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Author Topic: Angelashes 2.1 - UP FOR NEW MANAGEMENT  (Read 9067 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angelashes 2.1 - 31.12 newbie succession fort
« Reply #45 on: September 30, 2010, 06:21:11 pm »

1st Granite:

So, I finally met the jerk that put me in the Peasant Caste today. I was bringing him water with a little spit mixed in and he just grabs me and tells me if i don't take charge of this mess  he'll cave my skull in with his crossbow. I figure, hey, i've got quite a family history of former fort owners, why not, right? How hard could it be anyway? Old uncle Urist was a damned idiot and he ran a fort that bacame a Mountainhome. Of course, he was shortly thereafter killed by a zombie cave crocodile, but that's just an inevitability of

So, i order the manager to show me the lay of the land. About three seconds later i was ordering the manager to clean my ale off the wall. This place is a mess, i can't tell what the hell is going on anywhere, pits in random places that serve no purpose, NOBODY except the manager has any assigned bedrooms, animals running wild, all the lumber is apparently outside, and the sum of the fort's defenses is a few traps, two drawbridges, and a guy who can't tell me which end of the crossbow the bolt goes out of. I immediately appoint myself Captain of the Guard and mandate a set of iron armor, an iron shield, and pick up a steel battle axe and start trying to fit in training inbetween all my new duties. I've ordered a massive area dug out for stockpiles for lumber and probably other things as need dictates, and once that is done i'll have the miners searching for cassiterite and some ore of copper to upgrade myself to bronze armor.

2nd Granite: Great news. That ale I spit out on the wall? That was from the bottom of the barrel. The LAST BARRELL. I grab the manager by the beard and ask him how this could have happened. He started spouting off some nonsense excuses for a minute and then pulls out a scrap of paper detailing how labor is allocated around the fortress. I immediately notice the major flaw with the previous owner's "Caste" system. While this works alright for some lower priority tasks,  tasks, such as million and milking and the like, brewing is NOT a task you just give to whoever. Beer quality is important! Twenty novice brewers can't brew half as fast or a tenth as well as two still-hardened brewmasters. I immediately have all but two of the farmer caste ignore brewing requests, and have the remaining two ignore all labor not brewing-related. I just hope we've got barrels available for the stuff. Also Erib Likotostath had a baby. Congratulations or something.

3rd Granite: What is up with all these animals? They are driving me INSANE. I've mandated an animal population limit of 50 and told the butcher to cull the weak and wounded, and try to match one male to 5 females. The rest will be promptly slaughtered or caged.

6th Granite: I had the manager look about and he says there's still no booze. I asked how in the world two dwarves could fail to brew, or even start brewing, a barrel of beer. After some searching on the convoluted maps the manager had drawn and updated horribly i realized our problem. The brewers are going to a maze of hallways to god knows where to get to our plants. I've set a food stockpile right there in front of the breweries, butcher's shop, and farm plots(OOC:btw that is WAY too much farm space, there's no way we'll need that much ever). That should speed production in all three trades tenfold.

10th Granite: FINALLY some booze. Only two barrels so far, however it's much more than zero.

15th Granite: There's a giant wall blocking passage between half the fort on the third level. I can not for my life figure out what this could possibly accomplish, so i've ordered it taken down immediately. I've also ordered widening many of the passageways of the fort. The current halls can barely fit two dwarves at once, and several minor scuffles and injuries have resulted of dwarves hauling larger loads running into each other unintentionally. I've also ordered a significantly sized area to be dug out for my own quarters, and another of equal size for the mayor.

18th Granite: The damned brewers and farmers still insist on running all the way to the far food stockpile, so i've ordered that it is no longer to hold plants of any kind.

22nd Granite: Things are running a little more smoothly now. After another small incident with the manager, i've finally gotten the woodcutters to actually cut wood instead of hauling stones and whatnot back and forth.

2nd Slate: My bedroom is finally dug out. I've ordered an armor stand, weapon rack, and bag be put in it, and the whole damned thing be smoothed over properly. I also happened across a fine dog bone door laying in a furniture stockpile that I just had to have, it's going to be the door to the bedroom.

In other news, while digging down we happened on a cavern. There's A lot of water and mud, a few obviously aged spider webs, and that's it. I had to alter our digging path slightly to keep from opening our future central stairway to water, however it's not a major alteration and digging should continue without incident.

6th Slate: Hit a second cavern today. This one had more water, mud, webs in it, however it also had some dead shrubs and Goblin-Cap and Spore Trees in it. I'm hoping their spores will spread to the soil area of our fort quickly. More importantly than that, however, we've hit granite! We should be able to find copper ores and cassiterite for tin to make bronze equipment. Also some silver to make warhammers and maces with, and bolts that would be specialized for the hunting and killing of wild beasts.

10th Slate: We've found a Cassiterite vein and i've ordered the whole thing dug out, aside from that which would re-expose us to the caverns. I'm trying to seal them until we have a significant military presence and can fight with what would lurk down there. Also the brewers were still having trouble with brewing, I've figured out why though, There was ANOTHER food stockpile miles away, i've ordered that no plants are to sit there from now on.

14th Slate: I just realized all our dwarves have been storing refuse outside our walls for no apparent reason. I don't really get it, but i've relocated the stockpile within our walls.

21st Slate: 11 Migrants arrived. None of them had any relevant skills so they've all been ordered to haul stuff around our convoluted fortress design for the moment. I really wish i could open it up more, however our entire defenses are based around a two dwarf wide hallway entrance for the moment. I'm ordering the entrance corridor filled with stonefall traps to be built there as a VERY temporary defense, the carpenters are busy making more beds, as we are woefully behind on bedding and need to catch up quickly. I've also ordered two peasants to become my sparring partners.

14th Felsite: Nothing particularly relevant is going on. Copper continues to elude us and we still don't have enough beds for everyone. The basics of the Mayor's room are done, he's missing an armor stand and a cabinet, as am I. the dining area needs massive additions, and the brewers still need to work a bit at efficiency, however we're much more stable than we were initially.

18th Felsite: We found a third cavern, the magma sea and some Tetrahedrite for copper today. Normally i wouldn't consider setting shop up down there this early, however the fortress is so convoluted in it's design that it won't be any less conveinent than what we're already doing. I'll try to get some space dug out to set up magma forges by the end of next season.

30th Felsite: This is the last page in this journal, I'll have to get a carpenter to process some paper for a new journal for next season. Brewers are still barely meeting demand, beds are still in short supply, and miners are a bit swamped with digging jobs, however the fort seems to be turning for the better. The stonefall traps i'd ordered constructed are slowly being built, they're not much but they're much more than nothing. All in all, it's been a pretty quiet season.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angelashes 2.1 - 31.12 newbie succession fort
« Reply #46 on: September 30, 2010, 08:19:15 pm »

1st Hematite: I'm so tired of all these walls separating everything from everything from everything. Food is rotting in the kitchen and butcher's shops because of how hard they are to access. I've rdered almost all of them to be knocked down.

3rd Hematite: I just realized there was no spot designated as a trash dump. I've ordered a drawbridge built to be linked to a lever to deposit our trash under. It'll be a trash compactor of sorts. Hopefully this will help with out rotting food problem, seeing as until now dwarves were totally ignoring the stuff.

6th Hematite: I was inspecting the fort's meager defenses today and i realized our bridges aren't linked to any method of control. Any invaders could just casually walk in here and tear up the place. I'm working as quickly as possible to fix this, hopefully a mechanic will leave the stonefall traps for a moment to get to work on this vital task.

9th Malachite: It's been uneventful until today. I had inadvertently re-opened the caverns with a diging designation and hadn't realized it until today. An ear splitting roar was heart all through the fort as the Forgotten Beast Ana was spotted. Our Military is woefully inadequate to tackle a Forgotten Beast generally, however we have gotten extremely lucky as this one is composed entirely of snow. At first warning I organized the rest of the Guard and the MIlitia COmmander and we are rushing down there.

11th Malachite: We've watched the exposed section for two days now. Our uninvited guest paces back and forth but doesn't seem to be able to get inside. I've ordered walls built to seal us back in, hopefully we can avoid a conflict here until we are better trained.

12th Malachite: Here it c-

12th Malachite: Victory! My sparring partner Obok Deletherush has struck down Ana in a single blow with his bismuth bronze battle axe. I'll have to get him to show me that strike again later.\

28th Malachite: 8 migrants arrived today. I didn't even bother to ask what they could do and just sent them off to haul. Alsi we nearly ran out of plants to brew, i ordered that only plump helmets were to be grown until otherwise stated.

13th Galena: The Magma Forges/smelters are almost ready. I am going to build a drawbridge to control magma flow. There is a lever down there that will open and close it once it is all set up. Also the my dining arrangements are now up to par with what is due my status, however the Mayor's is still lacking. Beyong that, almost everything is running smoothly now. We are making a tiny bit of headway on the booze front, so that crisis is averted finally. I have also begun putting upright spear traps along the entire floor of the barracks to keep us on our toes during our sparring matches. It is only one spear per trap, so it shouldn't be anywhere near dangerous, just enough to sharpen our senses properly for future battles.

17th Galena: An Ambush! We're nowhere near ready to handle an ambush, not to mention they are Bowmen. Despite several dwarves being outside, we are forced to pull the levers to seal ourselves inside. I mourn their loss but losing 10 or 15 useless dwarves is better than losing the entire fort.

19th Galena: A human Caravan arrived. With luck they will take care of our goblin problem for us.

20th Galena: The humans are steering clear until the invaders are taken care of. Another group of ambushers were located, but are bridges are retracted so about all they can do is kill stragglers and shout at us angrily.

30th Galena: The humans did kill one of our invaders, the only one that I know of that made it to the north side of the river. All the others should be on the south side, meaning we lost a lot fewer than I expected we would. So far our losses account for exactly how many we got from the last migrant wave. Our magma-based metal industry is nearly complete, just waiting on the finishing touches on the smelters and for the bridge to be built and linked. The barracks training traps are all laid out, they just need to be linked. We are currently smelting bronze to make better armor, however those among us already have better weapons. That more or less ends my status report for my second season commanding this fort.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angelashes 2.1 - 31.12 newbie succession fort
« Reply #47 on: September 30, 2010, 08:30:57 pm »

hmm, been meaning to give one of these games a try.    could I perhaps be added to the list,   however far down it is to the bottom?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angelashes 2.1 - 31.12 newbie succession fort
« Reply #48 on: September 30, 2010, 09:31:12 pm »

I'll be a bit delayed on the next season, it was almost over and i dug down to the second level of an adamantine vein i found and boom, demons.

I'm certainly not going to let the whole thing go to shit because of something that silly, so i'll be doing the fall season over.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angelashes 2.1 - 31.12 newbie succession fort
« Reply #49 on: September 30, 2010, 10:31:40 pm »

1st Limestone: All we need to complete our magma-metal industry is to finish the bridge, link it to the lever, then dig out the last bit between our magma reservoir and the magma sea.

9th Limestone: I dug up through the ground to the north and let our surviving dwarves and the human caravan inside, then promptly stole everything of value from them. Most of their armor is much too large for a dwarf, however it can be melted down into bars to be used later.

18th Limestone: A weaponsmith just took to dashing around like a madman gathering materials for who knows what. Hopefully it turns out well.

6th Sandstone: Raw Adamantine! When the miner struck the final blow to allow the magma sea into our reservoir for our forges, he spotted a raw adamantine wall right as the magma flowed in. I am currently working on digging over to the top of what should be the spike, I will only be digging out one level, hopefully it will provide enough to make the Guard some excellent weapons and shields, perhaps even some armor. He escaped safely and our forges are powering up, I will be designating several of the haulers to be furnace operators and work round the clock on nothing but smelting iron and bronze.

8th Sandstone: I've been waiting on one single simple floodgate for nearly a month now. I've ordered something like twenty dwarves to take up masonry hoping just ONE of them will happen by and think "Oh hey, i should make that so our wounded don't die and all. Nope. I'm about to go down there and make it myself.

16th Sandstone: I had entirely forgotten we had a marksdwarf around. I told him to go shoot at the goblins from across the river, but he's apparently used all his ammo training or something, I don't know what. I'll be working on that now.

19th Sandstone: Our magma-based metal industry is finally taking off! I've assigned 6 furnace operators, and 5 of them are currently active smelting bronze and iron ores. One is also smelting silver on the off chance someone needs it for war hammers or other blunt weapons. I've consulted with our resident Adamantologist, Erib Likotostath, on further digging beyond what has already been done, and he is 100% positive that any further digging in this vein will end in our complete and total demise.(OOC: Seriously, don't dig a bit more out of this vein, i've already had to re-do this entire season because i used up/down stairs and it allowed demons to fly up through it even through there was no up stair dug into the floor below.We got 77 out of it, plenty enough to gear 9 dwarves once we get an armorsmith worthy of using the stuff, and there's at least two other veins on the map, though i most likely won't go for those unless i accidentally reveal them because it's a bit unfair knowing exactly where they are.)

11th Timber: Our moody weaponsmith has finally finished gathering his long list of seemingly unrelated materials and begun working on...some weapon i guess? He has:
iron bars
cedar logs
lion leather
cougar leather
cut bloodstones
8 puppy bones
rough rubies

If he crafts something truly awesome he will become our sole weaponsmith. If he fails, he'll never touch an anvil again.

15th Timber: After four days of nonstop labor, our weaponsmith has finally finished his project. He calls it Sibrekotik, "Salvesheen" in a more common tongue. It's the finest iron short sword i have ever seen in my life, and if i was one to use short swords I would consider throwing all other weapons aside for it. However, as our new weaponsmith, his first task is going to be to craft each of the guard an Adamantine weapon, which while less pretty, will function much better.

18th Timber: A caravan from the Mountainhome has arrived. I have no clue what we have to offer it, if anything, so i tack a few serrated bronze discs on to the order for our weaponsmith to complete.

30th TImber: That's pretty much it for this season. All in all, things seem to be looking up.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2010, 09:25:58 am by Zaik »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angelashes 2.1 - 31.12 newbie succession fort
« Reply #50 on: October 01, 2010, 08:53:46 am »

1st Moonstone: Everything is relatively quiet. Nothing particularly interesting going on, aside from awaiting our Adamantine weapons.

28th Moonstone: A weaver has claimed a Clothier's shop and chased off the dwarf currently using it. Normally such disorderly conduct would warrant a beating, however i believe he might be having a bit of divine inspiration and i'll allow it to continue as long as he causes no more trouble.

2nd Opal: A Goblin Thief managed to sneak in and wound several war dogs before Obok Deletherush managed to make it to the scene and cplit him in half at the torso with hisbattle axe. The dogs are unconscious and bleeding to death. I appreciate their sacrifice but they're effectively useless in this state, and i've ordered them butchered. Hopefully their final sacrifice will feed a starving dwarf in need.

3rd Opal: Our Adamantine weapons are complete! As soon as word reaches us we stop sparring mid session to run and grab them from under the forge. Between this and our training spear traps, we should finally be ready to extend the bridges again shortly.

5th Opal: The unruly weaver i mentioned on the 28th has finished gathering materials and has begun making...something. I'm not entirely sure what. He's grabbed two pieces of cave spider silk cloth, cut bloodstones, cedar logs, dog leather, bauxite blocks, and muskox leather. We'll see what he churns out.

9th Opal: The weaver finished his product. A cave spider silk face veil he calls "Sacattitthal Kun Shedim", or "Dotplay the Cat of Shadow" in a less ancient dwarfish tongue. I've decided to wear this into battle myself from now on.

15th Opal: I am stricken with indecision about what armor to wear. I can't tell if the masterworks old old made of iron are going to protect me more than the mere average quality bronze armor of today. I wander the halls grabbing various bits of armor and trading them out over and over again with my sparring partners, who seem to be having the same conundrum. I've just ordered the armorsmith to keep making bronze armor until he can provide us with the same quality as what we were wearing in bronze.

17th Opal: We've finally expanded our dining arrangements. This has been long overdue, we had well over a hundred dwarves having to share about 10 tables before. Even the Mayor is finally satisfied with it. To celebrate he mandated we make...fine peweter items? Well, whatever floats his boat. I pass word on to the Furnace Operators to "please do so or else", as is my duty. I hope that they quickly comply, however if they do not then it is my duty to act as the mayor dictates, jail time or a live combat drill with my new axe.

21st Opal: The much-more-competent-lately manager informed me today that we are running dangerously low on Tetrahedrite. While we have well over 70 bars currently, our Armorsmith will motor through at least half of those by the end of the year. What we have now may only offset what he will use at best. I've ordered a decent sized exploratory dig in an area we found it in before, which is also the area we felled the Forgotten Beast. I'll be personally supervising this time to ensure we don't leave gaping holes in our fort open to dangerous subterranean wildlife.

26th Opal: The Outpost liaison met with the mayor today and was trying to set up a trade agreement, but he was too busy obsessing over his new dining arrangements he's waited nearly a year for, so I took over. I kept it simple, i just asked for all the wood, barrels, booze, metal, sand, seeds, and already-processed smelter fuel and fertilizer. In retrospect i should have requested some flux stones be brought to facilitate steel production, however we should be fine for the forseeable future with our current bronze equipment. I'll try to remind whoever is in charge next year about it, I have strong doubts i will continue management of this outpost past the end of the year, as it is cutting too much into my sparring time and if me and my partners are not ready to face the goblins then the whole fort is doomed.

27th Opal: Word from the miners is we have struck Tetrahedrite, and our bronze production will be secure well into the next year. I'll have them continue digging, if we're lucky we can find more and eventually start exporting products made of the metal.

4th Obsidian: Our furnace operators have med the Mayor's mandate for fine pewter items by making bars. Fortunately, i won't have to apply any beatings. I'm going to have the bars made into chains so that I can restrain violators of the law rather than seeing if their plain clothing can withstand a strike from the finest battle axe in existance.

16th Obsidian: A siege! This is perfect timing in a sense, as I can finally test my new axe, and pass off my leadership role. As i dash down the hall for our outer walls, i grab a dwarf I don't immediately recognize and tell him he is in charge while I am away, and if he handles it well, he will remain in charge. I don't have time to inquire into his credentials or even his name, however if he does poorly i'll be waiting, there's no justice system beyond a good hard beating here yet and I'd be perfectly justified in re-taking command. Hopefully it won't come to that.

18th Obsidian: The goblins are moving for the back door we dug to let our dwarves in from the last attack. I ordered a wall built to seal it off days ago, however it's been totally ignored. I shouted down the hallway that if the wall wasn't built immediately i'd kill every dwarf in my way until i got there, then i'd built it myself with the corpses. This seems to have motivated a response, as I'd hoped. I just hope it's not too late.

22nd Obsidian: We were too late!

23rd Obsidian: The siege is repelled! I barely arrived on the scene in time to witness some odd water behavior, i believe the goblins were trying to use water to knock us on our feet, then run down and strike us down, however it was poorly thought out and didn't work at all. I had barely made it there when the first goblin came inside. Witnesses said I looked like a whirlwind of metal and goblin body parts. The militia commander arrived on the scene to provide much appreciated backup. At the end of it I had killed four, and the rest, shocked by my fury, broke and fled. I chased them all the way to the border of our territory, but they were sufficiently terrified, there was no need to continue the pursuit.

28th Obsidian: My last act as leader of Angelashes was to have a passsing dwarf pull the lever to extend our bridges to the outside again. Once again it is safe to travel outside our walls. We can finally reclaim the corpses of our fallen brothers and put them in newly-constructed coffins.

(Pretty fun, and i really like that bridge design. Never thought of something like that. Anyway, most important thing is do NOT under any circumstances dig any further in that adamantine vein, do some searching for the other ones instead. Also i'd be up for another turn later on if my dwarf survives, though I have no idea what could possibly kill him, he just literally chased off an entire siege by himself, the only help he got was a few bolts fired by the militia commander. I left a few notes on a indoor reservoir i was designing, it's not done but all it needs is to have a miner dig into the river, then someone shut the floodgate, then miners dig out above it and install a well, which we should have everything for. The brewers are still only competent, and they're still barely keeping up with demand, so finish this up quick so dwarves can stop going all the way out to the river to drink)

Edit: The save:
« Last Edit: October 01, 2010, 09:01:05 am by Zaik »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angelashes 2.1 - 31.12 newbie succession fort
« Reply #51 on: October 01, 2010, 09:00:19 am »

Brocktree's turn unless he doesn't want it
Quote from: acetech09 date=1343968486
It's probably made from baby bone, with a handle of baby leather. Probably uses the leg bones wound together for the handle, the pelvis for the handle/pick joint, and the pick is the spine.

But that's all in theory, of course. Not like I've made a pick out of my own 5 month old baby before.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angelashes 2.1 - 31.12 newbie succession fort
« Reply #52 on: October 01, 2010, 02:04:00 pm »

Ill get started. Ill probably need to update to .14 though, right?
« Last Edit: October 01, 2010, 02:06:11 pm by Brocktree »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angelashes 2.1 - 31.12 newbie succession fort
« Reply #53 on: October 01, 2010, 02:56:52 pm »

Ill get started. Ill probably need to update to .14 though, right?

No, don't play it in .14, use .12 or everyone will have to switch to .14.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angelashes 2.1 - 31.12 newbie succession fort
« Reply #54 on: October 01, 2010, 05:07:50 pm »

Probably doing something wrong, but i extract the save folder to my DF folder and i got nothing. I tried to extract the contents out of the folder into the folder itself, but it wont let me. Whats the deal, does the save not work?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angelashes 2.1 - 31.12 newbie succession fort
« Reply #55 on: October 01, 2010, 07:30:10 pm »

Just a second, i'll look into it.

Edit: I downloaded the file, unzipped it, and it worked fine. I have no idea why yours wouldn't.

I'd suggest unzipping it, then copying the "Angelashes" folder and pasting into your dwarf fortress/data/saves folder
« Last Edit: October 01, 2010, 07:38:06 pm by Zaik »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angelashes 2.1 - 31.12 newbie succession fort
« Reply #56 on: October 01, 2010, 07:42:56 pm »

I'll take a turn.  My entire experience is about two weeks worth, most fortresses failing due to epic fun with pumps. I play the ultra safe and conservative .14 though, so .12 would be new to me.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angelashes 2.1 - 31.12 newbie succession fort
« Reply #57 on: October 01, 2010, 08:04:01 pm »

I'll take a turn.  My entire experience is about two weeks worth, most fortresses failing due to epic fun with pumps. I play the ultra safe and conservative .14 though, so .12 would be new to me.

it's the same thing except dwarves often ignore bedding assignments and sleep in any bed they take a fancy to, whether it's owned or not even assigned as a bedroom.

Also it generates more stable worlds, from what i've heard/read.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angelashes 2.1 - 31.12 newbie succession fort
« Reply #58 on: October 01, 2010, 08:49:56 pm »

By stable, you mean you actually encounter enemy nations and get sieges.

But yeah, shouldn't be much different.  I just have to be careful with nobles.  Am I in, though, for the next avaliable turn (16 I think)?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angelashes 2.1 - 31.12 newbie succession fort
« Reply #59 on: October 02, 2010, 01:45:39 am »

By stable, you mean you actually encounter enemy nations and get sieges.

But yeah, shouldn't be much different.  I just have to be careful with nobles.  Am I in, though, for the next avaliable turn (16 I think)?
unmodified, that is.
you want goblin in .14? give them [LITTERSIZE:1:20] or something
Quote from: acetech09 date=1343968486
It's probably made from baby bone, with a handle of baby leather. Probably uses the leg bones wound together for the handle, the pelvis for the handle/pick joint, and the pick is the spine.

But that's all in theory, of course. Not like I've made a pick out of my own 5 month old baby before.
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