in the dwarf details pane (grouped by type). note: this is hidden by default, it's at the very bottom, drag it up to see it
I looked through all the menu's, and looked at a few dwarf's detail pane's... scrolled all the way to the bottom of each of 4 menu's...
am I missing how to find this preference area... I'm new to the concept of preference
the panes themselves can be completely collapsed. you should get a different resize/expand cursor at the very bottom of the container pane itself (just below the roles pane if it's showing) and be able to drag up from there to show the preferences. so the ordering is skills->attributes->traits->roles->preferences.
the dock window is in the menu under windows->docks->preferences.
I see the preferences dock window.
However, it doesn't change as I select different dwarf's.
I also don't see any resize or close option other than the ....
okay... I can select a preference, and then it applies a filter...
okay, but I don't see any resize option other than the dock windows...
I'm looking to find this
in the dwarf details pane (grouped by type). note: this is hidden by default, it's at the very bottom, drag it up to see it
oh... I see it.
I have to resize the bottom window of the last box in the details pane, there is no resize button, it's just the bottom solid line of the last textbox...
it would be nice to see it from the details pane from the grid view, rather than having to look at details (but I bet that's crowded already... a slider bar would be nice).
Also... it would be nice to have some of grid view of those numbers if possible... I'm so new to this concept Preferences
so preferences might be useful for filling mayor's orders... I get it...