Unfortunately I've heard that the 3d editor is something they had to pull. Supposedly they're also trying to get the Take On Helicopters flight models into the game, but they won't be in during the alpha, or maybe not even at launch, but it's something they're trying to get in.
As for making AI smarter, have you see the 'headless client' videos Shacktac has made? It basically makes the AI run on its own dedicated processor, and the result is... pretty amazing.
Anyways, there's been a new
RPS interview.
see tracers fly right over my head and hear the bullets pop.
This suggests supersonic cracks for bullets by default. The supersonic crack from ACE is one of the most amazing (yet simple) additions to the game.
A combat engagement can play out differently each time, but is now enhanced by a much-refined radio protocol and better responsiveness of the character movement.
This makes me wonder, does this mean that the AI communicates with each other or something instead of instantly knowing what's going on? Or is it simply talking about giving commands using the radio like in OFP or ARMA? The enhanced character movement is probably just referring to more fluid character movement, instead of the awkward tank-like controls from all the previous games, in addition to multiple stances per stance (if that makes sense =p )
If the mission editor lets you make multiplayer missions (and not be restricted to the two MP missions they give you) then this alpha is going to be pretty amazing, even with how limited the weapons and vehicles etc. are going to be. Especially if they allow the 'attachto' command to create battlebus wars >=3
we do not currently plan to test attaching bleachers and turrets to vehicles to create a battle bus for example
Finally, for those of you happened to miss this detaul, a 'trial' will be available upon the 14th which allows you to play it for free, but with no multiplayer. Keeping in mind that ARMA 2 currently has a free option
with multiplayer, perhaps ARMA3 will get one sometime as well? I love BI