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Author Topic: The Life and Times of Reginald Goblinstomper, Elephant at Large.  (Read 52110 times)


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Re: The Life and Times of Reginald Goblinstomper, Elephant at Large.
« Reply #90 on: October 09, 2011, 12:23:21 am »

The digging continues and I have long since grown weary of watching it. My Blueclad seems to as well as he has spent the majority of time recently loitering about in the Dining Hall. This is a blessing as I get an eerie feeling when descending down into the depths even if it does mean that I have to spend the bulk of my time in the company of digbeards.

As I have so often in the past, I spent the greater part of many an afternoon speaking to some of my old comrades. The thought of it amuses me so allow me to recreate for you, as best as I am able, some of the stories I heard. I begin with the Distinguished Luto.

"- of the Council of Apes? Yes, my friends, I have seen a lot in my thousand years, but..." began Luto on grayer than usual afternoon. "Thousand" interrupted Sam the Eagle, "thousand years? But the world is only six hundred and eleven years old, anybody knows that." "Irrelevant! A dragon does not achieve his full growth until he lives a millenium everybody knows that!" "Which does call into question how one does know that with any certainty. Wouldn't somebody have had to see a hatchling take a thousand years to grow first?" That was Solon. "I AM ONE THOUSAND YEARS OLD AND I WILL DEVOUR THE NEXT ONE WHO SAYS OTHERWISE!"

I decided to tempt fate. "So what was it like before the world began?" The remark apparently went over Luto's head, which is impressive for a creature that size. "Dark mostly with bits of white here and there. Then the world rose from the waters, the mountains rose and fell, the rain began to fall, rivers and lakes formed, and then came the other animals." "Yer puttin' us on." That was said low and from in the midst of a large cluster of animals so the identity of the speaker remains uncertain. "No, that's how it was. I remember it too." That came from Eydri's fourth head. Two of them objected and said that it wasn't, two more couldn't recall, and the other two sided with number four.

"It was dark, it was light, and I remember hearing something about stupidity." "There were a bunch of others as well. Titans, dragons, hydras, and them shiny things what they have in the corner there." That was the seventh head. "Who's telling this story, anyway?" and a puff of smoke brought everybody's attention back to Luto.

"Anyway, the world exists now. We can all agree on this one." "I don" began one of Eydri's heads. A stern "WE CAN ALL AGREE ON THAT PARTICULAR POINT!" put paid to that though. "Being a dragon, things come naturally to me. Eating smaller things, collecting smaller things' shinies, burning smaller things, crashing through smaller things' houses. Those were the good days and were packed to the brim with excitement.

I remember this one Adventurer that showed up and began reciting a long list of my so-called crimes. CRIMES. A dragon being a dragon is supposed to be a crime. He got roughly a fourth of the way through a recital of the previous year's dinner menu when I grew tired of listening to him and set him on fire. There's not a problem in the world that can't be fixed with the proper application of dragonfire I always say.

Time went on and as many dragons do, I turned my attention towards building my hoard. No self-respecting dragon can attract a mate w-" "Dragons have mates?" The speaker remained wisely anonymous. "HOW THE BLAZES DO YOU THINK DRAGONS COME ABOUT? SPORES?" "Well," continued the hidden voice "that would require that there be at least two other dragons that were born at least fourteen hundred years and change before the world even began. And they'd have need dragons a thousand years before that." "He does a point" ventured Solon quietly. "We're looking at infinite regress otherwise, which seems a bi-" "QUIET." "Turtles all the way down" muttered a voice, possibly a dog. "SHUT IT!" was the response along with a challenging glare that no one present could bring themselves to meet.

"Now, as I saying before I was so rudely interrupted before, and SHAN'T BE AGAIN IF SAID INTERUPTEES KNOW WHAT IS GOOD FOR THEM, there are times when a dragon's fancy turns to settling down and finding a nice mate to while away the rest of eternity with. There's only one proper way of doing that and that's amassing a hoard large enough to have a scent that a dragon can pick up from the next cave over.

Gold's best for that; it has a nice effusive blend of scents that can easily turn the head of any dragon of the opposite gender after a good role in it. I spent decades constructing a hoard with little success in finding any gold. Plenty of rock items, which can set off a room nicely when arranged tastefully, but lacking in the smell department. One day I venture out to the nearest settlement that I think I detect that faint scent of gold from, but the scent is gone by the time I arrive.

So I content myself with eating the Mayor and bellowing out that I wanted gold items before going home. I get back to the lair and find, to my evelasting dismay, that some fiend had carried off my entire hoard. FIRE! MURDER! THIEVES IN MY LAIR! THE VERY THOUGHT!" The circle of listeners that had crept closer as the story progressed expanded greatly during this explosion of wrath, but it soon passed. "I set out to find the thief and expand my hoard in the process, wound up here, and you know the rest."

I replied that this was nice, but that he was supposed to be telling us the story of the time he killed the Ash Brute Lord of whatever the Council of Apes was. He responded with a very hurtful comment directed at my heritage. Uncivilized, the lot.

Next time: Flashback Sidetrack or Olm is Where the Heart Is.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2011, 12:29:27 am by Ubiq »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Life and Times of Reginald Goblinstomper, Elephant at Large.
« Reply #91 on: October 09, 2011, 09:32:33 am »

Turtles, turtles all the way down.

Hooray for more Reginald!

Lord Allagon

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Re: The Life and Times of Reginald Goblinstomper, Elephant at Large.
« Reply #92 on: November 22, 2011, 04:16:30 pm »

Sorry for necro, but this deserves a congratulation. Wonderful read.
Quote from: narhiril
Quote from: Putnam
Yes, they do not need booze, they can work entirely off of water.
Quote from: Kaplahworm
Quote from: Garath
I'm pretty sure he'd move diagonally if he could.
You would think that, but the guy thought encasing himself in fire was a good idea.
Quote from: Jake
I therefore wish rectal cancer on your senior management.


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Re: The Life and Times of Reginald Goblinstomper, Elephant at Large.
« Reply #93 on: November 22, 2011, 08:25:53 pm »

Sorry for necro, but this deserves a congratulation. Wonderful read.
don't apologize, I would have completely missed this thread if it weren't for your timely bump.

great read!


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Re: The Life and Times of Reginald Goblinstomper, Elephant at Large.
« Reply #94 on: November 23, 2011, 02:01:54 am »

Bump for great Reginald!


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Re: The Life and Times of Reginald Goblinstomper, Elephant at Large.
« Reply #95 on: November 23, 2011, 03:15:53 am »

Thanks for the bump and consequent awesome read.  The name Reginald will never be the same to me again.  :D


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Life and Times of Reginald Goblinstomper, Elephant at Large.
« Reply #96 on: November 24, 2011, 07:21:36 pm »

What a superb read! It indeed deserves a place in the Hall of Legends!


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Re: The Life and Times of Reginald Goblinstomper, Elephant at Large.
« Reply #97 on: November 26, 2011, 11:48:10 am »

I'd like more gore in this story, please.

And also this is awesome! MUY TALENTOSO!!!
Nobody lives let's make every day count.

The Loony Bin:


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Re: The Life and Times of Reginald Goblinstomper, Elephant at Large.
« Reply #98 on: December 02, 2011, 05:24:31 pm »

This isn't dead, is it?   :(


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Life and Times of Reginald Goblinstomper, Elephant at Large.
« Reply #99 on: December 06, 2011, 07:48:16 am »

I hope not!

Quoting legendary quote:
Generalized Godwin’s Law: "Every discussion within an online community converges to a zero-information signal characterized by empty assertions concerning the foundational dichotomy of that community."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Life and Times of Reginald Goblinstomper, Elephant at Large.
« Reply #100 on: December 06, 2011, 06:07:04 pm »

This isn't dead, is it?   :(
might have been some time, but remember that Ubiq must've put a lot of effort into perfecting each of these.
Give him time.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Life and Times of Reginald Goblinstomper, Elephant at Large.
« Reply #101 on: December 06, 2011, 09:07:09 pm »

He's gone longer without updating before- I'm assuming that if he feels Reginald's story is at an end, he'll tell us.


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Re: The Life and Times of Reginald Goblinstomper, Elephant at Large.
« Reply #102 on: February 22, 2012, 11:38:48 pm »

God damn it, this is better than most "books" out there right now.  Recommending this to all fellow DFers :3


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Re: The Life and Times of Reginald Goblinstomper, Elephant at Large.
« Reply #103 on: February 29, 2012, 03:31:05 am »

"I have had the oddest dream just now." "Do tell," said Uncle Bertram as he idly picked a trunkful of grass and inspected it briefly before stuffing it down that ever voracious maw of his. "I was minding the own business as usual..." This brought a derisive snort that was utterly undeserved. "I was, as I said, minding my own business and came across one of those spare nondescript fellows that is always hanging around outside of the forest. Not being one to cause trouble, I nodded politely and made to go on my way and the brainless fool attacked me!" "Not much of a dream, that sort of thing happens all the time in my experience," replied Bertram.

"Allow me to finish. Being myself and that whatever being itself, I stepped on him." "Excellent instinct, nephew, even if it is but a mere dream. I still fail to see why this is odd." "He was able to stand up afterwards." "Pardon?" "Stepping on him had no effect." "Blasphemy! Ivory poachers and footpad wastebaskets, " Uncle Bertram had an awesome gift for invective, "this dream was nonsense! Utter nonsense! The idea that stepping on something smaller wouldn't kill it instantly!" "It did." "What?" "It did kill him. He was quite dead, I assure you, but arose anyway. Then, and here's the true horror, I look around and see one of those wretched digbeards. I despise them as a rule, but this one. So help me, this one terrified me. Skin taut and drawn with a rictus horrible grin that I shall never forget even if it was naught but a dream. I recall having an utter certainty in the dream that he raised this poor fellow from the dead."

Uncle Bertram's response was lost to reality as I awoke from a boredom induced stupor by the general reaction to the tail end of a Cave Crocodile's story. "And I gnawed my way through the wall of Antmanflesh, dragging my tail behind me!" The line provoked a veritable gale of laughter, especially from Luto, and I suspect that I missed a great story in the bargain. Imagine, a dream being described within a dream; if it had not really happened, I would accuse the creator of such a tale as being a tremendous hack unworthy of the title author.

Time has a funny way of getting away from us. Sometimes, it seems as if we close our eyes for a moment and months have passed. Othertimes, it seems like a day will last several years.  I know not how long I was asleep; I doubt it was for more than a few minutes, but it seems like the bulk of a year has passed since Luto's story. On the other tusk, it feels like I have gained an extra day somehow, an strange experience and one that I will not have again for some time. Odd feeling that.

I shall have to inquire later what the story told by the Cave Crocodile was, I do not think I have had the pleasure of being properly introduced. Perhaps that introduction will suffice as an excuse to get the story again. At any rate, the next to speak was that Solon, whose wisdom is unanimously acknowledged by myself to be second only to my own.

"I remember," said that worthy, "when this was solid rock as far as the eye could not see. On account of it being solid rock, you see." His flair for comedy does not remotely approach his wisdom. "I still recall the day when I was taking a short nap on the banks of the lake below when I heard a peculiar sound for above. I look above me and a hole opened in the rock a distance above. At first, I thought that some sort of ambulatory moss had contrived to dig through rock as that appeared to be what was above me. After close inspection, it was revealed to be a creature that I had never seen before."

Next time: Flashback hacktrack or Solon and Thanks for All the Fish!


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Re: The Life and Times of Reginald Goblinstomper, Elephant at Large.
« Reply #104 on: February 29, 2012, 05:10:27 am »

Woohoo, A new chapter!

Brilliant as always.  Rereading the entire story again still brings me much laughter.
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