Well, for one, no matter how stealthy you are or how you are approaching your target, you ALWAYS get forced to assassinate your victim the same way. And then you slice their throat, stab their kidneys or whatever and they go rambling on and on and on for minutes ffs. Anybody seen the mask with jim carrey? It's like
this scene. Every level, over and over again. Only MORE stupid and drawn out, and I had never thought this was possible.
I just cant imagine there are thousands and thousands of people out there who didnt cringe at those cutscenes.
Also, the devs and the story go on and on about how ultra stealthy and ubar assassin-ey you are, but then you always confront that last target in an open fight -.- Seriously. Distilled stupidity, right there. Even "Hitman: Part Umpteen", after they ran out of ideas, gave you more choice.
Well, and then, of course, there is this incredibly repetitive gameplay that just seems to exist because some pervert in the devteam wants to punish us for liking sandbox games.
And all of this wouldnt matter one bit if the basic idea of AC wasnt that cool. It's like somebody takes a dump on your favourite pizza. I could go on, but by now even I get the feeling I'm taking this way to seriously. But hey, watch the "making of" AC 1, come back, and tell me you dont lose all your faith in mankind and the video game industry.
edit: AC1 isnt actually a bad game per se (well it is, but not nearly as bad as I make it out to be). It's just so bad because it has so much wasted potential.
I can't say if you'll like 2 or Brotherhood.
Actually, I just came to this thread because I really wanted to "get" the multiplayer in AC:B. How does it work? What makes it cool? Because judging from the few videos I saw, I need that crayon up my nose to enjoy it