w.t.f... (not actually a question, just a reaction. I'm sure it will all be explained in time (hopefully soon))
Come on now, this isn't totally out of nowhere. I've only been setting it up for like
40+ pages.
> Pink: Think about [VERY MUCH CENSORED].
> Pink: realize you like it.
No. >:[ Bad Armok!
> PINK: Join team neutron in it's glorious task.
Pink has a pretty good reason not to up and join Team Neutron: they are a bunch of assholes. She is far to proud to march in the asshole parade. Or to take orders from anyone, really.
lol pink r nub trainor
wy no pokevirus? no ev stat calc? hatch egg + trade exp bonus? nub.
lvl 100 bidoof with all stats max ftw.
Pink should probably just walk away. Pokemen, much like Zubats, likely give shit exp and confuse your mons.
Monologue is an attack that prevents your opponent from excaping
Yeah, I think all the cues are pointing towards a throwdown at this point. It'd be kind of silly to not think there'd be one.
Other things:
Newarts dialogue was a pain to write. Why would I even decide to give him ridiculous semi-cursive dialogue when I knew he'd inevitably have to monologue at some point? Bluh.
The Pikaman silhouette is actually Batman.