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Author Topic: Godhood III Play Thread  (Read 38810 times)


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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #60 on: September 15, 2010, 11:51:16 pm »

The Winter Lord's eyes grew heavy again as he surveys his realm. All of the world was his, at one point or another. Every land feels the bite of winter's touch, the cold hand of snow and ice, the cool breeze of autumn's first breath. Sovereigns and tyrants deceive themselves that they rule the world in parcels and acres, but He, the Winter Lord, was its true master. With but a word, their crops are ruined. With but a thought, their lakes are frozen. With but a gesture, their homes destroyed. But he was not unkind.

He looked east, towards the lands currently in summer's embrace. He saw life, sentience, divine interference. This is as it should be, all life is created and controlled; whether by gods or by nature's impulses. Those few species blessed with free will work now to establish a meagre existence among the savage and untamed lands. The Winter Lord feels a kinship with their struggle, and sympathy for their plight.

This year, he thought, the winter shall be mild. And so he stretched out his ephemeral hands and it was so. The world's storms eased, the temperatures in the wintery lands rose slightly, and the world breathed a sigh of relief. Winter would not be a hard time this year, with no major storms or heavy snowfalls or sudden frosts. The people would rejoice at their good fortune, without knowing its cause.

Only the Northren will know... those loyal to Him who praise his name. They will know the truth, and be grateful that game is plentiful, that water still flows, and homes remain intact.

The Winter Lord grants the world a very mild winter, so that no species experiences hardship this turn during the winter months. He also shields the weather so that no god can interfere, so long as the land in question is currently in winter.


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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #61 on: September 19, 2010, 06:05:09 pm »

Voltarucus creates the Tree of Nature, a grand tree that towers over many other landmarks, and yet remains a rare sight, calling on the moon to veil it. - One act
Voltarucus temporarily and slightly increases growth and expansion of all forests on the Womb. - One act

Carmanthyre creates The Blade.
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- One act

Jack manifests wearing the face of Ictor. - No acts
Spoiler: Rules of Play for Jack (click to show/hide)
- Make sure to add this to the template.

Rahisael creates the Wargaz, savage wolf men, from a small amount of Northren. While they retain their knowledge, they lose memory of their lives as Northren. They are placed not too far from the Northren valley. - One act
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Killa Khan creates a statue made of hardened snow in the north, it has no power besides being able to resist the elements, but holds respect for all who die. - One act
Killa Khan creates his arena, and calls fighters of all races to fight in it. - No acts (I assume it is not that huge an arena, and as we're still in the 'mythical era', erecting a structure like that shouldn't be too hard.
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Killa Khan sends out a mental message to the violently inclined on the Womb. - One act

Jack introduces the concept of knapping and flint knives to Silver's clan. - Two acts
Jack gives Silver an offer - kill in His name and receive divine empowerment. - No acts (Making an offer doesn't take acts. Acting up to it does.)

Death creates Man, and instills within them a 'sixth sense' for magic. He then creates enough mating pairs to create a stable gene pool, and sets them down in the most verdant place he can find. - Three acts (You're creating life while you're a God of death, and you're granting them affinity with magic. That's quite expensive, as you might imagine.)

Akiel spreads the knowledge of fire and knapping to Humans, Phoenixes, Mayura, and Fologorh. He then instills the drive to improve and innovate into the races. - One act

Endras creates a shrine around the Wellspring of Nature that crystallizes the liquid magic flowing from it. - One act
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Endras manifests within the shrine to teach all who visit how to use its magic. - No acts

Amparos creates the lanenti and the malenar, spirits of rivers and lakes. - Two acts
They have got humanoid bodies of running water. The Lanenti rule over the rivers, while the less human-like Malenar live in the lakes. They are able to leave their homes and wander the dry lands, even though the disgust transferred from Amparos makes it unlikely for them to do so.

Terron infuses the small tribe of Mayura that left Kastheen with crystals of truth. - One act
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Tass gives some Mayura a genetic predisposition to excellent singing. - One act

Aarseral creates the Well of Life, a magical well that grants the basics of life magic to the ones worthy of it. It is located in a small underground chamber system of shallow caves. - One act
Aarseral calls out to all Forologh to live at the Well of Life. - No acts

Phera guides her tribe to a volcano. - One act
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Aarseral creates the Ents, large tree-like creatures that, while able to make intelligent decisions themselves, are not sentient and instead obey Aarseral. - One act (Note that this means that they can no reproduce, they can't worship or provide power, and will be mostly dormant without Aarseral.)

Kastheen creates a sub race of Mayura out of her most loyal followers, called the Mayura Amaashi. - One act
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The Lord of Death creates The Scatii. They are not sentient. - One act
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The Winter Lord plants a seed of magic within the loyal Northren which will increase their intellect and cleverness over the next few generations. - One act

Amparos creates the Furya, an ocean-going vessel, to act as a fortress on the surface. It is sentient. - One act
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The Winter Lord grants the world a very mild winter, so that no species experiences hardship turn during the winter months. He also shields the weather so that no god can interfere, so long as the land in question is currently in winter. - One act

Often the minds of mortals hold as much power as those of Gods, but while alike in ability of thought, emotion, ethics and the sense to fulfill their needs, they were often more flexible. While some might resist the strength of even Gods, they would never defeat the Gods at this game. This had been one of the many unwritten laws of the many universes, and even here, on the Womb, it applied. Gods were all forces of change. Even Gods of laws, stability, order and civilization were forces of change. From chaos to order, from order to chaos, change was what the Gods were.

Stretching their claw-like hands, the minds of the Wargaz struggled to comprehend. They knew things, yet they did not know why. Some of them fought and reclaimed blurred memories, most failed in their eternity. In the end, it no longer mattered. These people would live like they knew they should live, and their small tribe set out to hunt.

Silver was a leader, yet he too was one that obeyed others. Were it wind, ice, or Gods, Silver could not change all of them. Once again a force he could not control appeared. His instincts told him that he himself created this being. His common sense told him he had been hallucinating. His intellect told him that he did not have power nor strength enough to create such a being. The moment after he had fallen to his knees and howedl in frustration one of his kin drew his attention. A young male standing on an uprooted tree, showing off about an item he held, which caught and reflected Phera's accursed light onto his surroundings. A crowd had assembled around him, and the females were giving one another competitive glances, stares and sometimes even growls.
Silver looked down at the sharpened stone in his hand, and decided that the item was his. He rose to his feet, took a stance, and hurled the stone for the head of his tribesman...

Silver took the sword that had lodged itself into the tree, goggling it with curiosity and greed. He put his foot on the slain Northren, and pushed him off the fallen wooden giant to allow himself room. He took the sword, and with it he took his place. He was the leader. He was their hero. Wasn't it him who defeated the treacherous Ictor? Weren't it his claws that tore the tusks of the swine that stenched their tribe? Wouldn't the deadly flames have consumed them all without him? He assured his tribe that he was the one that saved them, howling wildly as he rose the sword above him.

Sometimes, there were individuals that dreamed. They dreamed of things that were beyond their imagination, beyond their knowledge. Little did they know that those dreams were not theirs. Even fewer individuals than those that had these dreams were the ones that felt the urge to do what their dream told them to. Some, though, did. After waking up, they gathered what little possessions they had, and they began walking. Days and nights would pass, spent only on hunting, traveling and sleeping, before they reached their destination, but when they did, their gazes were and remained fixed on a structure, something they had never seen before. Quickly they started attempting to copy the building, constructing sloppy huts of their own. Little did they knew what purpose the oval structure in their midst had, but the curiosity was enough for them to stay with it, leaving only to hunt and gather in other regions of the world.

Humankind was born naked, freely swimming in Phera's light. Blinking their eyes they got up, and they assembled. While their skins were caressed by soft breeze and gentle light, they started their lives, curious and ambitious.

So many elements did the Womb hold, that it was impossible for it not to honor its name once more. The raw energies of the plane were channeled through the oldest of Gods, and yet another God came into being.

Sometimes, there were individuals that dreamed. They dreamed of things that were beyond their imagination, beyond their knowledge. Sometimes those dreams were so weak, so gentle, that they did not act to them. Sometimes they did not notice what had happened, what had entered their minds. This was true for the Folorogh. Only very few of those being traveled to Well of Life, but those that did, did so with great curiosity.

One tribe, one band of people, lived in seclusion. They knew most of the things others knew. Knapping, fire, both applied with great vigor. Their new home was gentle to them, as was the winter. They found an abundance of game and fertile forests to supply them with the wood to fuel their fires, allowing them to cook their food. They prospered and growed, helped by the fertile slopes of the volcano that housed them.

This prosperity, this growth, although nowhere as great as on the volcano, was found everywhere on The Womb. Years of peace and growth passed, the winters gentle, the wilds abundant. There was stability. There was Paradise, and with this Paradise came the God of Paradise.

The Overgoddess opened her ethereal eyes to the world that she was born in, and the infinite abyss, a plane within a plane within a plane. Her thought triggered instinct. Instinct triggered her power: The abyss was no longer empty.

The Mother felt curious. She was awake, she was conscious. She was more of a child than those that she gave birth with, unaware of most of the world that she had helped create. In the middle of the oceans, far from the great continent that the sentient races lived on, an island rose from the water. This island was lush, beautiful. On the Island, amidst the many forests, there was a clearing There was one chair, and many more log benches, one for every God, bound to them spiritually. She darted through the woods, beautiful, her face hidden behind her hair from those that would have looked at her.

The Gods knew where they were supposed to be, they felt a call.

Silver commits a murder.
Silver comes into possession of The Blade of Carmanthyre.

A community of all races starts living around Killa Khan's arena.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
The community around Killa Khan's arena invents hut-building.

Kar'Thos is born. (Please add him to the wiki.)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Several Folorogh decide to live at the Well of Life.

Phera's tribe prospers.
Phera's tribe gets a baby boom.

Aarrook is born.

The Wanderer is born.

General Assembly
The Overgoddess manifests.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
The Overgoddess creates the Island of the Gods.
The Overgoddess sends dreams to all Gods to assemble at the Island of the Gods.

Code: [Select]
Aarseral: 2
Aarrook: 1
Amparos: 1
Endras: 3
Kar'Thos: 1
Kastheen: 3
Magus: 4
The Lord of Death: 3
The Lord of Winter: 2
The Psychopomp: 1
The Wanderer: 1
Phera: 3
Akiel: 2
Carmanthyre: 2
Jack: 2
Killa Khan: 2
Lord Hunger: 3
Terron: 2
Rahisael: 2
Tass: 2
Voltarucus: 2
Spider Overhaul
Adding realistic spiders to Dwarf Fortress. (Discontinued.)

Godhood VIII
The latest installment in the Godhood roleplaying game series.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #62 on: September 19, 2010, 07:42:30 pm »

      As Kar'Thos examined the land around him he realized the balance of the elements was off. He then realized he had to make a location that is untouched by the seasons.
      So he turned a small location in to a wild place were fire water earth air ice and lava twine together in a floating chain of islands 300 feet above the earths surface. forming the chain of islands called the elemental sanctuary.

Kar'Thos creates the Elemental Sanctuary
« Last Edit: October 03, 2010, 05:49:36 pm by blasts193 »


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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #63 on: September 19, 2010, 08:04:07 pm »

Endras felt the pull, drawing him to some location he had not yet seen. He could not leave the wellspring unattended, mortals that had not learned how to use it's powers could cause great harm if they were allowed near. To remedy this situation he created a teacher for the mortals. It was a being of pure magic, resembling the phoenixes, but covered in blue flame and with no physical body. He gave this teacher, whom he dubbed Regnal, two orders before he left. One, to teach all visitors how to use the crystals safely, only allowing them access to them once they had mastered the lessons. And two, to keep one crystal from being touched by anyone. One crystal must be allowed to grow, larger and larger, accumulating as much power as possible.

The wellspring left in the capable hands of this new demigod, Endras headed to the source of the pull, and instinctively took his place in one of the seats he found there. He did not know how he knew, but he knew it was his.

Endras creates the demigod Regnal, and tasks it to guard the Wellspring of Nature.
From this thread, I learned that video cameras have a dangerosity of 60 kiloswords per second.  Thanks again, Mad Max.


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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #64 on: September 19, 2010, 08:28:49 pm »

        Magus feels a summons, a call, and in that call he feels a power beyond all imagining, and he can imagine a lot. From this he discerns that a couple things may have caused this. either another god has gathered enough power in this short time that they completely outclassed all others, or...

        Gathering his power about him, he forges a circle, encompassing himself and one of his phoenixes which he has taken an especial liking to. He names it Pyris, though he makes no changes to it as of yet. This ring is redolent with runes of travel and movement, as well as more that describe where he wants to go. it would take many days for a mortal to conjure this gate, as they are incapable of drawing the runes without some way to etch them physically.

         With a final stream of power, a final rune to bind the others together roared beneath him, and the spell came to life. For a brief instant, a tube formed around him, and he and the phoenix are transformed. This Runegate functioned by changing the matter within it into Essence, which, unbound by physical laws of momentum and relativity, is instantly transported to its destination. In this case, this is the island.

         This is not stealthy at all, however, leaving a signature that no magically sensitive individual (at the moment only the humans, gods, and those races predisposed to magic) within miles can miss if they tried. He made a note of this, and decided that he would make a project of making these more stealthy.

         Upon arriving, he takes a look at who is there. One he knew could not be the one who called him, so that left the woman. He would test one of his theories, then. Moving towards her, he kneels. His next statement would either be true, or stupidly wrong. "Greetings, Mother."

Magus creates a Runegate between the Font at which he has taken up shop (and possibly built a tower) and the Island to which he was called.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2010, 08:39:02 pm by ragnarok97071 »
Quote from: Wing, via Discord
I want a coat that doesn't make me look like a rear admiral from the East India Company


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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #65 on: September 19, 2010, 08:40:30 pm »

Kar'Thos feel the telepathic tug and proceeds to navigate to its location.


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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #66 on: September 19, 2010, 09:13:39 pm »

He was awake more frequently now, and did not know what that could mean. The Lord of Winter usually slept for long periods, but now he was restless. A mountain trembled at his annoyance, causing an avalanch which smashed trees for miles; animals fled and prey was scarce for a few weeks as the Northren struggled to survive in the harsh climate.

He knew this could not continue. In this form he was too ephemeral, too distributed. He needed a focus for his power, that he may control it more precisely.

His attention turned to one of the many wellsprings of magic. A convergence of several ley lines across the northern reaches which produced a strong magical upsurge. To date, the area had been avoided by man and beast as strange events occur there, but no longer.

With an exertion of will and a gesture, the ground cracked and the mountains crumbled around the wellspring. Water surged up, drawn from underground and pulled from moisture in the air, then froze in place forming a massive pinnacle of shining ice. Into this grand structure the Lord of Winter imbued his power... the power over all the world's winter months, the power of frost and chill, the power of raging storms. The Icy Pinnacle rang like a bell as the energy flowed into it, and the structure drew power from the earth itself to feed its master's will. It was a powerful focal object for his brand of magic, and would assist him with his coming plans.

The Winter Lord creates the Rimefire Pinnacle, which glitters in the sun like an icy diamond and would serve as a focus for his abilities, drawing magical energy from the earth.


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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #67 on: September 19, 2010, 09:29:40 pm »

Tass, noting the pull, floated down to the Island of the Gods. Upon arrival, he saw the Overgoddess, and appreciated her form.
'That gives me an idea...' he muttered, sending tendrils of thought to seek out the tribe of Silver, and found one singular female. This she-Northren named Petra, he granted supernatural beauty, such to inspire mad jealousy and envy in any male Northren who saw her.

Chuckling to himself, Tass greeted the present Gods.

Tass endows supernatural beauty on a female named Petra in Silver's tribe. Her face is such that any male Northren who sees her will be filled with jealous rage. Tass also travels to the Island of the Gods.
Blossom of orange
Shit, nothing rhymes with orange
Wait, haikus don't rhyme


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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #68 on: September 19, 2010, 10:04:41 pm »

Akiel felt a pull to an unknown location far out to sea. He preferred to travel, and not move to his destination in an instant. moving quickly over the waves, he eventually came upon a rather green island. Floating just offshore, he witnessed several other beings appearing nearby. One kneeled, and said to another, one who looked like a female human, "greetings, mother". Akiel understood, deep within himself, who this 'mother' was. Dignified, he floated onto one of the benches.
A service to the forum: clowns=demons, cotton candy=adamantine, clown car=adamantine tube, circus=hell, circus tent=demonic fortress.


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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #69 on: September 19, 2010, 10:11:59 pm »

Shaq drew breath again and opened his eyes to the burning red skies of home.  He was... where?  He sat up, and something cracked under his weight.  Shaq glanced behind him - broken bones lay in the shallow ditch in which he had awoken.  Bones of...  Altan.  The one who had found the sword.  So they had dumped the body here, but how long ago?  Weeks?  Months?  Years?  Or even just days, but the carrion eaters had been quick.  There were certainly gnaw marks on the bones from the wolves.

Shaq rubbed his face - Altan's face - and looked around.  Taiga, tundra, the same as ever.  But not far away was Silver's valley.  Silver's vale.  Silvervale?  Shaq shook his head.  Mind confused.  Minds confused.  He had been asleep?  Do gods sleep?  Evidently they do.  Not fair - he had been awake barely a week before the world had vanished again, passed him by.

It didn't seem right, leaving him like that.  Not him, Altan.  He had lived a life, a full life full of fear and misery and hate and love and joy and bravery - until it had been cut short.  And what did any of that leave, really?  A handful of bones in a ditch, and a few vague remembrances until all who knew him had passed?  No, that would not do.

And now there was a call, a drawing to somewhere beyond the endless winter.  Ugh.  He hoped it could wait, but he doubted it.  The pull was strong.  If he didn't have other business, he'd be there immediately.

But he did.  Someone was calling for him in the valley.  Not calling for him, per se, but he could fix that.  Shaq stepped, and Altan's bones were alone again.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2010, 10:16:41 pm by Iituem »
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.

nuker w

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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #70 on: September 20, 2010, 03:27:50 am »

A flash of light. A splash of color. A brief movement. Then the void become still once again. And in these few moments, The Wanderer has been born. Opening his eyes for the first time, he looked out into the empty void and felt a sense of pride. This was his domain. And no one else's. With a brief smile of satisfaction, The Wanderer flicked his wrist and pointed. In the place he had pointed, 10 flash's of light were seen around it and these flash's then condensed into small balls of liquid light, of a slightly duller tone. These balls of light were as alive as a body without a soul. Exactly what The Wanderer had wished. The Wanderer then sent each of his creations except the brightest, to the realm of the living, to find the lost souls of the dead, where they would then guide them back to the abyss.

Just as they departed, and only The Wanderer and his chosen creation were left, a call was heard through the void. Full of life and beauty, yet somehow intertwined into the void. Intrigued by the voices call, he created a portal for himself and his chosen creation to the origin of the strange call and as he stepped through it, he found himself on a sandy beach, seeing a small group of what looked like God's in the distance.

The Wanderer creates the Omni, a small race of empty husks, who's goal is to find the forgotten souls of the living realm and to guide them back to the abyss. He sends nine of them and keeps one by him for later use.

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #71 on: September 20, 2010, 04:36:19 am »

The Furya arose slowly from the depths.

Amparos surveyed the small island, only just recently formed. He had sensed it's creation, and almost attacked the being that dared to trespass on his realm. But he had recognized the patterns in this creation; the same marks that were everywhere around them.
Much of his kin were already on their way, or even at the island. Amparos was looking forward to meeting them all.

Leaving the sentient ship some distance away, Amparos moved down to the island. At the end of the waters, he hesitated, but forced himself to move on. This was too important, no matter what the dry lands felt like. Still, as he began walking up the beach, he felt a longing to return to the embrace of the depths.

He saw the woman, and immediately knew who she was.

' Mother. I am honoured you chose my realm for... this.' he said, bowing. Whatever 'this' was.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2010, 04:39:17 am by Digital Hellhound »
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!

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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #72 on: September 20, 2010, 05:04:25 am »

As the wanderer moved towards the small group, he caught a whiff of the salty sea and lush rain forest. "I hate being in this realm." thought The Wanderer. "I can already smell the sent of nature and aggressive 'sentient' creatures." Upon finally arriving at the small group, he turned and bowed his head to the female. ... Mother. Even if he did not truly regard them as such, they radiated such power that such a title seemed appropriate. Noticing one of them more active members of the group near by, whom smelt of the salty sea. Sighing, The Wanderer walked towards the man, whom's skin almost glowed blue. Hail.... Friend. I am The Wanderer, the God of the Abyss. And whom, may I ask, are you?. Meanwhile, the bored Omni who had been exploring the small island, came to hover over his right shoulder, watching the blue man with interest. 

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #73 on: September 20, 2010, 05:13:57 am »

Amparos raised his head and looked at the being that had spoken. A young man in robes, with white skin and eyes of darkness. He found it hard to believe this was a child of the Overgoddess, as well.

' I am Amparos, the Stormlord. I am the ruler of the seas.' he looked around, seeing all his kin gathered here. 'Do you perhaps know the purpose of this gathering, void-god?'
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!

nuker w

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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #74 on: September 20, 2010, 05:26:32 am »

Snorting, The Wander rolls his eyes. Alas, Amparos, if I knew what this was about, I would not still be here. All I know is that the female has a connection to the void its self. And that is enough for me, I guess. The God's eyes then look out towards the ever expanding sea. Nodding, The Wander says My, what a wonderful domain you control. The Wanderer then flicks at the Omni, causing it to buzz off towards the center of the island.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2010, 05:40:43 am by nuker w »
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