Wow, combat scenes are hard to capture.
Anyway, I plan to do updates objective based. Makes it easier to manage.
Here are the best pictures I could pick out of the combat.
We took some damage, but no losses occurred.
FI: Hostile units destroyed. Threat eliminated.
MS: Mothership sustained minor hull damage. Repairs are underway.
The Khar-Selim has been destroyed. Heavy weapon damage is visible on the remaining fragment. A salvage Corvette must be sent to retrieve the mission data recorder.I docked the ships at the end to keep them ship shape.
So that concludes the "plot" portion of this update.
OtherWe got a new unit! The repair corvette.
The Repair Corvette is capable of repairing and refueling Fighters “in the field.” While equipped with only a small gun, the Repair Corvette has heavy armor to protect itself and the craft it’s repairing. Timely support from a Repair Corvette can be quite useful in a long battle.It can also repair frigate sized ships and up with this weird green spray. Maybe its glue or something.
Note: Frigate sized ships and up can not dock, and therefore have to repair manually(which takes ages). The best option is to repair it with a vessel. There are two that can do it, the repair corvette and X(we will learn about it later).
We also have a new tech!(which was unlocked from researching the previous)
Corvette Chassis : Allows us to build the light corvette.
I gained some resources during the combat(our harvester worked hard
), so I can afford to add some new units. If you cant see the picture, we can afford 9 more interceptors + a repair corvette(mainly for the picture, but I bet it will find its use).
Due to the new interceptors, I increased the size of your squad to 10 interceptors Sheb.
Finely, here is those formations you asked for Monkey. I will test them in the next combat operation.
OverviewShipsWell, same. When I start the next update I will have finished the production order, so just add last update + the production order. (yes, I'm lazy.