished with that, I'll look around for a light source, like a torch or such, then proceed further on into the caves.

[4]  You catch the torch that Frelock tosses at you.  Realizing nobody has picked up the leather armor you quickly pick it up and put it on so you are more protected for these upcoming battles.  Following Frelock you enter the cave.

Quote from: Frelock
Frown at Malgun, mutter, "Thanks, but I could have handled it myself." Toss him a torch, light one of my own, and enter the cave.

[4]  You enter the cave after tossing a torch to Malgun as well as light one of your own.  On entering you see the goblins all seem to be deeper in the caves.  There are two doors leading deeper into the caves, one to the North-west, one to the North-east.  From the North-West you here a sort of pulsating, enchanting sound.  From the North-East you here the sound of many people eating and drinking.  Both doors probably lead to a tough fight, but as long as you keep it at least semi-quiet you shouldn't have to fight both.

Looking around the room you find yourself in you see several stakes that might be able to be used in some kind of trap to skewer goblins.  You also see a cache of bricks, unshaped soft metals, and other materials that could be used in some kind of fortification or trap.  It's good you got here when you did, too much longer and this cave would have been heavily fortified.

Quote from: Flintus10
"Heh not bad at all, we should have this done soon enough."

Pick up the crude iron sword and then go deeper into the cave.

[6] You walk into that damn cave like you own the place, coolly picking up the sword as you walk.  You're so hip that pieces of anatomy everywhere aspire to be like you.  You perform a little flourish with your sword before placing it into a scabbard you materialized in your hand with the power of demonic magic.  I wish I was as cool as you.

Enemy Turns

No Enemies

Status Changes:

Spoiler: Havor'e (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Frelock (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Flintus (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Malgun (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Dorlek (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Khan (click to show/hide)


« Last Edit: October 10, 2010, 02:41:34 pm by V-Norrec »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Zealots and Demons RTD Turn 9: I wish I was that cool Q.Q
« Reply #122 on: October 10, 2010, 02:36:49 am »

"Hrm, I will help you. Do you have an idea of where this demon might be hiding? Also, does this key from the barkeep serve a special purpose?"
« Last Edit: October 10, 2010, 02:41:11 am by CoughDrop »
"It's one thing to feel that you are on the right path, but it's another to think yours is the only path."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Zealots and Demons RTD Turn 9: I wish I was that cool Q.Q
« Reply #123 on: October 10, 2010, 02:44:49 am »

"I am going to check out the north west if you guys choose to follow that's fine"

Head North-west cautiously be ready for a fight.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Zealots and Demons RTD Turn 9: I wish I was that cool Q.Q
« Reply #124 on: October 10, 2010, 11:49:01 am »

While eating the food, "I'm more then happy to be of help it's just a matter of my personal... survivability, do you have an armor I could borrow, and what would be entailed in killing a demon, shall we simply try and get you close enough to put a bullet through it's head or are we the ones you want to kill it?"  Oh and I made this nifty little enchantment, I could put it on an item of yours and should you die I can restart you heart.... just once though, are you interested in a trade for one of your trinkets, maybe some type of damage barrier?
Nom nom nom


  • Bay Watcher
  • Dabbling Philosopher
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Re: Zealots and Demons RTD Turn 9: I wish I was that cool Q.Q
« Reply #125 on: October 10, 2010, 01:33:10 pm »

"Though the idea of crashing a goblin party sounds like fun, there's far more trecherous work being done in this chamber, I'll wager."

March through the north-west, and cleave the first goblin I come across.
All generalizations are false....including this one.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Wyvern Buddy
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Re: Zealots and Demons RTD Turn 9: I wish I was that cool Q.Q
« Reply #126 on: October 10, 2010, 08:57:28 pm »

Practice by cancelling the enchantment
You really can both sig it.
But... That would break the laws of sigging! We can't have everyone running around with the same quotes. IT MAKES THEM UNFUNNY FASTER!


  • Bay Watcher
  • The Hollow Street Hero
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Re: Zealots and Demons RTD Turn 9: I wish I was that cool Q.Q
« Reply #127 on: October 11, 2010, 11:55:54 am »

I stop to put on my armor, then light the torch. When we enter the next room, I'll go over to examine the trap-making materials. Perhaps I can make something useful to use against the goblins, or barring that, figure out how their trap works and break it. Either way, I'll follow along afterwards.
SerCon Shorts: This Is How You Do It - Twenty-three one minute or less videos of random stupidity in AC:U, Bloodborne, DS2:SotFS, Salt & Sanctuary, and The Witcher 3.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Zealots and Demons RTD Turn 10: Mobs of Zombies
« Reply #128 on: October 11, 2010, 02:31:44 pm »

Quote from: CoughDrop
"Hrm, I will help you. Do you have an idea of where this demon might be hiding? Also, does this key from the barkeep serve a special purpose?"

[5]  You succeed in asking your questions.  "The key lets you in my room and lets me know when somebody uses it so I could meet you here.  I told the bartender to send anybody who started getting a bit too curious about any possible poison in the ale here.  It seems he at least has enough spine to do that thankfully."  The Demon Hunter explains. 

"As for the location of the demon, yes, I've been tracking his agents throughout the town and I believe I've located the house they are using to hide him in.  No doubt they've actually tunneled underground to provide more room for their. . . activities.  Until we get there I can tell you know more about the demon as he has been very secretive about his movements and I've yet to see him in person yet."

Quote from: Flintus10
Head North-west cautiously be ready for a fight.

[6]  You stealthily head over to the door careful to make no noise.  You look through a few cracks in the door and you realize what is going on in this room.  In the center of the room you see a Large purple-black crystal, floating above a fire that burns black with demonic energy, which three goblins are around, chanting, probably spell-caster type goblins.  You catch a whiff of the smell of some kind of rotting flesh, looking around for the source you see two large groups of zombie goblins... fun.  (You are in stealth, next attack will be an automatic critical hit as long as you continue in stealth mode.)

Quote from: kilakan
While eating the food, "I'm more then happy to be of help it's just a matter of my personal... survivability, do you have an armor I could borrow, and what would be entailed in killing a demon, shall we simply try and get you close enough to put a bullet through it's head or are we the ones you want to kill it?"  Oh and I made this nifty little enchantment, I could put it on an item of yours and should you die I can restart you heart.... just once though, are you interested in a trade for one of your trinkets, maybe some type of damage barrier?

[4]  You explain your situation and questions to the Demon Hunter.  "I don't carry around armor I don't use, however if you were able to perform than enchantment of yours on a shirt I would be willing to trade you this,"  said the Demon Hunter walking over to a closet and taking out a smallish staff that he apparently had stowed away in there.  "I don't use magic enough to justify carrying a staff at all times anyhow."  [5] As you examine the Staff you realize it to be a replica of Sareesa's Staff.  It is made of strong Mahogany wood with a blue crystal held at the top between the wings of an engraved angel.  That body of the staff itself is rather plain, but the craftsmanship is of the highest quality and should be able to hold a few different enchantments if the enchanter is skilled.

"As for killing the demon though, You two will hold the demon's cultists off while I battle it.  The demon will be far stronger than either of you two can handle so leave it to me, I can't be worrying about minions coming in and stabbing me in the back however."

Quote from: Frelock
March through the north-west, and cleave the first goblin I come across.

[1]  You think about going towards the door to the north-west, but you get so wrapped up in the idea of killing goblins you forget to actually walk towards the door.  You cleave the air you imagine to be goblins for [4] [2+3=5] 5 damage.  You have hurt the air's feelings.  It decides it is no longer friends with you. :(

Quote from: wolfchild
Practice by cancelling the enchantment

Deciding that you really like this robe and don't want to have to go buy a new one you are going to try your hand at the art of disenchanting.  [8+1=9 out of 7]  Slowly and carefully you begin to magically erase the runes of the enchantment while not altering the nature of the robe itself.  In the end you are successful and get a small amount of magic dust which assists in minor enchantments.

(Magic Dust +1 to an enchantment attempt with a DC of less than 10.)

Quote from: SeriousConcentrate
I stop to put on my armor, then light the torch. When we enter the next room, I'll go over to examine the trap-making materials. Perhaps I can make something useful to use against the goblins, or barring that, figure out how their trap works and break it. Either way, I'll follow along afterwards.

Note:  I already equipped the armor for you so I'm just going to ignore that part

[3]  You light your torch and examine the trap-making/construction materials.  It's like a treasure trove of things that could be used for virtually any construction.  You get giddy about all the possible ways with which you can kill goblins with these materials.  Since nobody has entered the next room yet you decide you plan out your next construction.  [+1 to next Construction attempt]

Enemy Turns

No Enemies are alerted to your presence yet

Enemy Status

Zombie Goblin Mob A
Health: 25

Zombie Goblin Mob B
Health: 25

Necromancer A
Health: 5
Mana: 8

Necromancer B
Health: 5
Mana: 8

Goblin Shaman
Health: 10
Mana: 14

Status Changes:

Spoiler: Havor'e (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Frelock (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Flintus (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Malgun (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Dorlek (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Khan (click to show/hide)


Eating also restores mana btw, that's why your mana is full now Khan.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2010, 02:33:22 pm by V-Norrec »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Dabbling Philosopher
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Re: Zealots and Demons RTD Turn 10: Mobs of Zombies
« Reply #129 on: October 11, 2010, 02:46:29 pm »

Enter the room, charge goblin Shaman with a swing at his neck; righteous fury him if he isn't dead afterwords.
All generalizations are false....including this one.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Zealots and Demons RTD Turn 10: Mobs of Zombies
« Reply #130 on: October 11, 2010, 02:54:53 pm »

"Well then, seeing as you want to be heading this operation, do you think we should try and recruit a few more into our team or do you think we can fare well with the three of us? Time is of the essence as innocents will continue to die until we vanquish this demon."
"It's one thing to feel that you are on the right path, but it's another to think yours is the only path."


  • Bay Watcher
  • The Hollow Street Hero
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Re: Zealots and Demons RTD Turn 10: Mobs of Zombies
« Reply #131 on: October 11, 2010, 03:42:30 pm »

It looks like there's materials to make a minor trap. I gather some and move to the entrance to make a simple one; it should be effective against goblins, since they're not very smart. I'll also warn my allies so they don't stumble into it.

I'll make a weapon-trap by attaching spikes to springs in a wall formation, angled at twenty degrees towards the ground. I'll then link this to a tripwire so that anything that steps on it will cause the spikes to shoot towards them, and set this wire across the entrance of the room at about ankle-height for a goblin. Then, just above and in front of it, I'll set another wire. That way, if a golbin tries to step over it, they'll step on the actual wire.
SerCon Shorts: This Is How You Do It - Twenty-three one minute or less videos of random stupidity in AC:U, Bloodborne, DS2:SotFS, Salt & Sanctuary, and The Witcher 3.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Zealots and Demons RTD Turn 10: Mobs of Zombies
« Reply #132 on: October 11, 2010, 04:07:08 pm »

I'll make a weapon-trap by attaching spikes to springs in a wall formation, angled at twenty degrees towards the ground. I'll then link this to a tripwire so that anything that steps on it will cause the spikes to shoot towards them, and set this wire across the entrance of the room at about ankle-height for a goblin. Then, just above and in front of it, I'll set another wire. That way, if a golbin tries to step over it, they'll step on the actual wire.

towards?  do you mean up from the ground \\\ or from the ceiling like ///  ?


  • Bay Watcher
  • The Hollow Street Hero
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Re: Zealots and Demons RTD Turn 10: Mobs of Zombies
« Reply #133 on: October 11, 2010, 04:22:31 pm »

From the ground, like \\\. Although the ceiling would probably be a bit less obvious, I think I'll go with the ground.
SerCon Shorts: This Is How You Do It - Twenty-three one minute or less videos of random stupidity in AC:U, Bloodborne, DS2:SotFS, Salt & Sanctuary, and The Witcher 3.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Wyvern Buddy
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Re: Zealots and Demons RTD Turn 10: Mobs of Zombies
« Reply #134 on: October 11, 2010, 05:39:47 pm »

Find the others
You really can both sig it.
But... That would break the laws of sigging! We can't have everyone running around with the same quotes. IT MAKES THEM UNFUNNY FASTER!
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