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Author Topic: Zealots and Demons RTD Epilogue  (Read 94047 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Zealots and Demons RTD Turn 29: Flashback Sequence in 3. . . 2. . . 1. . .
« Reply #330 on: November 01, 2010, 03:15:23 pm »

Hum actually could I just take some metal armor, I could enchant it later, and I don't want to be able to be one hit so easily.
Have a few great drinks, chat with Gardios an the others about this representative we have to meet, and before I get too drunk retire to my room.

Nom nom nom


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Zealots and Demons RTD Turn 30: Day of the Wasted Six
« Reply #331 on: November 01, 2010, 07:05:50 pm »

Sure kilakan, I suppose I can do that. 

Quote from: CoughDrop
Thinking it best to trust Gardios in that he can help him find some healing tomes, Dor'lek goes to the party's room and prays to the planet before retiring for the night.

[6]  You head to the room and you say a beautiful prayer before hitting the sack.  You fall asleep almost instantly.

Quote from: Ochita
Ochita decides to go to bed after telling a short story of what they did. He also prays to the planet, thanking it for his adventure and how well it went out.

[4]  You tell Malgun and Frelock about the adventures you have had underneath the town.  They seem to be fairly interested in what you have to say.  After finishing up your story and hearing the story of Malgun and Frelock, you decide it's time for bed.

[6]  You quietly enter the room sure not to wake up Dor'lek.  With a short prayer you climb into bed and fall asleep.

Quote from: Flintus10
Investigate ways to remove the crystals undead summoning abilities before going to sleep.

[4]  Examining the Crystal further you are certain the undead summoning enchantment was added to harness the innate power it.  You're not very good with enchanting yourself, so you think that you should probably get somebody else to remove that enchantment while leaving the others intact.  For the moment, you devise a spell that should limit it's influence using the demonic magic school.

[5]  Casting the spell, you feel incredibly tired and decide that the crystal and tome will still be there tomorrow and drift off to sleep.

Quote from: Frelock
Rest, and meditate on what I have learned.  Mentally go over the successful moves I did in my mind, so I'll be able to replicate them later.

[3]  You start going over some of the moves you've pulled off today, but you are tired and soon you find yourself trudging upstairs and falling over in bed, getting out of your armor and falling asleep.

Quote from: SeriousConcentrate
I listen to Ochita's story and make plans, if I'm still around town tomorrow, to go down to the caverns and try to help out with building supports for the ground. I then go to my room and try to get some sleep. Tomorrow's going to be busy whether I help the townspeople or meet the representative.

[5]  You listen to Ochita's story before sharing your own.  You begin to make plans for tomorrow, to either help with building supports or to meet with the Zealot Representative.  After a bit, you get tired and head to bed and fall asleep.

Quote from: kilakan
Have a few great drinks, chat with Gardios an the others about this representative we have to meet, and before I get too drunk retire to my room.

[6]  After a few refreshing beverages, you begin to ask Gardios about the Zealot Representative.  He doesn't seem to know too terribly much about it in particular.  "Most of them hire people to help keep demons in check in the Broken Isles, or other sometimes guard places or items of importance to the Zealots.  I haven't heard much about this though, maybe they have something planned for you guys in particular, I wouldn't know though.  Anyhow, I'm heading to bed."  he says as he leaves the table and heads into his room.  Thinking that sounds like a good idea you head into bed as well.

Status Changes:

Spoiler: Ochita (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Frelock (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Flintus (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Malgun (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Dorlek (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Khan (click to show/hide)

All health and mana restored, I'll be posting the Backstory/Flashback in a bit in a separate post.  For your actions, assume that you wake up at 8:00 AM.  Most businesses will be open at this time, the Representative will arrive at 10:00 AM.  Also, you will all share that vision so feel free to discuss it amongst yourselves once I get it posted.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Zealots and Demons RTD Turn 30: Day of the Wasted Six
« Reply #332 on: November 01, 2010, 07:31:43 pm »

Upon waking up, Dor'lek eats a meager breakfast and searches out Gardios to hopefully get his hands on some healing tomes before the Representative arrives.
"It's one thing to feel that you are on the right path, but it's another to think yours is the only path."


  • Bay Watcher
  • Dabbling Philosopher
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Re: Zealots and Demons RTD Turn 30: Day of the Wasted Six
« Reply #333 on: November 01, 2010, 07:50:02 pm »

Go to the captain of the guard, then the blacksmith, informing both of my tale and the demise of the goblins.
All generalizations are false....including this one.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Zealots and Demons RTD Turn 30: Day of the Wasted Six
« Reply #334 on: November 01, 2010, 07:57:14 pm »

So how are we going to get the items, shall it be something that just happens, or should i go ask for it in the morning?
Flintus-Want me to remove that enchantment, I'm fairly competent with it.
Head down and take the crystal from flintus and see if there's anything I can do about the undead enchantment.
Then see if I can get some breakfast.
Strange, though after the amount of magic I used yesterday, certainly not something tht isn't to be expected, hopefully I'm not going mad.....  Maybe I can fix this with a good breakfast.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2010, 02:17:52 pm by kilakan »
Nom nom nom


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Zealots and Demons RTD Turn 30: Day of the Wasted Six
« Reply #335 on: November 01, 2010, 08:04:43 pm »

Head down stairs and get something to eat. Show the crystal to Khan and ask if he can remove only the undead enchantment. Flick through the book while I wait for the representitives.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Doofus ghostus
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Re: Zealots and Demons RTD Turn 30: Day of the Wasted Six
« Reply #336 on: November 01, 2010, 08:45:34 pm »

Go downstairs and have something to eat, when the crystal is brought up I'll offer to help. I do have expericance with demonic and enchanting.
Quote from: Freeform
princest zaldo of hurl kindom: the mushroom aren't going to choice itself, ochita


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Zealots and Demons RTD Turn 30: Day of the Wasted Six
« Reply #337 on: November 02, 2010, 01:35:36 am »

You'll be asking for it.  Also, HOLY MOLY, you guys post fast.  Feel free to edit actions relating to this in your posts.

As the six begin to dream, they are all teleported to a scene from the past.  You recognize the area you as the Ancient Portal to the Nether, only it is now active.  It hasn't been active for more than a thousand years.  You see tents in the distance with the white and gold flag of the crusaders raised above them.  Looking at the Portal you see the magic keeping the portal active is beginning to fray and be torn asunder.  Sareesa must be preparing for the final assault through the portal to fray it from the other side, forever locking her and her followers away inside the Nether, where time means nothing, to fight for eternity against the demons.

Looking back up at the tents feel yourself being dragged into one of them, as though you were being sucked through a straw.  Inside the tent, you see Sareesa sitting in the corner her back to the opening of the tent, she is praying to the Gods to grant her strength.  A Troll clad in armor that shines like the dawn of a new day enters the tent, "Ah not be likin' the look o' things m'lady."  he says with a think accent.  Sareesa brought peace between the Trolls and Humans, meaning that worship of her as a demi-god is even higher among Trolls than Humans even now.  It is speculated that only Sareesa, who was in touch with the planet, the spirits, and the heavens, far more than any being since her could have diplomatically ended the war between the Trolls and Humans that had lasted since they first met.

"Sentinel, you know I must do this.  I know that the Zealots do not all stand with me, that some even seek to overthrow me as leader before I can close the Portal.  However, if I close that Portal, and those faithful to me join me and fight the demons on their own land, for the first time the demons will be threatened, and not our world.  I want for the children to grow up in a world free of this darkness." she says standing up.  Sareesa's heavenweave robes are brown with gold trim, far more unassuming than most would expect of the Grandmaster of the Zealots.  Her hair is long and brown and her eyes a light blue, almost grey, that seems to radiate pure kindness.

"Ah know m'lady.  We Trolls, we be standin' with ya to tha end.  I will fight at your side, until I draw ma last."  He says knelling.  Sentinel is known to be the chosen Knight of Sareesa, a warrior of true spirit who guarded her from all manner of threats, single-handedly ensuring her escape or rescue from many close battles with the demons.

Sareesa approaches the kneeling Troll and kneels beside him, her head right up against his.  "I know you will.  After all we've both been through, I can say a better knight could not have been found.  I thank you for all your years of service."  She says, as she draws her head back away from him.  Lifting his head with her hand, she leans in and kisses him lightly.

"You know the others must not find out, they not be understandin'," Sentinel says standing up and dusting himself off.

"Well, we're only about to march through the gate to a world where sleep will be a luxury and death will haunt us with our every step.  I thought you might need something to remember me by in case we're separated," she says smiling.  What you have seen has never been known by any others, while it was always known Sareesa and Sentinel were close, only the most extreme had suggested a relationship beyond one of duty and respect between the two, much less a physical relationship.

"Come m'lady, the troops are nearly assembles and ready for our final assault."  says Sentinel heading out of the tent.  Sareesa gazes at him as he leaves before shaking her head and masking over her feelings with a facade of duty and righteousness.  Picking up her staff and throwing knives where she had left them by her bed, Sareesa headed outside.

The sun shone down on all, storm clouds brewed in the North but none of the soldier milling about seemed to pay them any notice.  As Sareesa exited, several of the soldiers glanced at her and slinked off leaving only three with her.  "What is the meaning of this?"  she asked them.

"If we allow you to live, you'll break the power of the Zealots forever, trapping our most skilled forces in hell forever."  said one of the soldiers.  They all drew out their swords simultaneously.  All 3 charged for Sareesa at once.  Despite being famed for her great power, Sareesa did nothing as they charged, allowing the swords to puncture her.  One sword stuck out from her back, stuck between two ribs.  One was through her stomach and the final sword was in her side and surely had punctured her lung.

The three soldiers left, content in the damage they had caused.  Struggling to hold onto life Sareesa dropped her staff and gripped at the sword that was stuck inside of her from the front.  With much effort she pulled the sword out.  As she did, she began to cough of dark red blood.  "It looks like. . . this is the end," she said, on her knees, a pool of blood growing around her, her once clean robes, stained with her blood.

As she struggled to hold onto life with everything she had, Sentinel approached, having heard his mistress saying something.  Shocked by the sight, he approached her and began to cry.  As he did, Sareesa's body began to glow, and her eyes light with divine fire.  "Sentinel, do not cry, I shall not die today."  she said.

This is recognized as the moment when Sareesa's divine spark overtook her mortal flame and she acceded to become the Demi-God that she is today, presumably still fighting in the Nether against the demons.  As you all begin to wake up, you can hear a small, faint voice speaking to you "The portal, it will open again soon, my strength can no longer keep it closed.  You shall all have a part to play, in doing what I could not.  Destroying the Ancient Portal."


  • Bay Watcher
  • The Hollow Street Hero
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Re: Zealots and Demons RTD Turn 30: Day of the Wasted Six
« Reply #338 on: November 02, 2010, 10:27:55 am »

I open my eyes, swing my legs off of the bed, and press a palm to my forehead. What an odd dream. Maybe I'm just thinking of history because we're meeting the representative today? I'd accept that rationalization if it hadn't felt so damned real, and why would I imagine Sareesa with her guardian?

And it felt like she spoke directly to me as well. Destroy the ancient portal? I don't know, I can't make heads or tails of it. I shake my head and put my hat on. No point mentioning it to the others, it was just a dream. Even if she did say 'all' like she meant many people. I get up, put on my gear, sling my gun and trapbox over my shoulders, and head downstairs. I think I'll ask Ochita where the cavern entrance is after I collect my share of the reward. It's still too early to meet with the representative and I can at least show someone the best method of constructing supports.
SerCon Shorts: This Is How You Do It - Twenty-three one minute or less videos of random stupidity in AC:U, Bloodborne, DS2:SotFS, Salt & Sanctuary, and The Witcher 3.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Doofus ghostus
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Re: Zealots and Demons RTD Turn 30: Day of the Wasted Six
« Reply #339 on: November 02, 2010, 11:49:20 am »

I wasn't in the caverns, I was in a demon infested house lair.
Quote from: Freeform
princest zaldo of hurl kindom: the mushroom aren't going to choice itself, ochita


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Zealots and Demons RTD Turn 30: Day of the Wasted Six
« Reply #340 on: November 02, 2010, 02:16:43 pm »

actually the house lead to caverns under the city, we found you in those.
Nom nom nom


  • Bay Watcher
  • Wyvern Buddy
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Re: Zealots and Demons RTD Turn 30: Day of the Wasted Six
« Reply #341 on: November 02, 2010, 05:41:55 pm »

sorry i missed so much, i was working on an assignment, and because i still have to studdy for exams, can you pls tell me what happened to my character and the plot?
You really can both sig it.
But... That would break the laws of sigging! We can't have everyone running around with the same quotes. IT MAKES THEM UNFUNNY FASTER!


  • Bay Watcher
  • Dabbling Philosopher
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Re: Zealots and Demons RTD Turn 30: Day of the Wasted Six
« Reply #342 on: November 02, 2010, 08:53:51 pm »

You went mad and started streaking around town, scarring small children for life.  Meanwhile, the demon hunter group killed a demon in the caverns beneath the city, while the goblin hunter group killed some goblins and undead in the caverns outside the city.
All generalizations are false....including this one.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Zealots and Demons RTD Turn 31: FUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!
« Reply #343 on: November 03, 2010, 02:24:51 am »

Really was quite entertaining.  I can throw you in front of the waiting list if you want.

Quote from: CoughDrop
Upon waking up, Dor'lek eats a meager breakfast and searches out Gardios to hopefully get his hands on some healing tomes before the Representative arrives.

[5]  You wake up and head downstairs, eating a small breakfast.  As you eat, Gardios comes down not clad in the clothes he was wearing yesterday but in an orange vest with a white long-sleeved shirt and black pants on.  He also has a belt that holds his sword at his side.  He orders some tea, eggs, and oatmeal.  Sitting down next to you he begins to eat.  It would appear Gardios is not one to talk while eating as he doesn't say a word the entire time.

After finishing his breakfast he turns to you and says "You ready to go find those healing tomes?"  You respond with a nod and follow him out to the Market.  Leading you into a secluded store, you see rows upon rows of books.  If there is a healing tome somewhere in this town, it would be here.  Gardios begins to chat up the proprietor of the store, an elderly Troll who seems to have issues hearing as Gardios has to talk with a slightly raised voice.

[6]  Looking around you think you have found the book you need.  It appears to be fairly new and is titled Healing for the Dexterously Gifted.  Of course, the title is a bit of an inside joke among priests as healing spells require no hand movements.

Quote from: Frelock
Go to the captain of the guard, then the blacksmith, informing both of my tale and the demise of the goblins.

[1]  *snore*  Just another minute mom, fer cryin' out loud!

Quote from: kilakan
Head down and take the crystal from flintus and see if there's anything I can do about the undead enchantment.
Then see if I can get some breakfast.

Strange, though after the amount of magic I used yesterday, certainly not something tht isn't to be expected, hopefully I'm not going mad.....  Maybe I can fix this with a good breakfast.

[5]  You leap down the stairs, before Flintus can even ask you, you take the crystal from him.  "THIS IS A JOB FOR A MAGE!"  You announce loudly.  [1+3=4 of 5]  Oops.... that doesn't look good.  You hand Flintus back the crystal.  "MAGIC IS COMPLETE"  You announce loudly before running outside... just about any minute now hundreds of corpses should be rising, thankfully it'll be completely expend the magic of the undead summoning enchantment.

Quote from: Flintus10
Head down stairs and get something to eat. Show the crystal to Khan and ask if he can remove only the undead enchantment. Flick through the book while I wait for the representitives.

[5]  You look at the crystal... FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!

Quote from: Ochita
Go downstairs and have something to eat, when the crystal is brought up I'll offer to help. I do have expericance with demonic and enchanting.

[3]  You sleepily look at Flintus and... why does he look so scared.  Looking at the crystal.... FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!

Quote from: SeriousConcentrate
I open my eyes, swing my legs off of the bed, and press a palm to my forehead. What an odd dream. Maybe I'm just thinking of history because we're meeting the representative today? I'd accept that rationalization if it hadn't felt so damned real, and why would I imagine Sareesa with her guardian?

And it felt like she spoke directly to me as well. Destroy the ancient portal? I don't know, I can't make heads or tails of it. I shake my head and put my hat on. No point mentioning it to the others, it was just a dream. Even if she did say 'all' like she meant many people. I get up, put on my gear, sling my gun and trapbox over my shoulders, and head downstairs. I think I'll ask Ochita where the cavern entrance is after I collect my share of the reward. It's still too early to meet with the representative and I can at least show someone the best method of constructing supports.


Enemy Status

Zombie Mob 1
Health:  20

Zombie Mob 2
Health:  20

Zombie Mob 3
Health:  20

Zombie Mob 4
Health:  20

Zombie Mob 5
Health:  20

Zombie Mob 6
Health:  20

Zombie Mob 7
Health: 20

Zombie Mob 8
Health:  20

Zombie Mob 9
Health:  20

Zombie Mob 10
Health:  20

Zombie General
Health:  80

Zombie Plague Infestor 1
Health:  40

Zombie Plague Infestor 2
Health:  40

As they all just appeared, they stand around, slightly surprised.

Status Changes:

Spoiler: Ochita (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Frelock (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Flintus (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Malgun (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Dorlek (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Khan (click to show/hide)

Sorry for the lateness, I was caught up with the election fever.  Had to vote multiple times and find several trunks full of fake... I mean completely real and legitimate ballots in my basement randomly :P

Also, the zombies have appeared all over town.

Zombie Mob 1-3 & Plauge Infestor 1, At the Temple

Zombie Mob 4-5, Market (Dor'lek, Khan and Guy)

Zombie Mob 6-7, Inside the Traveller's Respite (Frelock, Flintus, Ochita, Malgun)

Zombie Mobe 8-10, Zombie General, & Plauge Infestor 2, Town Hall


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Zealots and Demons RTD Turn 31: FUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!
« Reply #344 on: November 03, 2010, 02:55:16 am »

"Heh, Lets get started then. someone fast who wants to avoid combat should probably go and tell the captain of the guard."

Make sure my pistol is loaded and fire wildly into the nearest group of zombies.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2010, 04:23:49 am by Flintus10 »
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