This is my EU3: DW game as Brandenburg-Germany. The year is 1600.
That gigantic blob in Central Asia is Persia. Colonialisation of the New World and Africa is practically nonexistent except for Germany's extensive colonies in North America's East Coast.
I formed Germany around 1550. At the time, I controlled most of Eastern Germany, except Pommerania which had blobbed east into Poland. Using the handy Reconquest casus belli, I rapidly expanded my holdings to include the rest of Germany proper.
I am the Holy Roman Emperor, and that crown has been constantly Brandenburgian or German since about 1450.
Early in the 15th century, around 1430 or so, England inherited Portugal. Castille formed Spain around 1510 and controlled the entire Iberian peninsula save for Portugal, along with Brittany, Normandy, Morocco, parts of Italy, parts of the Ottoman Empire, Maya, and Egypt. However, in the 1560s, it got into a disastrous war with France and Austria, later joined by England and Germany. Spain managed to peace out of the war with relatively few territorial losses (I took Gibraltar, England took some east coast Spanish province as you can see). However, by the end of the war, its war exhaustion was ~25-30 and its army and navy were literally nonexistent. Massive revolts rocked its entirety. I'd be lying if I said my spies played no part in the chaos.
Catalunya, Grenada, Normandy, Morocco, Maya, Mentese, Ferrara, Aquileia, and Brittany all declared independence. A pretender seized the throne, and then another seized the throne from them, before revolutionaries took over and turned the nation into an administrative republic. In 1600, Spain still has not recovered from the war it lost three decades earlier, and it's doubtful whether it ever will.
My colonial ambitions began around 1530, when I got a core on Stade. They were modest at first, colonizing only Bermuda and some unpronounceable island off the east coast of modern-day Maine. However, following the unification of Germany and acquisition of the Colonial Ventures Idea, colonialism positively exploded. Most of the east coast is now mine, as is Cuba, Hispaniola, and Jamaica.
To compliment my land empire, I also am owner of the single largest network of merchants in the world, with monopolies in no less than six trade centers, and a very large presence in almost every other one in the known world. The trade income these merchants provide fund an enormous investment in technology, and I am the world leader in every field, outpacing all other nations by one to two tech levels.