You halt for the better part of a day as Tawe works on butchering the carcasses and letting the meat dry on a suitable stone. The group manages to find a shallow stream for drinking and curing purposes, and the skinned hides are scraped clean and cured quickly in water. Proper tanning will take a more dedicated effort later, probably with bark, urine or brains, but the hides will keep for much longer now. Collectively, the hides are sufficient for three Tiny objects or one Small and one Tiny object, and are of somewhat Average quality. Tawe also produces around twenty bone needles and pins from the various small bones of the creatures, sufficient for most clothing purposes.
Tawe spends much of the afternoon whilst the meat is drying stitching the hides together with sinew. Others gather enough food for the day in small game and berries, which is consumed. When completed, Tawe has an Excellent Small Patchwork Hide, suitable for use in various endeavours (Cloaks and similar require a Medium hide, a Small hide will serve for Small objects, such as hats or shirts. Tiny hides are sufficient to make a glove each and so on.)
Animal fat is more useful as a binding agent than a pigment itself, and blood yields a short-lasting brown rather than red, but Otholac is fortunate enough to discover some red and yellow ochre in the ground after digging about a bit in the clay by the stream. He is able to mix the pigment with the fat to produce 4 units of Yellow Dye and 4 units of Red Dye, though right now he has to carry it in his hands or shirt due to a lack of vessels. Rather than do that, he bundles them into the remaining Tiny hide and uses some of Tawe's pins to pin it together as a rough pouch.
This delay complete, the party head on for two days straight, eating the berries and one of the portions of meat. On the morning of the third day, the sky burns red above but you can see the glistening bend of the river, crimson with reflected light, not more than six hours distant across the plain. More than that, you think you can see tents gathered close by.