Ouch, I just genned a new world in 31.13 and watching the screen flicker to new locations I came to a realization and I soiled myself.
This world, which only has param edits to layers and caverns so there's more to dig into and more space to build in, embark points so I can be somewhat less picky about some locations by bringing along extra wood to a scarce area or something, and , pretty much what I always do, 30 min volcanoes, has at least a dozen easily found flat volcanoes in various areas almost always right next to river tiles. I was super excited to take a look at all the pretty potential embark points, and when I went to the embark screen and started looking at them what did I find?
All but three of the flat volcanoes are covered over by civs, I can't even see them in the local view. Out of the three that aren't I've found one squeezed between two hostile civs with four damn layers of soil that I have to do a 5x5 to embark on if I want the river and the other two are in a "scorching" area with no trees at all.
If anything I'm mostly upset that I don't even get to see the potential of the other sites because they're covered, though.
So what should have been a plethora of great embark locations for me to examine and pick from turned into basically nothing. Fairly annoyed by that.
I had it run until year 250, considering taking these saved parameters again and either drastically cutting down on the civ count or stopping it even earlier and hoping for the best.