The gems seem most persistent, and evidently allow continued interaction with solid matter, as beneath the bush there was a passage to some form of burial complex, and many skeletal undead. Whilst Initially successful, the power I directed towards the entities caused them to flee. While pursuing them our group became separated, and troubled. Whilst I suffered a grievous injury, the band I was in proved quite successful. Alas, the other band had apparently not fared so well. One of their number fled to our ranks, badly injured and with many skeletons pursuing them, while the other had withdrawn to the entry, fortunately not drawing undead to sever us from freedom. We exited the complex successfully, and intend to return after recovering some of our strength.
I believe that the problem with sight was that the default sight distances are ridiculous:
Darkvision: circle distance=62.5 r60
Normal Vision - Short Range: circle distance=12.5
Normal: circle distance=22.5
Square Vision: square distance=32.5
Lowlight: circle distance=22.5 x2
Conic Vision: cone arc=120 distance=32.5
As you can see, Darkvision works out to 62.5 feet and works as though it had a 60foot lightsource. (Note that you only have one form of vision at a time, so if you have darkvision then you may wish to change it to normal when working at long distances...) The other visions do, at best, have half that. I cannot find a convenient reference for normal sight ranges, but there is probably something referencing spot checks to see an object that isn't attempting to conceal itself. But that isn't really necessary, it seems reasonable that vision would be practical out to at least 2 or three hundred feet, and honestly, darkvision could be done the same, so long as darkvision has 'r60'(or r[something else] if other ranges of darkvision crop up) and low-light has 'x2' then the effects should act in a appropriate manner.
May I suggest using the 'night' setting and changing the visions to the following:
Darkvision: circle distance=62.5 r60
Normal Vision - Short Range: circle distance=22.5
Normal: circle distance=197.5
5-foot reach: square distance=7.5
Lowlight: circle distance=197.5 x2
Conic Vision: cone arc=120 distance=32.5
Because I probably haven't posted them here yet, any macros I feel like sharing. Note that some of this is stolen from my peers...
[h:"***Stuff that you may wish to set***"]
[h:weapon_name="Sling(rough ammunition)"]
[h:extra_critical_dice="1d3"][h:"***1d6 for a rapier, 2d8 for a battleaxe, 6d4 for a scythe, 6d4+3d10 would get the damage for a shocking burst scythe, but not how much was from the burst...***"]
[h:crit_range=20][h:"***lowest die roll that threatens a critical hit***"]
[h:other_attack_modifiers=-1][h:"***things like masterwork and weapon focus that don't fit anywhere else***"]
[h:other_damage_modifiers=0][h:"***once again, things like weapon specialisation***"]
[h:ability_bonus=floor(Dexterity/2-5)][h:"***Dexterity for a ranged weapon, change to Strength for a normal melee weapon***"]
[h:ability_damage=floor(temp_ability_damage*1)][h:"***potentially change the *1 to a *1.5 or *.5 depending upon how the weapon is wielded...***"]
[h:"***the following are for things like sneak attack or shocking weapons that have separate damage types and/or don't multiply with a critical hit. If extra_dice=[quote]0[unquote] then it will be ignored***"]
[h:"***This is where it asks for more information every time it is run. If these get annoying, consider making separate macros that assume these details. Maybe one where victim=nearest enemy(with quotes) or temporary_attack_bonuses=2, temporary_damage_bonuses=0, and attack_number=0 for charge attacks***"]
[h:victim=Please_input_target][h:"***Ask the user for the target of the attack***"]
[h:temporary_attack_bonuses=Please_input_conditional_Attack_modifiers][h:"***Ask the user for any temporary changes to attack rolls, such as flanking, bless spell, attacking while prone...***"]
[h:temporary_damage_bonuses=Please_input_conditional_Damage_modifiers][h:"***As above, but relevant to damage rolls, things like favoured enemy, prayer spell, smite...***"]
[h:attack_number=(Please_input_attack_number__Start_at_zero)][h:"***The multiple of the modifier to apply due to position in the progression, the first attack is the default of 0 so you can skip it quickly, second attack will be 1 and at -5 to hit...***"]
[h:base_attack_bonus=(base_attack_bonus-attack_number*5)][h:"***a monk would want to change this to *3.***"]
[h:"***The macro proper starts here, hopefully you won't need to worry about this***"]
[h:"***Quick reference for the bonuses so people can see if you remembered the penalty for shooting into melee or the bonus from their buff spell***"]
Modifiers: attack:[r:temporary_attack_bonuses]; Damage: [r:temporary_damage_bonuses].<br>
[h:"***Calling the attack, just descriptive text.***"]
[r,if(attack_number == 0):"First"][r,if(attack_number == 1):"Second"][r,if(attack_number == 2):"Third"][r,if(attack_number == 3):"Fourth"]
[r:weapon_name] attack (against [r:victim]):<br>
[h:"***The attack roll.***"]
Would hit 1d20([t:AttackRoll=1d20]) + [t:bonus=base_attack_bonus+ability_bonus+weapon_enchantment+temporary_attack_bonuses+other_attack_modifiers] = [t:AttackRoll+bonus]AC
[h:"***Critical hit confirmation roll, if any***"]
[h:CritRoll=0][r,if(AttackRoll >=crit_range): "<br><b>Critical hit confirmation roll hits 1d20("][t,if(AttackRoll >=crit_range): CritRoll=1d20] [r,if(AttackRoll >=crit_range):") + "][r,if(AttackRoll>=crit_range):bonus][r,if(AttackRoll>=crit_range):" = "][r,if(AttackRoll >=crit_range): (CritRoll+bonus)][r,if(AttackRoll>=crit_range):"AC.</b>"]
[h:"***Damage roll***"]
<br>For [t:damage_roll=eval(weapon_dice)]+[t:bonus=weapon_enchantment+ability_damage+other_damage_modifiers+temporary_damage_bonuses]=[t,if(damage_roll+bonus>=1):damage_roll+bonus;1]
[h:"***Extra damage dice take a lot of checking***"]
[h:extra_damage_0=0][r,if(extra_dice_0!="0"):" +"][t,if(extra_dice_0!=0):extra_damage_0=eval(extra_dice_0)][r,if(extra_dice_0!=0):extra_type_0]
[h:extra_damage_1=0][r,if(extra_dice_1!="0"):" +"][t,if(extra_dice_1!=0):extra_damage_1=eval(extra_dice_1)][r,if(extra_dice_1!=0):extra_type_1]
[h:extra_damage_2=0][r,if(extra_dice_2!="0"):" +"][t,if(extra_dice_2!=0):extra_damage_2=eval(extra_dice_2)][r,if(extra_dice_2!=0):extra_type_2]
[h:extra_damage_3=0][r,if(extra_dice_3!="0"):" +"][t,if(extra_dice_3!=0):extra_damage_3=eval(extra_dice_3)][r,if(extra_dice_3!=0):extra_type_3]
[h:extra_damage_4=0][r,if(extra_dice_4!="0"):" +"][t,if(extra_dice_4!=0):extra_damage_4=eval(extra_dice_4)][r,if(extra_dice_4!=0):extra_type_4]
[r,if(extra_dice_0!="0"||extra_dice_1!="0"||extra_dice_2!="0"||extra_dice_3!="0"||extra_dice_4!="0"):" ="][r,if(extra_dice_0!="0"||extra_dice_1!="0"||extra_dice_2!="0"||extra_dice_3!="0"||extra_dice_4!="0"):damage_roll+bonus+extra_damage_0+extra_damage_1+extra_damage_2+extra_damage_3+extra_damage_4]
damage if it hits.
[h:"***Critical hit damage***"]
[r,if(AttackRoll>=crit_range):"<br><b>Or "][t,if(AttackRoll>=crit_range):damage_roll=(damage_roll+eval(extra_critical_dice))][r,if(AttackRoll>=crit_range):"+"][t,if(AttackRoll>=crit_range):bonus*crit_multiplier][r,if(AttackRoll>=crit_range):"="][t,if(AttackRoll>=crit_range&&damage_roll+bonus*crit_multiplier>=1):damage_roll+bonus*crit_multiplier][t,if(AttackRoll>=crit_range&&1>damage_roll+bonus*crit_multiplier):1]
[h:"***The dreaded return of the extra damage dice!!!***"]
[r,if(AttackRoll>=crit_range&&extra_dice_0!="0"):" +"][r,if(AttackRoll>=crit_range&&extra_dice_0!="0"):extra_type_0]
[r,if(AttackRoll>=crit_range&&extra_dice_1!="0"):" +"][r,if(AttackRoll>=crit_range&&extra_dice_1!="0"):extra_type_1]
[r,if(AttackRoll>=crit_range&&extra_dice_2!="0"):" +"][r,if(AttackRoll>=crit_range&&extra_dice_2!="0"):extra_type_2]
[r,if(AttackRoll>=crit_range&&extra_dice_3!="0"):" +"][r,if(AttackRoll>=crit_range&&extra_dice_3!="0"):extra_type_3]
[r,if(AttackRoll>=crit_range&&extra_dice_4!="0"):" +"][r,if(AttackRoll>=crit_range&&extra_dice_4!="0"):extra_type_4]
[r,if(AttackRoll>=crit_range&&extra_dice_0!="0"||AttackRoll>=crit_range&&extra_dice_1!="0"||AttackRoll>=crit_range&&extra_dice_2!="0"||AttackRoll>=crit_range&&extra_dice_3!="0"||AttackRoll>=crit_range&&extra_dice_4!="0"):" ="][r,if(AttackRoll>=crit_range&&extra_dice_0!="0"||AttackRoll>=crit_range&&extra_dice_1!="0"||AttackRoll>=crit_range&&extra_dice_2!="0"||AttackRoll>=crit_range&&extra_dice_3!="0"||AttackRoll>=crit_range&&extra_dice_4!="0"):damage_roll+bonus*crit_multiplier+extra_damage_0+extra_damage_1+extra_damage_2+extra_damage_3+extra_damage_4]
[r,if(AttackRoll>=crit_range):" if the critical hit is confirmed.</b>"]
[h:"***Checks if you rolled a 1 on an attack roll and mentions the failure. If your game doesn't have autofail on confirmations then this is still mostly harmless, but should be easy to change***"]
[r,if(AttackRoll==1||CritRoll==1):"<br> But the natural 1 would make that difficult."]
[h: maximum_HP=16]
[h: damage_amount = user_input_Damage]
[h: HP = (HP - damage_amount)]
takes [r:damage_amount] damage.<br>
has [r:HP] hitpoints left.
[h: maximum_HP=16]
[h: amount_cured=Please_insert_the_healing_that_you_have_recieved]
[h: old_HP_amount=HP]
[h, if(maximum_hp > HP && HP + amount_cured >= maximum_HP): HP = maximum_HP]
[h, if(HP+amount_cured < maximum_HP):HP=(HP+amount_cured)]
I have recieved a magnitude [r:amount_cured] curative, restoring my vitatlity from [r:old_HP_amount] to [r:HP]. Long shall this act of heroism be remembered!
rolled a [t:1d20+bonus] using [r:used_stat].
Initiative has been set to 1d20([t:initiative_result=1d20]) + [t:bonus=misc_bonuses+dex_bonus] = [t:initiative_result+bonus]
Initiative has been set to [r:initiative_result]