Those stats don't work... buying points in a stat gets costlier at higher values (getting one stat up to 18 costs 16 points instead of 10). This has been discussed, like, four times in the thread now, and the generator in the OP (which you seem to have found
) bypasses the difficulties quite nicely.
The Vr'ufen seem weird, and Google doesn't seem to know about them. I'll approve them for the game, but bear in mind that I tend to assess MAJOR penalties to diplomacy in some situations (for instance, combat, or when someone stands to lose something by treating you nicely), and -2 con is downright crippling to anybody. Although +2 cha and wis would be handy.
Unfortunately, I haven't got port forwarding set up (yet?), so Hamachi is still required to play the game.
Traits and Flaws are, you guessed it, distinct from feats. Traits are little balanced-out aspects of your character, that give small benefits and might aid in roleplaying; for instance, Polite people get +1 diplomacy and -2 intimidate. Flaws are major drawbacks in your character; this drawback should be more negative than a feat is positive (for instance, the flaw that concerns initiative gives you a -6 penalty to it, while the feat only gives you a +4 benefit). The benefit to having one is that you get a free feat.
Ninjas: Sounds great, Cthulhu, but please just make a new post if/when you make a character sheet, I don't tend to look backwards in the forums much... except at OP's. (a Necromancer, in this party? Sweet drama in 3... 2...)
Having your characters already know each other is just fine. Having your backstory in the main forum is also fine; you needn't be nervous about putting stuff in this forum, after all, the flipping journals are in this thread!
And speaking of journals, Maelrigar gets his journal experience!