You know I'm right so don't give me that attitude.
If we somehow had some asexual freaky-shit ass Julia-Gillard SLASH whatever-his-name-is candidate for Prime Minister, I would so vote that shit.
Because, like it or not, he already looks feminine so all I can think about is a chick with short red hair singing 'Beds are burning'.
And that's better than a) pretending to backstab the current prime minister because it's looking like he's too unpopular to win this upcoming election, or b) Being an enormous Wank in every way possible, including having a bald head that tries its upmost to look like a gigantic, circumcised Dong.
And to think people used to complain about big eyebrows. At least that old soldier seemed to know what the country actually needed. Instead, we've more or less got a gigantic petty fuck-fest on who borrowed a stapler without asking, and who can make up the most interesting degenerate slogan to tack onto the opposite team's figurehead's gigantic self-serving Arse.
Which of course is going to end up giving us an answer on 'Should we send troops to fight a war that we have no real cause in?'
But hey, there's at least TWO FUCKING PRECEDENTS NOW, so let's just Jolly on up there!
So, my personal opinion is: FUCK the house of representitives, let's see if they can all earn a living in a different career that relies on nothing but muttering angrily/joyfully, writing eloquent speeches which will get you nothing but the satisfaction that- Guess what- you managed to copy a Fucking New Zealand Whale Meme- (fyi, NOBODY FUCKING CARES, RUN THE COUNTRY.) - Ahem - Or kissing thirty-nine respective assholes all at once, or a number that could be significantly more or less, depending if you are on the pre-set winning or losing team, or if, indeed, I really give a fuck. If they can't do that, and let's hope they can so that they aren't completely disfunctional wastes of society, who I'm SURE we'll fund with all of our beautiful tax-money, because the dole isn't actually For people who can't get a job, it's for all of the uneducated REALLY FUCKING SMART people who have figured out - Hey, if I'm living by myself, it's really not that hard to live off four hundred and fifty dollars a fortnight.
Fuck it, I'm going to get hitched and pop out a bunch of scrots anyway, I'M IN THE BIG TIME NOW, BABY.
But I'm sure a politician would do Just as great a job at leeching all of the money out of australian citizens, because, hey- They're doing it now, look at that! They spend years training at it, too. How wonderful.
Why can't we just have two senates pass everything? At least that way things might actually be fair in this country, instead of being a bunch of political cow-shit that I could go pick up with a shovel, burn, bury, and still be able to smell from way out here in the unpolitically minded shithole wilderness.
EDIT: Wow, that got out of hand real quick.
You know what? I'm going to go to bed right now, so that if I do edit this shit, I'll have to wake up at five in the morning and do it then.
Hopefully someone quote-locks it for me while my blood is still reaching a nice steady bubbling sensation in my ignorant teenaged arteries.