the plugin_path was recommended on another forum, but i don't believe it's necessary.
I looked it up and it looks like people include it to stop QT from loading parts of KDE.
I would leave it in then, it should not cause any problems if that is the case.
could the error be a 32/64 bit issue?
Could be a 32/64 bit issue.
What did you build 32 or 64bit?
If you made a 32 bit build and included a 64bit library or included 32bit libs in a 64bit build it might just crash like that.
It usually complains about the "ELF Class" being wrong if you do that though.
If you built 32bit did you cross-compile or not?
I don't know what kind of shenanigans that could cause since I have never done it.
i just tried out your build, and i can't launch it either i get this error:
Cannot mix incompatible Qt library (version 0x40704) with this library (version 0x40802)
That could be caused it trying to load parts of your QT build that I did not know need to be included in the "libs" folder.
Could you try adding
export QT_PLUGIN_PATH=""
to my launch script to see if does anything.
If that does not work could you run Dwarf Therapist with this script
dirname=`dirname $0`
if [ "${dirname%$tmp}" != "/" ]; then
cd "$dirname"
strace $dirname/$appname "$@"
and post the output here so I can see what it is trying to load?
It might also be a problem with your QT build (possibly just because it is a newer version than mine) or from the little research I did from having parts of KDE installed.
I have tested my build on Fedora 14, Xubuntu 11.10, Debian Testing, and Debian Unstable so I suspect it has to do with your QT version or build options.