or without the breaks
Average value of weight
New weighted center:
135 is used as 10% away from the center, although it's not entirely accurate, as I'm not sure what min/max values are. I'd need to know the standard deviation.
Attribute Dwarf Middle Factor
strength 1500 1.086376458
agility 1150 0.8328886178
toughness 1500 1.086376458
endurance 1250 0.905313715
recuperation 1250 0.905313715
disease resistance 1250 0.905313715
analytical ability 1500 1.086376458
focus 1792 1.2978577419
willpower 1250 0.905313715
creativity 1500 1.086376458
intuition 1250 0.905313715
patience 1500 1.086376458
memory 1500 1.086376458
linguistic ability 1250 0.905313715
spatial sense 1792 1.2978577419
musicality 1250 0.905313715
kinesthetic sense 1250 0.905313715
empathy 1250 0.905313715
social awareness 1250 0.905313715
AVERAGE 1380.7368421053 1
center: 1380