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Author Topic: Godhood III Play Thread  (Read 38732 times)


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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #285 on: November 10, 2010, 01:31:20 pm »

   Aarrook sighed as he looked upon the world. A battle took place in the north, between two great forces. Towards the equator, a tribe had entered the path of war, with Amparos leading them to become monsters. What was the world coming to? Would, yet again, Aarrook fail to achieve paradise? Would, once again, he fail? He had to rethink his strategy. Quite clearly, the races in the world were out of the question. Some creatures, like the Mayura, were oblivious, unknowing of the terrors which surround them. Humans were subject to needs of power, and they terrorized the equator. The north was not much better, with the Wargaz beginning to initiate war. Aarrook stood alone, in a land of fools. He could not change the world with the progress this realm was making, at least, not alone. He needed an army for paradise, for peace, for prosperity, for order, for all aspects which we know. No nation showed that any can progress beyond barbarism; they all felt the need to eliminate the peace with greed. So, Aarrook would create a new race, not situated in the north or on the equator, but in the untouched south. There, where his great valley was placed, was an opportunity for something new. A race was born out of the land, those who could achieve paradise; they as a whole were to be known as the Gallic, which he knew its cause. The clocks of paradise were beginning to grind, and he must make sure that this continued.

Yet he knew the Gallics were going to not suffice normally. Instead, they were to gain Aarrook’s blessing in the harsh world. The blessings were to be known as Mind and Body, and at birth these symbols would appear. Body was for those who were strong, skilled, dexterous, and was the cause of such traits. Mind was for the intelligent, wise, and magical, and was a gift less obtained. There would be those with both, and those with neither, but neither had a gift which was not gave but earned, of Heart. It granted nothing, and did not show, but only ones without any other could have it. It was Aarrook’s decree that these would be leaders, not the strong. Thus Aarrook had his army, placed in his valley, but may they prosper.

Aarrook creates the Gallic in the Valley of Aarrook
Spoiler: The Gallic (click to show/hide)

Aarrook creates three symbols which are characterized in the Gallic
Spoiler: The Three Symbols (click to show/hide)
Quote from: SolarShado
Hell yes! Who need a space elevator when you've got a space escalator!?!?
Quote from: Cthulhu
Watch out bots, Sherlock Humaan is on the case.


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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #286 on: November 10, 2010, 02:03:55 pm »

With the back of their hands on the ground, as is normal, the clan began to pray...
Oooh great pool, please show another of us if he is worthy to learn the great and difficult way of life-magic...
With each step he made, the young man got closer to the edge of the pool until, eventually, he stepped into the fluid and walked further until he reached the center of it.
The clan stopped singing and everyone looked at the great Pool of Life.

For a moment, silence, then, the fluid turned white instead of yellow.
The man in the middle closed his eyes and waited.
Everywhere he looked he saw a bright light, but then, a small black dot appeard and began eating the light away.
It became larger and larger until everything was dark, and then, it consumed him...

Hello my child, I am Aarseral, bringer and protector of life.
I created your kind so you could lead the world from murdering barbarians to peace-loving civilization.

W-wh-where am I-I?
You are in the pool, but the pool is in danger, as is the whole world.
W-what, why?
The darkness you saw is called the Corruption, an impenetrable blackness that consumes the land and its lives.
I ask you to bring this message to the rest of your clan:
I, Aarseral, bringer of life, will soon come to your clan to teach you the most ancient form of life magic.

What do you mean with that?
You will see soon enough...

Aarseral tells a young Forologh that he will come to his clan to teach them how to use the ancient secrets of life magic.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2010, 02:17:04 am by Atilliano »

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #287 on: November 10, 2010, 02:32:04 pm »

The cold wind, carrying with it traces of dust from the badlands it had crossed, bit oh-so very deep into their exposed skin. They had little clothing to protect them from the winter, now that they were so far away from their homes. The jagged cliffs were covered with a thin layer of snow, though the real winter blizzards were yet to come. There were just over a dozen of them, men and women both. They were from the west, and most had never seen snow before.

Kaelysh pulled his woollen coat tighter around him, growing impatient. He had no intention of freezing the merchandise to death, but the merchant was taking his time. Westerner slaves were always in demand in Seyth, with their copper skin and overall good health. They were considered exotic, high-quality slaves. Kaelysh sighed. He had not yet fully grown accustomed to the strange habits these 'Chosen of Amparos' sometimes displayed. Still, taking the Oath of Loyalty had been a good idea, even though he was still considered a second-class citizen. Atleast he wasn't dead, like most of his old tribe.

The snap of a twig suddenly alerted him to the merchant's arrival, at last. He cursed himself for being so careless. He should've seen the man coming.

The merchant was of the Low Blood - mixed, second or third generation Chosen. His right arm was hidden inside a blood-red pincer and his skin was partly hard, shell-covered tissue, but mostly he seemed like just another man. Kaelysh bowed respectfully as a greeting, just to be sure. You could never know with the Seythians.

'Hnh. Let's get this over with. These slaves need to be in Seyth in two weeks, and I've already wasted enough time here.' the merchant snapped, fixing Kaelysh with an angry stare. A few guards appeared from behind him - also of the Low Blood. He wasn't travelling with many guards, confident he could defend himself. Typical, really.
' Yes, of course, Chosen. They are all good, healthy westerners. Strong and obedient, all of them, make no doubt. The women such beauties you will not believe it, and hard workers as well. The men as strong as any warrior.' Kaelysh hurried to answer, guiding the Chosen to the line of slaves. Even though the merchant tried hard to hide it, Kaelysh could see a smile edging it's way onto his face. These were good slaves.

The merchant walked around the slaves, examining them like livestock - which, Kaelysh admitted, they now were. The Chosen were no kind to their servants. He didn't look around for too long, though. Even among the Blood, you trusted the word of your supplier.

' We'll take them.' the merchant finally said and starte digging into a bag. He carefully counted out the payment he was giving out before dropping it into Kaelysh's hand. It was even more than he had expected, but Kaelysh didn't let his surprise show. None of those hard, 'metal' coins, though. They were a rarity even among the Chosen.
' Will you require transport, honoured Chosen? When should I return with the next ones?'
' I have a boat. Though getting it through these frozen water is somewhat frustrating, to say at least. Still, the Stormlord will provide safe passage, no doubt. I will send messages when I require the next batch. Go on your way now.'

Kaylesh shivered. He did not trust these boats of the Chosen. Little wooden things, all alone on the vast tomb that was the sea. But he did not voice these thoughts. The Chosen were said to kill for things like that.

As the guards began herding the slaves away to the boat, Kaylesh was already on his way back home. Perhaps now, with the payment, he could afford transport to Seyth and the Chosen homelands, to the riches and glories that he had heard so much about.

Slave trade booms within the lands Taenas' tribe has conquered
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #288 on: November 10, 2010, 04:33:16 pm »

Usually the birth of a new bloodghost didn`t interest Rahisael too much. From time to time a new one would appear spontaneously, would claim a body and would join his legions under the bloodpeak.

But that creature before him was no ordinary bloodghost. It was a bloodghost that had known life; A Mortal so bloodthirsty, power hungry and cruel that his soul refused to leave the mortal world.

In life he might have been a king; But in death he was less than a slave. He was bodiless, powerless and hungry. For someone who made others call him a god falling so low was the worst thing possible.

"Dordrath you are.. You were called if i`m not mistaken. Nice to meet you; You brought me much joy and quelled my thirst for blood many times." Rahisael said to the ghost.

"Did i? Sorry. I didn`t want to please you."

"You are as defiant in death as you were in life. I approve. But you might consider being a bit more polite for i could make you feel even worse." Rahisael smiled; And his white teeth were covered in blood.

"If that`s even possible. How does it feel to fall so low? Cowardly killed in the moment of your greatest triumph? And now every moment of your existence consists solely of pain?"

"Is.. Is that the punishment? Am i tormented for.. for my deeds?"

Rahisael smirked.

"You can consider yourself lucky. I don`t know what happens to mortals once they die, what awaits them in the afterlife.. Only that they cease to exist; The good and the bad ones alike. The very bad ones, however, get a second chance. And you were quite evil in life, weren`t you?"

"So this could be a punishment for you. Living on in pain or as a mindless servant.. Or if you are smart enough i could end your pain. More, i could give you a new life. And more power than you can possibly imagine."

"And who might you be?" Dordrath asked, wary.

"Oh, didn`t i introduce myself? I`m gravely sorry. I`m Rahisael, the god of war. A real god, mind you, not some power hungry tyrant." He chuckled.

"What- What do you want of me?"

"I want you to become my servant."

"I serve no man.. Nor God. I serve only myself."

"Oh come; That`s stupid. You`ll become a servant in any case; The question is whether you become a mindless one or someone who still can think for himself."

"But maybe servant is the wrong word. You`d become my General. The General of the God of War. We could even find some fancier titles for you; Conqueror of the world, Slayer of untold numbers, the great Ravager. Sounds pretty neat, huh?"

"And how would i serve you? I wouldn`t be told to fetch you iced drinks or to clean your armour, would i?"

"No. You`d lead my army. You`d do what you did in your previous life. Amass power, have fun, wine and women. Surely you`d have to follow my commands, and don`t even dream about betraying me. But in exchange you`d gain some extra powers as well. A nice deal."

"Everything. Just end this misery. Done. I`m yours. Now give me a new body. End the pain."

"Drink that." Rahisael said and placed a goblet made from stone on the ground. "Blood. Blood from all those you have killed. And some of my own blood. A fine drink- It will make you strong again."

The spirit eagerly drunk the blood until the cup was empty.

"Yeess- But a body.."

"There`s a corpse lying just over there. Those Murr did some pretty funny things to your body, you should have seen it!" Rahisael paused. "Oh, you probably did. I`m truly sorry. It was a nice body, but you`ll get used to the new one."

Dordrath moved to the corpse and fused himself with it. It took a bit for Dordrath to get used to it; But in the end the body worked just as well as the old one.

"It will serve. My old one looked better, though."

"Well, as a bloodghost you are able to change your body. Just try it- Add Spikes or whatever you want. If you need inspiration visit my other abominations."

"I will also have to restore my bonds to the pools of magic-"

"Do whatever you want. At the moment i don`t need your services- But be ready when i call you."

"Whatever. I assume that path leads down the mountain?"

"Yes, indeed. Careful, the descent is tricky for mortals."

"I`m more than a mortal." Dordrath boasted.

Rahisael laughed. "Indeed. Now more than ever. As a bloodghost you don`t have to worry too much about bodily harm. You can simply restore your body with literally everything you find. Stone, metal, flesh. And if you die just drink some blood and search for a new body. You only have to drink blood regularly to keep your body active. I`m sure that`s pretty easy for you."

"I start to really like this deal."

"You`d better learn to keep liking it. Betray me and within a second your soul will experience true death. Special measure, just for you."

"Lovely. I`m on my way."

Rahisael talks a bit with the revived Dordrath and revives him. (Well, nothing fancy, a normal bloodghost birth)But places a security spell on him which allows Rahisael to instantly sever Dordraths ties to the mortal world, killing him. This security spell also includes some small protective powers, especially against the influence of other gods. Rahisael can communicate directly with Dordrath through that link.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2010, 06:14:53 am by Lordinquisitor »


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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #289 on: November 10, 2010, 04:36:37 pm »

Slowly I Kain awaken feeling power beyond what I formerly knew. I feel many beings with thought beyond that of animals. "Power of earth I Kain call upon you bring forth the purest of clay and brightest of diamonds" Thus from the ground came these things and with them Kain made men half the size of humans yet just as brilliant "I name you my ten young children the beginning of the race that will be known as the Dwarves now go and dig my sons and daughters the mountains are yours make me proud." Feeling contempt for now Kain lays down and rests.

The grand race of The Dwarves have been born


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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #290 on: November 10, 2010, 05:50:56 pm »

Spoiler: Colored (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Colorless Version (click to show/hide)
Magus marks his chosen mages, giving them the power to use the magic of the Speech as well as runecrafting. The speech works by describing what is to come forth from the spell, using the Words, which, though their power, cause the described result to happen.
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I want a coat that doesn't make me look like a rear admiral from the East India Company


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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #291 on: November 10, 2010, 06:38:15 pm »

Endras awoke from his slumber to find things had gone much more poorly than he had expected. He knew his actions would hurt the mortal mage, but this... this was more than he could have ever imagined that one arrogant man could have done. Regnal was slain, and while a circle of mages had formed, 6 of the 7 who were meant to be the first masters lie dead. He did not regret what he had done, it was necessary  to complete his work, but he could never have guess things would go as poorly as they had in his absence. Still, he had come this far... it was time that the Work be completed.

The door to Garoth's office suddenly burst open, revealing a man in simple blue robes to the startled mage. He seemed normal enough, except nothing could be seen within the robes except for a pair of unnaturally bright eyes.

"Hello Garoth. Hello First Archmage. I have come to inform you that I shall be borrowing my crystal. Do not worry, it shall be returned shortly."

Endras turned away, the crystal he had ordered defended appearing in his hands as he left. Just before he was out of the stunned mage's sight he stopped and turned back. "Oh, and about Dordrath... I'm sorry." With that he vanished from the tower, taking the crystal with him. All four components of his creation gathered, he began to work.

First he wove the Heart of The World into the core of the crystal, strengthening it beyond any mortal material. The very strength of the earth would hold his creation together, an impenetrable barrier against all who would mar his work.

Next he shaped the nigh-indestructible into a mighty weapon though the power contained in The Edge of Reason. The crystal stretched and warped, growing from a simple gem to a large staff with thin blades on each end. The edges were impossibly sharp, the Edge's full power concentrated in them.

Finally, he added in the ingredient which had taken so much pain to obtain, wreathing the entire construct in The Taste of Power. As he finished his work the staff flashed with light, and when the light faded it looked totally different. The Material was still crystal, but it now appeared to be a gnarled piece of wood, tipped with simple steel blades. The real change though was in the cutting edge of the blades. While any fool might be a competent warrior with this staff, it's true power was revealed only to a wielder of magic. When a magic wielder wills it the blades will cleave not flesh, but minds. One side can cut through lies, forcing someone to tell only the truth until they are struck once more, while the other cuts magic itself, leaving one struck by it totally incapable of working magic as well as breaking all enchantments upon them.

This was all he had planned for his followers originally, a tool which they could use to prevent rouge members from growing too powerful. It was a simple plan: The circle could not be lied to, and it would be able to remove the magical potential from any who proved unworthy of magic... Like Dordrath. Now it was clear that Endras needed one more ingredient: The soul of the first mage, Regnal. He summoned Regnal's spirit back to him, and bound it into a glowing orb in the center of the staff. Regnal could prevent any he did not deem worthy from using the staff even as a mundane weapon. This would also allow the staff to choose the next leader of the circle, instead of simply giving the title to the most powerful. Endras held up the finished staff and in an instant it was returned to the Tower, sitting in the vault that had held the crystal to await it's wielder, the Archmage.

Endras fuses the three ingredients he had gathered with his crystal along with the soul of Regnal, forming the mighty staff Endras's Seal.
Spoiler: endras's seal (click to show/hide)
From this thread, I learned that video cameras have a dangerosity of 60 kiloswords per second.  Thanks again, Mad Max.


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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #292 on: November 10, 2010, 06:54:02 pm »

Khan was marvelled at what he oversaw were doing, until that is, one named Dordrath assumed control over the prosperous village. Many unspeakable things happened in that one mans reign, and Khan was not about to let that happen again, but when he saw a new leader, one called Ornos, selected by use of the arena, he knew that the time was coming for yet another godly intervention.

He went to the smithies as an etheral being, taking some of the bronze that was there, and formed a creature in one of the back-alleys in the now, city-state. It was mostly the form of a man, bi-pedal, dextrious hands, upper weight-focus, but it had reverse ankles, and a head that resembles a log with two horribly bent spears ontop of it, it also has fur on all of it's body which is as brown as mud, and it's skin is a dark bronze.

He called it, The Minotaur, and gave it also; the ability to commune with any creature Khan has interacted with, and anything within the city limits; the ability to weild weapons with finesse; the ability to learn and grow as time changes; and a semi-immortality, meaning it will not die with age, but it will by the blade of an ax. He also leaves his creature with a weapon He sees fit for it, a large Battle Ax, and an orb, that when carried or worn creates a direct link with Himself.

"Go now, my child, and learn and prosper. Be weary of those around you, for not everyone may be as they seem, but be not Paranoid as not everyone is un-trustable. I shall be always with you, though you may not see me, and with this orb you shall be able to communicate with me always. You may not be liked in this place, for you are not one of them, but tell them that you are of me, and they should see that you are willing and deserving of their acceptance and protection. But you too shall be the protector of them, not their leader, but their leader's leader, once you have learned enough, I will tell you the time, the time where you should shift your focus, and become the Kings' advisor, in all matters he sees fit. You shall then obey both he and I, unless what he wants contradicts Me, then you shall obey only I.

And with that speech, which under godly influence passed in mere seconds but still conveying the complete message; Khan left back to the medium in which He had resided, to overlook His growing city, for the people had givin it to Him, for He was their God. He thought of more ways to improve upon it, but those were not for now, those would have to wait for later.

Khan creates The Minotaur, his Demi-God, who has a multitude of abilities, amung them the ability to speak to any creature within Dordrath, and the ability to weild even the most unweildly weapons with the greatest finesse.

Khan teaches The Mintotaur how It should treat it's new home, and how to expect It's first contect with it's denziens.

Khan leaves The Minotaur to grow & prosper in the city, leaving him with a Battle Ax, and an Orb that allows the weilder commune with Khan wherever they may be.

nuker w

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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #293 on: November 10, 2010, 07:43:37 pm »

The Wanderer woke from his slumber with a flash and observed the world. "It appears that the mortals have managed to leech into magic its self and have created much worry in their chosen places... How ever, it appears that the corruption its self has remained, slowed down yet continuing... But for how long." With a sigh, The Wanderer vanished from the Void in a small flash.

Landing softly in a patch of the dark desert, The Wanderer realised how little power he was gaining from the mortals of the world. Nearly all of the mortals did not know him or his ways. This must change, he realised. Planting his hand into the dark sand, he closed his eyes. With a sudden movement, he withdrew his hand. The sand around his mark changed and warped, before finally, a being made of the black sand rose, its shape in the form of a normal human. All around it, more beings rose, some in the shape of humans and mortals, some in the shape of things never seen in this all ready strange land. "My creations. You are to leave this black desert and make your way out into the mortal world, where you are to find me weak minded mortals and you are to drag them back here, no matter if they wish to or not." Clapping his hands, The Wanderer vanished. The beings stood dormant for some time, before his words reached their minds and with that, they made their way out to the mortal realm.

The Wanderer creates 'The Dark Spot', which creates beings out of the sand. These beings are of roughly the same strength as a strong human and come in many shapes and forms. They are tasked with bringing weak minded mortals to the desert, where they will become corrupted and under the control of The Wanderer.


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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #294 on: November 11, 2010, 01:14:27 am »

Phera chuckled as the two goddesses flew over the sea of clouds, the sun their constant companion. "I suppose I did sleep through that, didn't I? I do hope to meet her in person one day... even if she may chastise me." she said, grinning wryly.

As Kastheen recounted the Overgoddess' tale, however, and the clouds parted, her smile faded, and her formerly bubbling enthusiasm vanished. Eventually, she slowed and folded her wings, landing lightly on a lonely thundercloud, a small island adrift in the vastness of the sky.

She sighed as she surveyed the Womb. "The Corpse Lords. Yes, this is what I came to speak to you of... Their names are not familiar to me, but I know of them.

While I've slept, I've dreamed, and I have seen the future-- or rather, a future; what may come to pass, should we not act. It is a fell and terrible fate that awaits us, rife with war and terror, and they shall be it's harbingers."


Phera paused for a moment, musing. "Shaq... Shah?" she muttered, before turning, slowly. "The visions are never complete- though I have seen his handiwork, I have never seen the murderer, the one you call Shaq. Tell me, what do you know of him? I fear he may be the most dangerous of them all."
[18:14] <The_Gamemaster> I am here.
[18:14] <The_Gamemaster> I am always here.
[18:15] <The_Gamemaster> I have always been here, and I always will be here. I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end.


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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #295 on: November 11, 2010, 02:46:25 am »

Reghaal sat at the pool, praying, when suddenly the fluid turned white.
There, in the middle of the pool, a man stood.
Hello, my child, I am Aarseral, might I know your name?
Reghaal is my name, why are you here?
Didn't Karreesh tell you?
I'm here to teach you how to use life-magic.

We already know how to do that.
Yes, the pool learns you how to eh?
Yes indeed, it does. So why have you come here.
I'm not here to teach you basic life-magics. I'm here to teach you the ancient art of Rune magic.
No, it is not the in some lands outlawed, so-called art of Rune-binding. This is an ancient part of life-magic only I know about.

How does it work, exactly?
When you study it, you become better at it, and within fiftheen years or so, symbols similar to mine will appear on the apprentices body.
Then you are able to tap energy from them and use that energy for many purposes.

The clan will want to hear about this...

...And so I need to take your best shaman away, and learn him how to use this magic so he can give it to the next generation.
We will vote about it and see if more than half of us agree...

Thats more than half, alright, Sharrook do you want to learn from this 'god'?
Yes, I am honored to be chosen.
Then it is done, come Sharrook, we will leave your home and go deep into the forests for your study...

Aarseral takes a shaman called Sharrook from the Well of life clan and begins to learn him how to use Rune-magic.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2010, 12:44:04 pm by Atilliano »


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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #296 on: November 11, 2010, 08:56:35 am »


That's what it had all been about, hadn't it?  Immortality, power over men.  And now, now he had it.

The figure shifted slightly, resting his palms and weight on the obsidian blade.  The sword's edge cut lightly into the turf, splitting soft soil and rough grass.  Not far away, the shimmering spire of the Tower of the Magi cut through the sky with just as much effect.  In a plateau lit with its brilliant glow, the stranger's black hair and leather clothes stood in stark contrast.

There was enough of Dordrath in Shaq now for him to look out through the god's eyes.  He had killed dozens, scores in his lifetime.  Probably more - he had lost count by the time he was finally killed.  Enough echoes of him now existed from throughout his life that he had an almost independent voice within the endless memories that made up Shaq's form.

What power there was to be had - and what terrible limitations!  This god had power beyond any he could have hoped as a human, but could not manage even the simplest of human endeavours.  He had still to plumb the depths of the echoes that made it up, but Dordrath suspected that this limitation was one forced upon the deity by itself (or perhaps, itselves - was it that the former humans that composed it did not wish that sort of direct interference?).

The true power was of course knowledge; Shaq contained within him now the memories of six of the archmagi who had fought against Dordrath, as well as the echo (though not the power) of Regnal.  Intimate knowledge of magic, of rune-binding - and a complete inability to use it himself.  Dordrath spat on the ground in frustration.

Dordrath (or Shaq, it was hard to be sure) shook himself out of his reverie and allowed his form to shift into one much smaller.  In the shape of a black and red spider, he scuttled towards the Tower.
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #297 on: November 11, 2010, 11:49:09 am »

Kastheen sighed as she alighted upon the cloud next to Phera. She took a bit in her fingers and idly toyed with it, shaping it in her hands like a wispy clay. “I’m sorry, I haven’t met him before the meeting at Nativa’s island. Nor have I seen him since, though I do not doubt he has not been idle. I haven’t concerned myself with much beyond my creations. Though to continue like this may be a mistake.” Kastheen said, shaping the could into a little star in her fingers. Casting it aside, she turned her eyes back to Phera.

“Though I would do all I can to protect the Mayura, and I can do much, I’m worried that it might not be enough if several of the darker gods align their goals. The Mayura could use more friends and allies. As could I.” Kastheen said. “You and I, I can tell we’re of a kind. I just want peace for my creations, and I wager you do for yours. We should form a pact, to assist the other in guarding our creations, and stopping those who would mean them harm. I already hear whispers on the winds telling grim rumors of those who would kill our creations, or lure them away to corrupt them.”


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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #298 on: November 11, 2010, 08:02:47 pm »

In the Tower of Mages, there is a lone room. It is surrounded by 16 foot-thick walls reinforced with copper lacing. The door is petrified oak, and held together with foot-long nails an inch thick each. The door could withstand a mob of angry wargaz who had had days to prepare. The door alone could be used as a bridge for a elephant carrying a horse carrying a large dog carrying a cat carrying a mouse carrying a exceptionally large piece of cheese.

A five year old boy smashed down the door with relative ease, sending it to blast accross the hall and through another wall, which lead into the void of air. It was at the top of the tower. The boy in question carried a steel blade, a type of sword more than unseen at that time. He wore armor of the same make, although he had a silk cloak that swooshed in a decidedly non-threatening manner.

The boy leapt from the gaping hole in the wall and landed lightly on the ground below. Turning, he stuck out his tongue at the horrified professors of magic. One responded by ducking behind the wall. Another merely had his pointy hat fall of and float gently to the ground. In a fit of spite, the boy took the mages hat and jammed it onto his own head, where the tip lit aflame. Seemingly oblivious to the burning hat, the boy spitefully ran away, leaving a sonic boom in his wake.

"By Jove..."
"What is it Garthrax?"
"I do belive that that boy was..."
"Was what?"
"I think that child may have gotten into the rum stores!"
"I think you may have gotten into the rum stores!"
"Nonsense. Rum gives me gas."
"Never stopped you before."
"If the two of you care to shut up and remark on the boy who just transportalizated away-"
"Bah! You old loon, you wouldn't know my gas from your gas!"
"My gas happens to smell of blackberries! I preformed the spell myself!"
"Gentlemen! Can we not discuss this topic in front of the gigantic gaping hole in the wall?"
"You failed to preform the spell correctly then! You smell constantly of acid and burnt toast!"
"The second may be due to my fondness for toast, was that part of your hypothesis?!"
"It may well have been!"
"Oh yeah?"
"You're a old coot!"
"And you're a senile old loon!"
"What the hell is a loon, man?"
"A loon is a sort of bird!"
"My lord..."
"A loon is a made up being and you know it!"
"Oh, look at me, I'm a runecaster and I can spell hippopotimus!"
"Funny, coming from someone who can't even spell when he speaks!"
"I give up!"
« Last Edit: November 12, 2010, 06:08:15 pm by Karnewarrior »
Thou art I, I art Thou.
The trust you have bestowed upon thy comrade is now reciprocated in turn.
Thou shall be blessed when calling upon personae of the Hangman Arcana.
May this tie bind thee to a brighter future!​
Ikusaba Quest! - Fistfighting space robots for the benefit of your familial bonds to Satan is passe, so you call Sherlock Holmes and ask her to pop by.


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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #299 on: November 12, 2010, 08:34:39 pm »

Kar' Thos remains in slumber though this time period.
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