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Author Topic: Godhood III Play Thread  (Read 38731 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #300 on: November 12, 2010, 08:39:23 pm »

Akiel also sleeps in this time. There is little innovation.
A service to the forum: clowns=demons, cotton candy=adamantine, clown car=adamantine tube, circus=hell, circus tent=demonic fortress.

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #301 on: November 13, 2010, 10:32:25 am »

The voices died out quickly when he arrived.

Amparos now stood in the middle of what had used to be the Elders' hut, but which was now just a small part of the Council Chambers. The village had grown, and now spread far inland. The pine forests were being cut down to make way for houses. With the sea's bounty always plentiful, they didn't have to worry about food, and the riches brought in from the raids had given them an additional layer of luxury. Especially if you belonged to the Blood, life was good.

Before any of them could speak, Amparos took out a strange-looking sphere, seemingly constructed out of bones. He raised it high into the air, displaying it to everyone present.

' An army needs weapons. These will aid you in war.' he proclaimed, setting the sphere down on the floor. He looked around, then pointed to a sycophant of one of the Councillors. The small woman, only of the Low Blood, jumped as if hit. Her coat's sleeve had been torn off, to display the tiny patch of scales that seemed to be the only sign of her belonging to the Blood. ' You. You have the spark. You will come here.'

The woman walked to him with wavering steps, fear clear on her face. Amparos closed her wrist inside his fist and pushed her hands into the sphere. She let out a shocked gasp. A few seconds later, the air above the sphere was torn apart, replaced by a shimmering, faintly-glowing portal. It revealed a view of a beach and jungle. Strange scents and sounds came through, sounding strangely muffled.
' I have two dozen of these spheres. They will open at any point in the sea the user wishes, be it the vastness of my realm or the rivers connected to it. In war, you will be unstoppable.' Amparos continued, letting the woman go. ' Anyone with even the slightest ability for magic can use these. You are not to let it fall to the hands of anyone else. The Tower of Magi lies far inland, and they will surely claim these to belong to them. As long as you are the sole user, you will be able to defeat any foe.'
The crowd began to edge closer as Amparos placed the rest of the Spheres onto the floor. Then, satisfied, he disappeared.
Amparos creates two dozen Portal Spheres and gives them to the Chosen. They will allow them to move instantly to any point of the coast or the sea, as long as the user has the spark for magic.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #302 on: November 13, 2010, 12:22:45 pm »

The Maw had watched the happenings over the years and was highly entertained by the power hungry man. So much hunger for power in one human...he had never expected so much potential in those petty vermin. He felt fresh, he felt powerful. An he felt a enormous urge to use his energies. He had known and seen gods explode because they amassed so much power that even they could not hold it any longer. His eyes turned on teh Murr. they had survived the times of the "god king" fairly well compared to the other non-human species. They had thrived and nearly drowned in the corpses they could scavenge. While the Clan in the City has stayed furless and rather weak, their numbers alike to their underground hive had grown. The Clans who had followed the Nomadic Northren had endured enormous hardships and their numbers were rather small. They had grown in size and were stronger than their city brethren. And although Murr didnt usually wear clothing they had begun to wear fur in the fashion of the Northren. Bur instead of Wolf fur their clothes were made out of the pelts of the big wandering rats which they encountered here and there. The Maw looked on htem and begin to infuse every single one of those nomadic Murr with his energies. They turned and instead of an odd mutation it became normal among their kind that they were larger. But far more obvious was their growing of pelt. Thick grey pelt began to cover their whole bodies. Finally The Maw appeared in front of them in the form of a 5 meter high enormous black furred Murr.

My Children. Don't be afraid of the changes in you. I have watched your perils and seen how you adapted to them and these are my presents for you. I have made you bigger, i have made you stronger and far more important, i gave you your pelt. Your children will be the same like you and from now on you shall be known as Greypelts. Another word of importance: you will soon meet your furless brothers from the south. Don't fight them...they are you brothers and as one people you shall work together. They are not your enemies but you both have an common enemy...the Aboveworlders. They think they are superior to you! They think you are nothing more than vermin. They envy what you make out of things they disposed...they think you are thieves. But be patient...let them think that they are superior...someday they will be the weak and then the time of the Murr has come...

with this said The Maw vanished again. The City state of Dordrath was prospering immensely through the trade with the Northren. But not only aboveground prosper was ensuing. Underground the Murr had highly increased in numbers. Lord Hunger took a good quarter of the city Murr and changed them too. He swiftly turned them too. They also grew in size and formed a black pelt. And also to them he appeared telling them of their brothers in the North and about something else...Architecture and Tunnel Construction. He ordered them to build a giant tunnel system reaching from Dordrath up to the Northren tribes building Murr hives in every settlement they encountered and connecting them to the system untilthey would finally reach their Grey brethren in the North. Until that time the Blackpelts should follow the trade caravans aboveground unseen and establish a trade route with the Greypelts until the Great Tunnel System was finished. In due intervals they should dig small outposts which should grow into new Murr hives. Finally The Maw gave them one last gift. He gathered several insects from the surrounding earth and infused them with power, they grew and grew until they had finally reached the size of 1 metre of length. Changing other properties he gave them the ability to birth their offspring alive and having glands which produced a yellowish sweet nutrient solution which would feed the offspring of the insects and the Murr alike.  The insects were natural diggers as their shovel like front appendages testified. They actually had very much resemblance to a lobster... This deed done The Maw finally vanished, leaving his children to their affairs.

1. The Maw changes the Northren Murr to Greypelts. They are larger (about 90cm high compared to the 50 cm of the normal Murr) and stronger than their naked southern Brothers. They have grown a greypelt( as the name says) and told them about the Murr in Dodrath.

2. The Maw changes a quarter of the Murr living in Dodrath into Blackpelts. They are also larger (70cm high) and stronger then the others. They have a black pelt. He orders them to establish trade routes with the Greypelts and to establish hives all along the way (preferably under settlements of other species)

3. The Maw gives the Southern Murr Architecture and Tunnel Construction and orders them to build a large tunnel system connecting the Southern Murr, the Blackpelt Outposts and the Greypelt Clan.

4. The Murr changes normal mole crickets into large one metre long "Murr Crickets", changes their ability to lay eggs into birthing live offspring (reducing the offspring from 400-500 to 2-10 per birth) and gives them milk glands which produce a yellowish sweet nutrient solution. They mainly eat the Fungi which the Murr use to produce alcohol.



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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #303 on: November 14, 2010, 01:30:33 am »

Aarrook had created a new race. A new legacy perhaps. Only he was not oblivious to the rest of the world. An empire was being formed, with that, paradise was being threatened. How? Aarrook visited this empire and soon realized the empires purpose. Men, with attributes of the sea, were ruling this land. Aarrook had memorized the races of the world early in his existence. These beings never showed up before, so how did they become so prominent? Even more disturbing was their acts, the atrocities which they committed, such as slavery. Aarrook new who these monsters worshiped; his name was Amperos. A god which Aarrook was never sure about, and yet just proved one thing. He did not care for paradise, he had fallen for power. He permitted sacrifices. He had allowed his people to denounce the truth. He permitted war-mongering, in fact creating these monster’s strength in return for their worship, as far as he could tell.  Aarrook could not allow this to happen, not without resistance. To muster up the strength to fight against an oppressor, though, one must have hope. Aarrook would have to start by giving the slaves hope. How this would be achieved, however, could cause back-lash from Amparos. Aarrook was still quite sure his oasis was still hidden from the world, despite the river running through it, and he suspected that Amparos would not react to some creatures drinking water out of a river which is not his.

It was nighttime when Aarrook manifested near the city. He had know well that Amparos would have severe distain into going as inland as he was, so he had little doubt that he was safe at the moment. Where he was, of course, was a slave auction. Were these “Chosen” even tame at all, were they just animals? They ignored the ones on auction, they didn’t even seem to care that they still had minds compared to them. Ethically, the slaves were behemoths compared to those who seeked to own them. Aarrook was only observing, until there was the young on sale did Aarrook decide to act. He was, at the moment, a “High Blood” of the chosen, and he pushed towards the slaves. When the resulting chaos ended, Aarrook had rescued somewhere around 20 slaves and assisted their escape. He had told them one thing alone.

“I am Aarrook, god of paradise, and move southward towards a great wasteland. When you arrive, find the river which runs across the wasteland and follow it. You will eventually arrive in my land, your new home.

Aarrook begins rescuing slaves under the Chosen of Amperos using mortal means, and begins redirecting them towards the Valley of Aarrook.
Quote from: SolarShado
Hell yes! Who need a space elevator when you've got a space escalator!?!?
Quote from: Cthulhu
Watch out bots, Sherlock Humaan is on the case.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #304 on: November 15, 2010, 04:00:00 pm »

As she spoke with Phera, Kastheen’s thoughts began to wander. From her vantage point up on the cloud, she observed the world from afar. The trends of it were beginning to concern her. In the distance, a human city was briefly ruled by a dictator, who ordered the death of any non human within the borders of the city state. It was fortunate that none of her Mayura were near the city, to her knowledge none had died in the purge. But, such could happen again, ambitious as humans were, and she had to admit her creations were ill prepared to deal with such a crisis. Much closer to home, was the sea people who had grown to power as well, and had taken to the practice of slavery. Kastheen hadn’t heard of any of the Mayura being taken, it wasn’t beyond the realms of possibilities. She’d have to look into it.

She wanted to make sure her Mayura were ready for the challenges of the future. But their simplistic lifestyle had not changed much in the past years. They were happy and content with their simple lifestyle, taking what they needed from the wilderness. But they had not developed much beyond that. No new technologies were devised, no progress in learning, arts, or the sciences. They had a refuge in her island, and a protector in the form of the chimeria, but they didn’t really know how to protect themselves, beyond flying away. Kastheen thought they needed more. She didn’t want to groom them to be warriors. Still, there were avenues she could pursue. There will skills that would help both in times of war and in times of peace.

“Phera, I’m enjoying our conversation, but there’s much for me to do,” Kastheen said, hovering up in the air. “You can come with me if you want, I’d welcome your company.” Kastheen flew up from the cloud, and began soaring down to rejoin the Mayura flying around. As she descended to them, they flew up to gather around her, plying her with questions about the other goddess. Kastheen tried to answer the best she could, but after a little of slaking their curiosity, she began to discuss with them.

“Children, there are changes happening in the world,” Kastheen began. “Though little news of the other races has reached us here, I have seen them. They grow and prosper, as you do, but I have heard of strife occurring in the far lands. And those not so far. I’m worried that I may come here. You know that I will defend you, and the guardian I have made will help as well. But I want to make sure that you aren’t helpless should you be challenged, and I unable to help you.”

“Gather up some vines, and some stones. There are useful tools one can make from them.” Kastheen said, gliding down to land on her flying island. Many of the Mayura rush to do so, curious about what Kastheen would make with them. Before long, there was a pile of vines next to her, and a cluster of various sized stones. Taking up the vines, she deftly worked with them, crafting a couple of primitive devices.

“This is a net,” Kastheen said, holding up one of her finished items. “It has a myriad of uses. One can hunt for animals of the ground, and fish of the sea with it. And this,” She set the net down, and picked up the bolas she had made. “This is a bola. When thrown, it can ensnare the legs of larger beasts of the land, or the wings of predators of the sky.”

“Both of these items can be used to defend yourself, should those who mean you ill turn their gaze hither. Use them wisely, and they can save your life. But use them foolishly, and they can be deadly to you. I seldom make rules, like you, I value the wild freedom we enjoy, but I will make one now. These are never to be used on one of your fellow Mayura.”

Kastheen paused, giving the Mayura the tools she had letting them investigate and study the items. Another possibility came to mind. Some time ago, one of the gods had blessed a few of the mayura with the gift of magic of the wind. Right now, it was little more than a curiosity, something to toy with in idleness. But Kastheen saw it could be a valuable tool. She herself knew little of the magic, but those at the tower of magi seemed knowledgeable on it. They made rules, but most of them were agreeable to Kastheen. Besides, if danger did come to the Mayura, having a friend in the gods of magic would be a boon to her people. Eventually, she spoke again. “There are those among you, that bear a gift from another god. No, I am not angry. The gift might be useful. It is the gift of magic. Let those who wish to learn more about this gift, and wish to learn how to use it safely, come to me. We will make a journey, and they will get to meet many other students of magic.”

Kastheen teaches the Mayura how to make nets and bolas. She has commanded them never to use them on a fellow Mayura.

She has also put a call out for any mayura who can use magic and wish to learn about it to come to her. They will eventually journey to the tower of Magi.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2010, 04:07:08 pm by Fortis »


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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #305 on: November 15, 2010, 05:03:16 pm »

The cripple Eonel slept soundly in his bed. It was one of the few times during the day he looked and acted like a normal person. Often his affliction hampered his movements, resulting in a stumbling gate. He drooled like an idiot, although he was a sharp lad, and so his comrades treated him like swine. His face was bruised from where it had impacted the dirt as the others in his village tripped him, laughing cruelly, despite their age.

One eye shot open, as if from a nightmare. Eowel forced himself out of bed, slipping slightly. His footsteps were quiet though as he shuffled out of the house, into the fields. He noticed that the grain was smoking slightly, but it didn't register until he noticed that the ground was sloping upwards. He ran slightly now, jogging as best he could uphill. Finally he reached a crest in the land.

A massive crater had taken the majority of the field and turned it to smoking ruin. In the center lay a young boy, with a long, strange dagger in his hand. Eowel tried to climb down, but he fell and rolled through most of the slope. He struggled up off the ground and grasped at the child. There was no pulse, so Eowel assumed he had died.

It was acceptable to raid the dead of their possessions if they happened to die on your property. Eowel didn't like doing it, though. It felt sort of dirty, wrong somehow.

Still. His parents had six children to feed as well as taxes to pay, and a blacksmith in the city would pay well for a blade, even if it was this odd silver. Eowel tested the edge with a finger. It was impossibly sharp, far better than a boy could have gotten it, or even a skilled blacksmith. Eowel grabbed the blade and clumsily held it up to the light.

Hello, Broken One. It said.

Eowel dropped the blade in startlement. There's no... Did it just... What?

Ow. responded the blade. The boy flickered and disappeared. Eowel began to question if he was going mad. He entertained the thought that if he was going mad, they wouldn't have alot of trouble detaining him, with his body the way it was. The most he could do in a fight was thrash about helplessly, and even then it was weak and fragile.

Stop feeling so sorry about yourself and I might start doing something about that wayward nerve. Said the blade, which leaked a golden mist. The mist seemingly had a mind of it's own and raced towards Eowels ankles. Eowel stumbled back, sure that this madness was about to poision him or something. That's how madnesses worked, right? No-one ever thought to tell Eowel anything.

By the Overgoddess, SHUT UP! screamed the blade. It flashed in light that was not there. All of Eowels thoughts went blank. Try as he might, he couldn't think of anything. Anything at all. He could even recall his brothers face...

The mist touched his ankles. His skin seemed to draw it in like a sponge, and it tingled wherever it went. He could feel it coursing throughout his body. The sensation was strongest just at the top of his spine, near the base of his neck.

And suddenly, he could move.


Eowel slipped off into his room. Four weeks and two nights had passed since his affliction had simply vanished. For four weeks and two nights he had faked his disability, stumbling like an idiot, not fighting back against those who slighted him.

But during the night, he was truely free. No-one looked for the cripple who went missing from his bed. They simply assumed he was stumbling about elsewhere, not their problem. Nobody thought, nobody expected that the masked bandit roaming the streets with his odd blade he called a sword could possibly be the same thing who roamed the streets by day, drooling and stuttering his sentances. That would take a miracle.

Of course, one girl noticed something. She would, since this same girl worked at the temple, daughter of one of the priestesses of the Firegoddess. She noticed the tell-tale signs of a miracle. She noticed how he exaggerated each stumble slightly, as if he had something to hide. As if he were not really crippled anymore.

She also had the benifit of being the only one in the town capable of sitting through the series of stutters and shower of spittle that harolded one of Eowels long statements. She was trained for patience, and used it to her full extend. She was the only girl in the town who knew that Eowel had a fully functional mind, and in fact admired his stoicism.

But now he was hiding something. As she watched him stumble down the street, she decided to follow him and see where he went. No one would give a cripple any job to do, and yet Eowel headed down Temple Path with regularity. There was a rhythm and a reason for it, and the girl, named Estriss, vowed to figure it out.

And Firegoddess take mercy on anyone who got in her way.

Carmathyre takes Eowel, a cripple, as a host. He cures Eowel from a simple nerve condition.
Eowel runs about during the night doing random acts of heroism.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2010, 05:07:00 pm by Karnewarrior »
Thou art I, I art Thou.
The trust you have bestowed upon thy comrade is now reciprocated in turn.
Thou shall be blessed when calling upon personae of the Hangman Arcana.
May this tie bind thee to a brighter future!​
Ikusaba Quest! - Fistfighting space robots for the benefit of your familial bonds to Satan is passe, so you call Sherlock Holmes and ask her to pop by.

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #306 on: November 17, 2010, 09:52:58 am »

One by one, bodies still dripping with water, the Chosen arose from the river.

It was clear they were nervous - they did not normally come this far to the north, having heard of the grand city they now called Dordrath. Yalane chuckled. This was her river, and she knew every inch of it. The surrounding tribes and settlements didn't bother her much - most likely, they didn't know of her existance.

Still, it was a shame these warriors of their lord had chosen it as their target. She wished she could stop it, but Amparos had given them these Portal Spheres. One sat still above the river now, leading back to the south, to a patch of forest much nearer Seyth. The user of the Portal Sphere, a youth with deep blue scales covering his face, smiled weakly at her. She had scouted the area for settlements for them earlier, though no regretted it. Sometimes she felt way too naive for this world.

After a while, the leader of the Chosen raiding party turned to address her. There was some fear in his voice, and he spoke cautiously. The lanenti were known as the First Children of Amparos. She supposed that was true. But even though their blood made them respected, she had utterly failed to convince the Chosen of anything. They had such strange ideas - like that the other gods were lesser to the Stormlord, and not his kin.

' Honoured spirit, we, uhh, thank you for your guidance. All glory to the Master of the Deep Sea.' the man, Ganad, said. He was of their High Blood, and barely recognizable as a man at all. Thick, dark shell covered most of his body, and his left arm ended in an enormous pincer - surely heavy, though he seemed to have no trouble using it. He had a wide mouth, with rows and rows of pointed, inhumanly sharp teeth, like some predatory fish. A small, strangely curved fin jutted out from his upper back.
Yalane nodded, and let herself sank back into the river. He watched from underwater as the raiding party began moving as one towards the settlement some distance away. The fields would hide their approach, which suited them just fine. They wanted the villagers crushed before anyone even realized what was happening.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #307 on: November 17, 2010, 01:36:21 pm »

From the top of the Bloodpeak Rahisael gazed into lands far away, and he could smell it. The smell of Bloodshed and War and Change. It seemed like he wouldn`t have to lift a finger to achieve his goals- Though, he would certainly try to speed the process up.

He took some Bloodghosts and altered them; Instead of possessing corpses they would possess weapons from now on, creating mighty tools of war.

The Bloodghost inside the weapon would strengthen it, and would help the warrior wielding it by guiding the blade into the intended target.

The Weaponghost would further absorb every drop of blood spilled by the weapon, becoming ever stronger. A small part of that power would be given to the wielder, healing and rejuvenating him.

But there was a catch: The Weapon would also slowly absorb the power of the warrior wielding it.
As long as he remained in the possession of the blade he wouldn`t notice it.. But upon losing it he would become weaker or, if he carried the blade for too long, he could even die.

Rahisael chuckled to himself and sent forth the weaponghosts, anticipating the carnage ahead. A few he kept himself in order to place them there where they might cause the most chaos.

And he found a suitable place.

While wandering the world in his invisible form he came across a village- It seemed pretty uninteresting and normally Rahisael would have walked straight past it- But he saw many strange creatures, hidden in the fields, advancing towards the village. It was easy to figure out what was going on.

The villagers seemed blissfully unaware of the attackers, though.

It would have been an easy thing for him to warn them, but he wasn`t interested in making the battle even. If they failed to properly guard themselves they deserved their fate.

But he could make the battle a bit more interesting. He freed some of the weaponghosts and instantly they started to search for weapons to possess.

While the ghosts were busy possessing weapons another thought crossed Rahisaels mind and he picked up a small, round, rock. He closed his fist around it, muttered a few words, and opened his fist again.

A small, glowing, red, orb rested in his hand. Smiling Rahisael waited for the attack.

A third of the Bloodghosts are now Weaponghosts, which inhabit weapons instead of corpses. They are free to inhabit any weapon they want but Rahisael takes a few and places them in the village that is about to be raided himself.

Rahisael creates the Sphere of Hatred, a glowing red orb.

Weaponghosts and the Blood Blades

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The Sphere of Hatred
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: November 17, 2010, 02:20:05 pm by Lordinquisitor »


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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #308 on: November 17, 2010, 02:16:48 pm »

"Fare well, sister! I hope to meet again soon- I shall endeavor to gather what allies I can in the meantime, so we may unify our efforts."

Unification- that was the key. Each of her siblings, Phera assumed, would have gone their own way in securing the safety of their own creations, as had Kastheen with her flying island and it's Chimera guardian. If they were to safeguard the Womb from treacherous times ahead, however, they would need to come together as a Pantheon, and that meant they needed a central seat of power from which they could guide and influence the world.

But where to begin? For a day and a night, Phera weighed her options while looking out over the world, studying how her siblings' mortal creations had advanced in her absence. Eventually, she concluded that although this was to be a collaborative effort on the part of all those involved, it would likely be best that she laid out some ground work before collecting her siblings, so that- if for no other reason, then for the sake of expedience- they had a direction to work towards.

With but a flick of her divine will, the thundercloud began to rise, coming to rest far higher than the sea of it's peers. Phera then raised her arm and bade the other clouds gather, forming a vast, circular plain, that was to be the foundation of Heaven. In the center, a pagoda came to be, crafted of pearly white marble, within which stood a circle of thrones.

Next, she set about creating the servants of the new realm- while she did not look forward to the prospect of divine war, soldiers greater than any mortal would be needed to protect their world. Nine pillars of cloud rose around Phera, and she began to shape them into humanoid forms; graceful yet imposing, at seven feet tall, they bore distinctly avian features- sharp beaks, long and lithe limbs that belied fierce strength and ended in deadly talons, and great wings to facilitate flight to and from the Heavens.

When she finished, she drew a circle in the air above her head with one finger; cloud became flesh of the purest white, and each of the creatures- the Angels- was crowned with a halo of divine radiance. As one, they knelt out of reverence for their creator as she addressed them.

"You are Duty. The Gods were created to serve, to nurture, and to protect this Earth, and you embody that responsibility; you know no fear, and no task is too great to accomplish in it's service. Duty comes at the sacrifice of the self, and for the good of all the world. That is your creed."

"Now," she said, turning to look at each of them, "I have a task for you. My siblings are scattered across the Womb, each seeking to protect their creations individually as the world draws closer to peril. Seek them out, and give them my summons:

Amparos, Lord of the Oceans, watches over his domain from a mighty vessel on the sea, and Terron, Bringer of Order, oversees his domain from a great shining citadel that reaches into the sky.

I know not where Akiel, Creator of Technology resides, but seek him out and he may find you.

Finally, while I know not their names, there are two places in the world which I suspect my siblings preside over: First, the city of Dordrath, of whom's citizens have thrown off the shackles of oppression; For ages, the have used the arena that dominates the center of the city for combat- not for mindless murder or slaughter, but to hone their skill and discipline, and strengthen the body and mind. The God they revere for creating the Arena and gifting them with metal-working would be a valuable ally indeed.

Second, there exists, in the farthest reaches of the world, a valley, secreted away deep in a range of mountains, where the land is wholly lush and verdant, and teems with life, even to an unnatural degree. Could the one who resides there be seeking a place of perfection on the mortal world? And what better reward for the righteous and virtuous than a place of eternal paradise?

Once you have presented yourselves to those brothers of mine, seek out Kastheen, the Storm Warden, in the skies below. I have already spoken with her, but I desire her presence for our meeting regardless."

Satisfied, Phera took a seat at one of the thrones as her creations descended to the world below.

Phera creates the first circle of Heaven- currently not much more than a flat, empty plain of clouds, in the center of which is a marble pagoda for the Pantheon to meet in.

Phera creates Duty, the lowest rung on the Hierarchy of Angels, to be servants and soldiers of Heaven- Fearless and unswaveringly loyal seven-foot-tall birdlike creatures possessed of supernatural strength and a halo of divine light.

Phera commands the first nine Angels to seek out Amparos, Terron, Akiel, Killa Khan, Aarrook, and Kastheen.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2010, 02:33:09 pm by HailFire »
[18:14] <The_Gamemaster> I am here.
[18:14] <The_Gamemaster> I am always here.
[18:15] <The_Gamemaster> I have always been here, and I always will be here. I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end.

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #309 on: November 18, 2010, 09:47:12 am »

Amparos surfaced from the ocean depths slowly, hesitant to leave it's embrace. The depths were his true home, not the surface, even when onboard Furya. Still, the ship had told him he had a visitor from one of his kin, and he could not leave them waiting.

He waited for the warship to approach and reach him, then grabbed a good hold of the hull and threw himself up with one powerful pull. He landed on the deck, and, without wasting time, made his way to the visitor.
He listened to the impressive, bird-headed creature speak what it had to say. Interesting. He had not met this goddess before. It was always good to see his kin - unless they proved to be alike to Shaq or it's brethren.

' Take me to her, then.'

He followed the being to Phera's Heaven. It left him on a plain of clouds with a building of some sort in the middle. Amparos decided to wait for the owner of this realm to appear before doing anything.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #310 on: November 18, 2010, 11:30:17 am »

Quietly, Adik flew behind Kastheen, as they soared through the sky. He wasn’t certain where they were going, but he trusted his goddess completely to guide them safely. So far, over the flight of several days, they had not gone astray yet, even as they flew over strange lands. It sent a little thrill through him to think that he might be the first Mayura to see such lands. Maybe he might become an explorer, if this ‘Tower of the Magi’ thing doesn’t pan out. He always was curious about new places.

It was five days ago, when he heard the message that Kastheen was looking for Mayura who had the knack for ‘magic’. Adik wasn’t sure what it was, but he guessed that it was connected to his occasional ability to manipulate the wind and air. He had not thought much of it before, just a way to amuse himself and the other Mayura. But Kastheen thought that it could become a powerful tool, and that there were depths to this parlor trick that Adik had not guessed. Naturally, he wanted to find out more after this revelation, and jumped at Kastheen’s proposal to visit the Tower of the Magi to learn more about this odd ability. So now he, and eleven other Mayura of various types, ages, and sexes, made the long flight across the strange lands.

Kastheen ahead of them began to descend down from the clouds, and Adik and the other Mayura followed. Breaking through the lower edge, they saw it. There, sitting upon the ground, was a massive spike of a building jutting up from the ground, made from a glittering crystal. It shone a deep gold like the clouds of a brilliant sunset. In Adik’s mind, there was no way this magnificent, alien structure could be anything but the Tower that Kastheen spoke of. It’s unnatural vistage intimidated him, and he hesitated for a bit, but Kastheen continued on. She flew down to alight upon one of the shining balconies, and strode into the grand halls of the tower. After a moment’s hesitation, the twelve Mayura followed, keeping close to Kastheen in this new, unfamiliar environment.

“Let the leaders of the wizards come forth,” Kastheen announced in a calm voice. “I would speak to them.”


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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #311 on: November 18, 2010, 05:22:50 pm »

Khan, being very observant over His city in the recent times, quickly noticed the new apparition. The Mayura-like creation was not one He had seen before. He approached it carefully, "Hm? and what is a creature so unique as you doing in a land as this?" He asked as He appeared infront of the bird. "I have been created and given the duty to seek the influence over Dordrath." It spoke with a purpose, not wasting many words, but still polite and to the point.
"Hm, then you have found him, I am Killa Khan, The Ragnarok, The Battle Lord, and more recently The Smith. I am the Patron god of Dordrath, and it's sole creator.
"Then you should do well to follow me.
And Khan did follow the servent of the heavens, and when He reached that location, He was surprised to see it like the islet he went to so long ago.

There was a meeting area underneath a pure-white marble pagoda, and He approached this structure.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #312 on: November 20, 2010, 02:43:10 am »

The Lord of Death sleeps this time.
This isn't reality.
*kicks an elf into the pit*
Roll to be a BATTLE WIZARD

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #313 on: November 20, 2010, 10:26:20 am »

The farmer let out a soft, surprised gasp as the Chosen warrior cut his throat. They were at the end of the fields now, waiting for Ganad's order. While he was anxious to get to the battle already, one of his friends, a fellow High Blood called Jagtar, had instructed him to always have a battle plan, no matter how simple or risky.

' Tavak, take six and head north-east. You'll attack from there and take that' Ganad started, pointing towards a two-story building in the distance. ' Once there, wait for the horn. I'll be leading everyone else to up the road. We'll drive any defenders to the western end of this village, against the rocks.'

It would have to do. Tavak nodded. After quickly picking half a dozen warriors, he disappeared into the woods. Ganad sat down, studying the town. They would have to wait for a few minutes.

There was a shrine in the village, to some weakling god no doubt. Ganad grinned. He would make sure it burned personally.

' Begin the attack.' he ordered. The youth beside him pulled up the warhorn to his lips. Ganad was already running as it's sound began racing down across the village. His warriors ran after him, each roaring a warcry of their own. The warhorn's sound was soon lost alltogether to the overwhelming power of the roar. A shroud of adrenaline and bloodthirst was thrown over Ganad's thoughts, and soon there was nothing left of the battleplan in his mind.
The first villagers he cut apart like paper, only barely noticing what he was doing.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!

ed boy

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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #314 on: November 20, 2010, 12:52:07 pm »

The citadel of light was not hard to find - It extended up through the sparse clouds, and it was easily visible from afar. The angel had not trouble finding it. Once it was located, the angel approached from a low altitude, landing a short distance outside the great entrance. It was greeted by a small group. Words were exchanged, and it was given a new destination - up.

Although the sun's heat made it warm at ground level, as the angel rose, the air quickly became cold, and fierce winds blew. The angel was unperturbed by this, and continued with its slow ascent. The top of the tower had a flat roof, and in the middle of it was a figure - a figure that would normally be very large, but when compared with the featureless expanse of the roof of the tower, looked very small. The angel approached the figure slowly. Words were exchanged, and a lot of them. A brief argument broke out, but then subsided. Relectantly, Terron left with the angel.
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