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Author Topic: The Life and Times of Reginald Goblinstomper, Elephant at Large.  (Read 52098 times)


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Re: The Life and Times of Reginald Goblinstomper, Elephant at Large.
« Reply #105 on: February 29, 2012, 07:49:37 am »

Short but awesome chapter! Thanks again Ubiq! :D
Generalized Godwin’s Law: "Every discussion within an online community converges to a zero-information signal characterized by empty assertions concerning the foundational dichotomy of that community."

Lord Allagon

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Re: The Life and Times of Reginald Goblinstomper, Elephant at Large.
« Reply #106 on: February 29, 2012, 08:37:14 am »

Awesome read! Thanks Ubiq!
Quote from: narhiril
Quote from: Putnam
Yes, they do not need booze, they can work entirely off of water.
Quote from: Kaplahworm
Quote from: Garath
I'm pretty sure he'd move diagonally if he could.
You would think that, but the guy thought encasing himself in fire was a good idea.
Quote from: Jake
I therefore wish rectal cancer on your senior management.


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Re: The Life and Times of Reginald Goblinstomper, Elephant at Large.
« Reply #107 on: February 29, 2012, 12:49:39 pm »

"Imagine, a dream being described within a dream; if it had not really happened, I would accuse the creator of such a tale as being a tremendous hack unworthy of the title author."

I got a good chuckle out of that.


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Re: The Life and Times of Reginald Goblinstomper, Elephant at Large.
« Reply #108 on: March 08, 2012, 09:44:08 pm »



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Re: The Life and Times of Reginald Goblinstomper, Elephant at Large.
« Reply #109 on: April 11, 2012, 04:50:00 pm »

Oh wow. Stumbled across this in the legends thread. Brilliant writing Ubiq!


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Re: The Life and Times of Reginald Goblinstomper, Elephant at Large.
« Reply #110 on: April 20, 2012, 01:47:34 am »

"I recall" said Solon, "the time before they came.  Alone, I sat in the dark for time in and time out. There was a period when I had ranged far and wide in search of what could be sought. I Many a cave was swam through and many a mudflat slithered over. I wandered amongst the mushroom forests and dreamed amongst the curlhair plants. This had long since passed by the time this story began as I had found nothing of interest and had retired, in a sense, to a life of sloth and the barest amount of activity to sustain my existence. Occasionally I stirred to help myself to the odd cave fish or lobster that was foolish enough to venture near me, but my travels and education were seemingly at an end. One fine day... or night, as it was hard to tell down there, I heard a noise slightly above me and dove into the water in alarm. Few things there are that would bother one such as myself, but those that will are fearsome indeed. I watched from the distance as one of the dwarrows as I would come to call them poked his bearded face out of a hole that he had newly excavated in the ceiling of my home. Imagine being struck by the knowledge that the roof of the world was nothing but the bottomside of a world above! This was how I felt and I shall never forget the astonishment I felt at the sensation. The creature disappeared shortly, but soon emerged from a new hole in the wall not far from my traditional lounging spot. I liked to bask in the light of lichen, you see. He glanced around a bit and went back into the cave, such that it was, and disappeared. I was later to find that he had continued digging downwards. Much later as I had happened. I kept my distance as I was wary of anything new and had never before encountered so new as this. Finally, my curiosity got the better of me as it always has when there is something new to encounter. I had noticed other dwarrows coming and going with one in particular who often seemed to be working at the edge of the cave. I came out of the water with the intention of seeing the world above and perhaps expanding my palate at the expense of one of these creatures in the bargain. Alas, I saw the surface world, but it was in a cage. I almost went mad at the notion of entrapment, but I was soon fed by one of them and allowed my freedom. I admit to being disappointed by the surface at first, but while wandering around the entrance, I happened across a puk that was in the midst of stealing some bric-a-brac or other from one of the floors below. I bit his face off, which killed him and, more importantly to the dwarrows, allowed them to recover the item in question, and it seemed that the dwarrows had a much greater opinion of me afterwards. This leads into my next..."

It was then that I noticed that we animals were all but alone in the room as all of the adult digbeards began streaming out and down the nearest stairwell. Some had stones that had been squared off, some with nothing but themselves, but all, all heading downwards into the depths. I noticed my Blueclad charge amongst them and set off to follow to see what misbegotten idiocy that they had gotten themselves into this time.

And what a sight it was. While once a great cavern system teaming with life, there was now nothing but a flat plain that stretched off as far as the eye could see in all directions with the only exception being a vast stone wall that went into the roof above. At a guess, they had removed two floors of rock between the previous floor and the current one. At the upmost limit of sight, there were digbeards building something... I knew not what. If you went to the grand staircase and went down, there was but a single, slender set of stairs that preceded downwards into an abyss rather than the grand of old. Beyond this, there was only the same vast pillar of rock  that stretched from the inconceivable depths below up and through the level above. Judging by the location, it must be the tube that the red melty water that digbeards love so much flows up from the depths through to the mountain above. Something was a bit off about the ground around it though. As there was nothing else of interest, I had to go closer to investigate so I returned to the level above and proceeded to the rock wall. My suspicions were confirmed when I grew close enough as I could feel the heat radiating from it. 

The reason for the odd appearance of the ground around it was that the area immediately around the rock tube had been replaced with a series of bridges. Odd that. I look around to see what the digbeards were occupying themselves with; they were divided into the three tasks. Building bridges, as I was now certain that this is what those on the edge of my vison were doing, engraving every bit of stone in sight, and finally, constructing a new floor abovehead out of clear rocks. My inspections were interrupted by a great cacophony from the depths below; a trunk-curling blast of ghastly wails, screams, and other hideous sounds too numerous to mention from a multitudinous host of voices that seemed to be beyond any ability to count.

As with all things to do with the digbeards, this can't be good.

Next time: A Heartstopping Moment or the Great Fall of the Footrest.

Lord Allagon

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Re: The Life and Times of Reginald Goblinstomper, Elephant at Large.
« Reply #111 on: April 20, 2012, 06:15:55 am »

Wonderful read, as always.
Quote from: narhiril
Quote from: Putnam
Yes, they do not need booze, they can work entirely off of water.
Quote from: Kaplahworm
Quote from: Garath
I'm pretty sure he'd move diagonally if he could.
You would think that, but the guy thought encasing himself in fire was a good idea.
Quote from: Jake
I therefore wish rectal cancer on your senior management.


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Re: The Life and Times of Reginald Goblinstomper, Elephant at Large.
« Reply #112 on: April 20, 2012, 12:52:02 pm »

Oh no- voices in the deep! I am perched at the edge of my seat!


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Re: The Life and Times of Reginald Goblinstomper, Elephant at Large.
« Reply #113 on: April 24, 2012, 11:22:13 pm »

Posting to watch. This thread is awesome!
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


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Re: The Life and Times of Reginald Goblinstomper, Elephant at Large.
« Reply #114 on: June 01, 2012, 01:22:01 pm »

Hate to be a bother, but
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Old Bean.
Ubiq, are you writing the next chapter?
DFBT the Dwarf: The only community podcast for Dwarf Fortress!
Tahu-R-TOA-1, Troubleshooter
I suggest that we add a clause permitting the keelhauling of anyone who suggests a plan involving "zombify the crew".
Quote from: MNII
Friend Computer, can you repair the known universe, please?


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Re: The Life and Times of Reginald Goblinstomper, Elephant at Large.
« Reply #115 on: June 07, 2012, 12:12:41 pm »

It seemed like an unending eternity, but I cam certain that shortly after the hideous wailing began, a tuskstick that was on the verge of collapse arrived on our level and was followed shortly afterwards by his canine owner. After a brief talk, I pieced together the following story. The dog, Idar Loenemdeb, followed his pet into the depths and encountered a trapdoor that he could not pass; as such, he waited for his charge to return from the depths that he had descended to for an unknown purpose. Idar knew only that another trapdoor lay directly below the one that he stood near now as he had caught a glimpse of it when his pet had passed through the first one. He stood there for a time and waited faithfully as dogs are wont to do. It was then that noises and smells arose from beneath him that made his hair stand on end and made him consider ever so briefly heading back up but his better nature bade him stay to see what would happen.

Scant seconds later, there was a clattering sound for beneath him and he made ready to spring on whatever would arise. As it happened, it was a spring of happy greeting to his pet, who turned and fastened the trapdoor quite shut, the very notion of which would seem scandalous to any self-respecting spider I should think. That action had apparently been the source of the previous noise as both of the trapdoors must have been firmly sealed against whatever was beneath. Barely had he done so than a great pounding sounded from below as if a vast pack of creatures was beating on the bottom trapdoor from below and issuing great howls of rage.

After a brief consultation with the tuskstick, a host of digbeards filed down the stairwell below in a steady stream to collect that blue rock they seem to admire so much. Most of them went empty-handed except for a single red-clad who hauled a rock downwards with him several times. He happened to descend at the same time as my Blueclad so I saw him descend through the first, now open trapdoor to do something to the second. From what I understand from the other animals, after completing whatever insane task he had down there, he performed the same with the top trapdoor as well. After a while, the flood trickled off and the plain below was empty save for a few straggling carrying their treasured cargo upwards. Oddly the stairwell does not descend all the way to ground level as I expected, but stopped a floor above on a small platform surrounded by ramps.

Attention returned again to the region I discussed before now that all of the blue stone has been safely stowed up up above us somewhere. The carving continued and the addition of a ceiling of clear stone continues as well, which should give a fairly nice view of all those carvings when finished from the floor above. Trees have somehow sprang up on both levels as I am quite certain I see one off in the distance on each floor. Similar work continues on the next level up, which has also had its floor removed and is in the process of being replaced with the same clear stone. There are several of the round stickish contraptions on this floor that I had not noticed before and the stairwell on that level has been covered with transparent trapdoors with center having been replaced with a block clear stone with a statue above it. Nice effect that; rather fetching actually. Tables and sundry other furniture are being added as the floor above expands along with large caches of food and drink. It is that that I notice a tuskstick head downwards and I wonder what that is all about.

Next time: The Great Fall of the Footrest, Part II or Click.


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Re: The Life and Times of Reginald Goblinstomper, Elephant at Large.
« Reply #116 on: June 09, 2012, 06:45:42 am »

No comments yet? I am aghast!

Another fine installment, Ubiq!  Three cheers for Reginald! :D


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Re: The Life and Times of Reginald Goblinstomper, Elephant at Large.
« Reply #117 on: June 09, 2012, 08:49:21 pm »

Oh hello update, how did I miss you the first pass? I'm quite interested to see what happens with the circus here.


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Re: The Life and Times of Reginald Goblinstomper, Elephant at Large.
« Reply #118 on: June 07, 2015, 11:12:40 am »

Perspective, yes, that's the word I want to use here, perspective is a funny thing. If you were to ask me, I would be ever so certain that recent events covered a span of, at minimum, a few years. "More than the tusks on the face but less than the legs below" as Old Uncle Everfort used to say; he'd never say three, you understand, because of a slight speech impediment he had. Since he went to all that trouble to come up with a way to not say the dreaded word, he would often go out of his way to group things into sets of three. He would never say his own name for the same reason. Grandmother used to tease him terribly about it; Errwhuhfwoht I think she called him. The old girl could be quite vicious when she wanted to be.

At any rate, I have been assured that the events of earlier this afternoon lasted no more than a matter of mere seconds and that, if anything, we actually would have gained almost exactly an hour rather than losing time if indeed years had passed. Something about different time zones, whatever those are, and the passage of the seasons relative to the alignment of the stars and I'm not certain what all else. I remain unconvinced but the same source assures me that dragons are an absolute authority on this sort of thing. Of course, I've always been assured that dragons were aware of time before time existed somehow. You'd be surprised how much authority the ability to breathe fire can lend any statement.

When last I left off, I believe that I was telling of a tuskstick going downstairs. I'm not entirely certain what he did down there since my attention was soon drawn to the other digbeards arriving on my level. Level of the footrest, mind you, there's not a digbeard alive on my intellectual and cultural level. Whatever he did, it was soon accomplished since he returned with a great deal of satisfaction.

Now, you have to understand that I'm not entirely certain what happened or why it happened. I can only relay things as I directly observed or recalled directly observing. I will consult my colleagues and see if a more complete narrative emerges. But enough dilly-dallying.

One of them eventually separated from the herd and headed downstairs. As is their habit from time to time, he played with a small stick with a round rock attached. I cannot recall if I have described this game before so I might as well do so now. The game is ever the same and involves merely moving a stick back and forth. Sometimes this is done but once and at others, it is down in rapid succession. Various noises always accompany these actions; sometimes, it resembles an extended peal of thunder and sometimes it sounds like a herd of rhinoceroses wandering around. Either way, digbeard laughter is the most common result with thin layers of dust covering everything in sight being a distant second.

I believe that this was the first time I ever saw the direct result of said play; the digbeards had created several clear floors out of stone and you could see down a considerable distance. It was rather, and I admit sadly, underwhelming since it simply opened the trapdoor that had earlier been the recipient of some angry pummeling by creatures unknown. The result of that was far more impressive however since a vast variety of demons erupted onto that patch of ground. Have you ever seen a hornet's nest struck by a rock thrown by a mischievous monkey? The overall effect was quite similar.

I do not know what the demons expected exactly since there were no targets of value on that level or even a digbeard for that matter. I doubt that even these misbegotten lunatics would remain standing around in the midst of a horde of demons. I have to say that the sight was impressive though it hardly seemed to make the expected impression on the crowd around me. They laughed and pointed and, upon being noticed, even began to wave. I suppose having distance and two thick layers of clear stone gives one confidence that would not exist otherwise.

I believe that one of them noticed the digbeards waving at him. I'll never forget the expression. I sincerely hope that you never have to see the facial expressions of a tick demon, or, indeed, any foul creature from the depths. For one thing, it's hard to interpret anything with those ghastly features. I believe that it was surprise but it could have been angry, happiness, or mild indigestion. Whatever it was, I'll carry that with me to the end of my days.

I got a good look at those features because that was when IT happened. There was the distinctive loud click of the stick and round rock towards the middle of the room and the various trees on the level below us disappeared. Not cut down or fell over, mind you, but disappeared. If that was the fourth oddest thing I'd seen that day, I could go to the Burial Ground a happy elephant.

The trees disappeared and then time froze for me. I had the distinct sensation such that you have with a leg in the air but with all four legs at once. Floating off the ground I suppose is how I'd describe it; possibly that is what that jumping nonsense is all about, but, being an elephant, I'll not experiment in such shenanigans to find out.

So, the sensation of not being on solid footing and things beginning to freeze in place began. If you were to tell me that the universe itself had strained to comprehend the events at hand and had nearly collapsed before figuring out a way to cope, I would believe it without hesitation. After that horrible interval of compressed years, things... I cannot bring myself to describe the situation as reverting to normal. I've spoken before about the weird sensation of time while dreaming but this was no dream. I would say it was a nightmare and stomp my feet for a dramatic sting but that would be trite. Let me say that time started back up again and go from there.

Time started back up again and I had the sensation that the floor below me was rising and carrying the entire footrest up to the surface. I realized after a brief second that quite the opposite was happening, but on the floor below that. I happened to glance over at the face of the tick demon I had noticed previously. This expression was quite easy to figure out; it was the face of a being who looked into the Eyes of Utter Madness and could only cope with the most foul of curses.

In other words, it's the same expression I have every time I look in a pool of water. The expression of one who has come into contact with the digbeard. That tick demon is lucky though since his experience ended after only that brief encounter. Though I suppose it was less of an encounter with the digbeards and more a direct encounter with the floor of the entire level above him followed by the floor directly below him and the floor below that as well. The dust still hasn't settled even now but I doubt that there were any survivors. I expect that there isn't a living thing left beneath our feet.

I had always heard rumors of dark, terrifying things lurking beneath the soil but no horror story yet imagined can encompass the insane designs of the humble digbeard.

Next time: The Footrest Fell or Time Stamps Ever Onward.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2015, 11:14:59 am by Ubiq »


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Re: The Life and Times of Reginald Goblinstomper, Elephant at Large.
« Reply #119 on: June 07, 2015, 09:16:38 pm »

I am in tears from laughing so hard :D  The previous update was from before I started playing DF, which is probably how I missed it.  Brilliant little story you have going.  I just hope the conclusion doesn't take another 3 years :P

Edit: You really should read this slowly, or you'll miss a lot of the subtleties in the writing.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2015, 09:21:53 pm by Immortal-D »
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