This game is pure awesome
Me and my friend both played Arma 2: Free together on a server, and our adventures were great. We started by driving around to the first city that seemed like it would make sense to capture. We found a hill near the town, also guarded with a camp belonging to the resistance, with a man on an MG, which my AI partners spotted. The AI shot him down, and me and my friend captured the camp and took the high ground on the hill. We scouted the city, and thought there was nothing there until nighttime came around. We put on our night-vision goggles and that is when things just went to hell. I spotted vehicle lights, and a small armored vehicle (forgot which one) came out to confirm this. I thought "it is only one vehicle" and then I see a huge patrol come behind it. 6 plus men all armed with generic rifles, one even had an rpg. We stayed on the hill and didn't move, and the AI didn't see us. We just sat back and did nothing, learning of what the AI wanted to do. We spent all night on that hill, just learning about the enemy. The sun came up, and we lost our stealthy opportunity, but a few seconds later revealed we would not be needing it. My AI guys were set to hold fire, but my friends were not, and they shot a guy, but revealed our position. Suddenly we were surrounded in that forest on the hill, all those guys we had scouted were out to kill us. I set my AI to open fire and they did. Only using the trees for cover, we fought the best we could, my friends AI sniper netting a few kills, but that was when the big bad vehicles came in. We were stupid, we could have gone to the nearby camp, picked up a SMAW, and engaged them, but we didn't. We sat there for too long, and now we were going to pay. A few minutes later my friend reported that all his AI were down, and I reported only 1 of my 3 had died. It turns out my friend did not tell them to go prone, but mine were, so mine survived. Or so I would have thought. We were running out of time, and I thought of the only solution. I threw 2 smoke grenades down, and told him to run. I covered the wrong spot with my smoke grenade, and when I told my AI to stay in formation, they came out of cover, getting killed almost instantly. It was only me and my friend left. We went prone, trying to escape south to avoid the town and enemies entirely. We would be out in the open, but we had no other choice. It was that or death. Seconds later I was hit, on the ground. They hit my legs, I would be unable to make a run for it. We were stuck, and my medic was dead, so we had no health support either. It was then that something very grand happened. The AI had sent a squad to take the town, and they came in and cleared all the AI for us. The AI on our team were in the open, but they were no match because the enemy was still focused on us. We seized our opportunity and joined in the fight, although we got no kills

The other sqaud had a medic, which went over to heal me back to strength and we marched in and took the city with little resistance.
This was just one particular engagement from the very beginning of the game. I have had so much fun with this amazing game and I highly recommend it to anybody, and I also recommend you play the free version if you are unsure about it. Definitely worth a look