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Author Topic: Godhood III Play Thread  (Read 38733 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #270 on: October 06, 2010, 10:44:30 am »

"I fear that i don`t know what they are doing at the moment, either. I haven`t seen them lately; And how should i? I never left the North for long. Maybe i should, sometimes. If we are lucky my wargaz might gather some news about them.


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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #271 on: October 06, 2010, 01:02:08 pm »

The Maw nodded.

What is about the Wanderer? He seems quite..easy to enrage. A bit of tinkering with his Abyss and he miht as well go to war with the other gods...


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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #272 on: October 06, 2010, 01:19:32 pm »

"So he is easy to anger? I haven`t spoken with him, yet. I`ll trust you on that matter. Do you perchance know something about Endras and Magus, too?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #273 on: October 06, 2010, 03:06:45 pm »

as far as i know the Wanderer is quite impatient you have seen it on the Meeting with the Mother. About the Gods of Magic i dont know know as much as i do...however the Wanderer has called to a meeting...a good opportunity to see what he's up to...maybe we have an unexpected ally there...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #274 on: October 06, 2010, 03:31:34 pm »

Shaq sits up dead straight, almost looking shocked.  A slow smile spreads across his face. 

"Well, if we've nothing more to discuss here, I have a little business to attend to," he says briskly, standing up.  "If you want to head to that Wanderer, feel free.  I might even meet you there myself.  But right now, an opportunity has arisen - someone very important just died."  The smile broadened to a deep grin, then his eyes went glassy.  The now vacant corpse of Brighteye slumped to the floor.
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #275 on: October 07, 2010, 05:41:04 am »

The Maw grimaced

Euch...does he always have to leave that way? Anyway, if you dont mind brother, i will beg my leave...

with this the Maw also vanished...but without leaving corpses behind him...he appeared back in the Black desert diretly in the throne he had sat before.

Sorry for leaving you...Wanderer but i had urgent buisness to attend to. I hope you are not insulted...

nuker w

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #276 on: October 07, 2010, 06:05:53 am »

It is of no matter... Turning, the God looked out to the edge of the slowly growing darkness. Listen... Eh... Brother. I have not called this 'meeting' to discuss my creation... But instead I have called it in search of ally's.

The very moment I planted the seed, some foolish god went on to try and STOP IT! As the god yelled, a spike of sand erupted behind him, before landing again on the ground with a loud bang. As you can... Likely tell, I do not favor of such foolish acts by my fellow family... Which is why I hope to bring them to their knees, so they can stop their foolish games... The Wanderer sighed and turned to face The Maw.

However, due to my current state... I can not do it alone.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #277 on: October 07, 2010, 09:54:55 am »

Not to insult you brother, but what is this corruption anyways? You must understand that the other gods...the "good" gods are quite nervous to anything. If they find the slightest bit they deem "evil" they start to yell for an inquisition. And you have to admit that "Corruption" sounds know what i mean. But concerning your plans...what do you have in mind for this alliance you are proposing?



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #278 on: October 07, 2010, 05:25:48 pm »

It is foolish to assume that just because the God of Murder focused almost exclusively on the north, murder did not happen elsewhere.  Where there is sapience, there will be murder - but the deliberate influence of Kastheen and Terron had forestalled its arrival amongst the Mayura for some time.  Fortunately, Tass' intervention had created a caste of Mayura being guided by neither god - the Sirens.

Atu was, for a brief moment, the single most important person in the Womb.  He wasn't smart, he wasn't strong, his singing voice was terrible even for a standard Mayura, let alone a Siren, and he had the most annoying habit of asking stupid questions.  For all these reasons he spent his life away from the flock, scratching out a living where he could forage and seeing more of the world.  Every now and again, usually for mating season, he returned to the flock to try and win a mate.  He always failed, usually beaten and beaten up by the stronger males.  In his final mating season, he foolishly tried to fight the biggest, strongest of the Mayura for his mate.  Most likely, the alpha had little intent of killing Atu, but murder was the result the same.

At the moment of his death, Atu was the most important person in the Womb - at least to the God of Murder.  To a being whose purpose and abilities included the absorption of the minds of any murdered creature, Atu's relatively simple mind was like a comprehensive map of vast swathes of the South, miles of lush forest, fertile plains and dense jungle - to say nothing of the towering mountain ranges.  A land of such plenty, such promise!  How could he not have known about this?

In Atu's form, Shaq flew across the skies of the South, indulging in the feel of the warm currents across his sable wings.  Of course, he could just step there, but flight!  Flight was a thing that the northren who had made up his form had only ever dreamed about!  Still, as much pleasure as there was to be had with this, business was at hand.  Amongst the various spots of interest within the South, two stuck out in his mind as being the most opportune.  He descended upon one now.

The valley was deep jungle, and Atu had only spotted it in passing the first time.  Fortunate he had gone back for a second look at the webs.  The webs were the first wonder.  They stretched from branch to branch, tree to tree, endless silken curtains that buzzed with a thousand trapped insects waiting to die.  At first Atu had wondered if there were giant spiders in the forest.  That there was not was the second wonder.  Hundreds of spiders no longer than a child's thumb had gathered together and formed a series of huge communal webs, larger than any one spider would care to manage.  Shaq descended between them now and watched the struggling prey caught within.

"Such elegance," he breathed, as much to the northren memories within himself as to anything else.  "A hunter, a killer beyond compare.  Yet how do the northren act in a hunt?  Rage and speed and strength, a desperate rush to catch and the glory of the kill.  And yes - there is glory in that.  But the spider?  The spider has transcended the chase.  It knows that patience, planning will get the kill.  And there is glory in that also."

Dull brown, red-streaked piders descended from hiding places, falling upon the kills at the nest.  There did not seem to be a clear order of precedence amongst those who came to eat and those who stayed - Shaq wondered if perhaps it was simply that there was enough food that some more sated would stay behind to let the hungry eat.  And what a wonder, that also!  To see in such an ordinarily solitary, selfish creature an understanding of the need for survival of the group as a whole.  This, then, was the third and greatest wonder of all.

"Patience, planning and the power to work together for a common goal.  Is this not the spark of sapience?" Shaq asked, albeit of nobody but himself.  "And the perfect hunter, the perfect killer - and perhaps the perfect spy.  Let us see if that spark can become a flame."

Shaq changed to his more familiar, favoured form of the young Silver and stretched out his hands, taking from the webs two spiders.  He pinched a leg on each to make them bite him, and made use of the real divinity in his veins.  When they had drunk, he spoke to them in a tongue of whistles and tapping his thumbs against his palms and they spoke back in the tongue he had pressed in their minds, making low or high keenings and tapping their clawed feet.

[Weave-Make-Self, Weave-Break-Self], he said.  [Self know Change-All.  You Same-See Change-See.  You Choice-Have, You-Choice.  You Choice-Have, Name-Choice.]

"<I am the Weavemaker and the Weavebreaker,>" he said.  "<I know the world will seem different now.  You will see the same things in radically different ways.  But you have choice and free will, and that free will defines you and all of your kind.  To that end, you must choose your own names.>"[/i]

[Weave-Tremor-Self], said the first.

[Thread-Make-Self], said the second.

"<Embrace your life,>" said Shaq, laying the pair of them down upon a mossy stone, "<but know that only one of you will mother the rest of your kind.  To that end, you have a choice.  Either the mother will be decided by which way a leaf falls to the ground, or it will be the one left standing before the leaf touches the ground.>"[/i]

At that moment, a leaf broke from the canopy and began to fall.  Weavetremor and Threadmaker both looked at each other with their myriad eyes.  Weavetremor struck first, leaping and trying to crawl over Threadmaker but was thrown off.  The pair separated and circled each other for a moment, tapping their legs in a threat display.  But the leaf was still falling - it caught Weavetremor's eye and threw her off her guard.  Threadmaker swept forward her legs and crammed Weavetremor into a tight ball.  Weavetremor struggled, but with the advantage Threadmaker twisted Weavetremor around with inexorable slowness, wrapping her in a sheet of thick web from her spinners.  With her opponent immobilised, Threadmaker didn't check to see if the leaf had even hit the ground - that distraction had cost her opponent her life.  Instead, Threadmaker simply placed her jaws around Weavetremor's head and crushed.  The life extinguished, she bit into the abdomen to give the venom time to digest her cousin's innards - no sense in wasting food.

Threadmaker turned to see Weavetremor standing behind her - save that Weavetremor's chitin was now black as night, save for the red streaks across it.  Something told her that this was the Weavemaker, Weavebreaker.  Specifically, that something was the spider talking in his 'voice'.

"<Survival is everything for you now - but your children will change that,>" Shaq promised.  "<You will surpass survival, and learn to embrace plenty and the developments that come with it.  Your people will grow powerful, and you will learn to harness the ways that I can teach you - but not yet.  For now, breed.  Grow your people.  I will return, perhaps at the eve of your life, perhaps long after you are gone, and teach you what needs to be known.>"

The dark spider began spinning a line of thread, letting the wind catch it.  It extended swiftly, until the line was long enough that the wind caught it and dragged the spider god into the sky.

Jack tinkers with a colony of communal spiders, uplifting them to sapience.

Spoiler: Threadmaker (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Modifications (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: October 08, 2010, 07:05:48 am by Iituem »
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #279 on: October 07, 2010, 07:39:42 pm »

Phera banked steeply from the flock as she heard Kastheen's voice, coming around to a hover in front of her, a broad grin on her face.

"Of all the privileges bestowed upon gods and mortals, truly flight is the one that never loses it's joy. Regardless; salutations, sister! I'd rather hoped that you would come- I knew more of my kin resided here, but neither where nor when.

But I digress. Please, come; we have much to discuss!"
and with a mighty beat of her wings, she sent herself spiraling up and through the clouds.

Without as much as waiting for her to follow, Phera called back to Kastheen as she ascended; "I'm afraid I've been out of touch with the world at large- I've had to attend to affairs in the north, and while your children see much of the world, they care for little beyond their own affairs. Please, tell me of the world, and of our siblings."
[18:14] <The_Gamemaster> I am here.
[18:14] <The_Gamemaster> I am always here.
[18:15] <The_Gamemaster> I have always been here, and I always will be here. I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #280 on: October 07, 2010, 09:17:31 pm »

Kastheen just laughed as Phera mentioned the Mayura caring little for the affairs of others. Soaring skillfully, Kastheen easily kept up with Phera, shooting through the clouds to glide above them. “What can I say? I made them beings of the sky, while all the other races are bound to land or water.” Kastheen said, flying alongside Phera. “I didn’t see you upon the island of the overgoddess. Did you sleep through her summons? She claimed an island in the sea, Amparos’s domain, and gathered all of us, or rather most of us to it to meet us. She is a sweet being, if a little naïve at times.”

Kastheen paused her speech and frowned a moment. “One of the other gods, one known as Shaq, tried to stab her. Fortunately, he failed, and Amparos stopped him before he could try again. After that, the overgoddess fled, but she soon returned. She had much of interest to tell us.” Here, Kastheen recounted the history Nativa had imparted to them.

“As for our siblings, the one I trust most is Amparos, the god of the oceans. He was the first deity I met after awakening, and he and I have both agreed to guard the island from intruders and help defend the Overgoddess. He mostly keeps to the sea, as I do the sky. The Justicer, the god of death, or at least one of them, also sided with Amparos in that confrontation as did Akiel, the god of technology. The others though… Aarseral, he was offended by both the attempt on the overgoddess and Amparos’s threats to Shaq. The god of Laws Tarran stayed aloof from the whole situation, as did Endras and Magus. Kar’thos seemed too young to understand it. And there’s no telling what Tass or Carmanthyre will do, both seem to be rather unpredictable. And Aarrook and Voltarucus, I don’t know them too well.”

There are others besides Shaq who give me cause for concern. Rahisael, the god of war, seemed rather pleased by the murder attempt. Also the Lord of hunger, also known as the maw seemed to be in league with Shaq, and defended him before Amparos and the others. The Wanderer too, he seemed angry at her for his dragon being destroyed on her island. That’s what I know of our siblings. I’m afraid I haven’t been following their creations much, aside from Amparos. He has a ship that he made for his home, I think you can find him there. And he has some aquatic race. Elemental in nature I believe.”


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #281 on: October 08, 2010, 03:49:28 pm »

Stupid gods. They didn't know anything.He will show them.But before, there were things to do.He must gain power before taking action.
The Lord of Death grabbed some obsidian and he shaped it in a black crown form.He imbued  the crown with death essence.That will absorb dead souls, and with each soul, he will gain power.
For each creture that died, he will be one step closer to domination

The Lord of Death The Crow of The Death, a crown that absobs souls and gives power to his user.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2010, 10:50:49 am by LAAT501legion »
This isn't reality.
*kicks an elf into the pit*
Roll to be a BATTLE WIZARD


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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #282 on: October 08, 2010, 04:18:44 pm »

The Aquateal Peaople were somewhere in between a large tribe and a small town. They were poking at the edges of civilization, the verge of exploding onto the scene.

One man of that tribe, simply called Ut, was sitting by the river, which currently was the source of the food boom that bespoke a awakening of civilization. He watched the fluff-seed drift by lazily, enjoying the relaxation of moving beyond survival. One floated down and caught on a small twig in the water.

The wind blew, and the fluff-seed did something amazing. It bend with the wind, pulling the twig up with it, against the current of the admittedly slow river. Ut sat upright, fully interested now, as the wind blew the twig up the river and out into the horizon.

Ut was struck by a idea, a wonderful idea. If the fluffseed could do it, why not a giant sheet of leather? They would need to kill something big, but luckily this was the time of year the elephants were heavy about, and Ut knew he could thin the hide if need be, so that it caught the wind.


A few months later, and the thing was done. It had a sail twice the length of it's body, but the log was solid and had a nook carved out for a man to sit in. Ut garbbed ahold of his ropes and called for his fellow tribesmen to push him into the water. It floated out a ways, and Ut pulled a rope. The log turned and began to head a differnt direction. Ut smiled, and contnued to smile, even as his vigorus pulling tore the elephant hide to shreds and the log capsized. He emerged from the water no longer a tribesman. He emerged the first sailor.

A human trib near the equator invents basic sailing. This is basicly two logs and a sheet of elephant hide, but they can control it and fish off it.
Thou art I, I art Thou.
The trust you have bestowed upon thy comrade is now reciprocated in turn.
Thou shall be blessed when calling upon personae of the Hangman Arcana.
May this tie bind thee to a brighter future!​
Ikusaba Quest! - Fistfighting space robots for the benefit of your familial bonds to Satan is passe, so you call Sherlock Holmes and ask her to pop by.


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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #283 on: October 27, 2010, 02:30:35 pm »

Deep in the deciduous forests of the Womb, in a ring of stones, men gathered.

Human men, their beards cut to stubble by sharp stones and laced together with tortise shell. They each wore loincloths over their private bits and nothing else, save for one who wore the skin of a lion. The lion-wearing man wore no loincloth, despite the chill breeze wafting over the nearby mountains.

In the very center of the ring of stones, in the midst of the gathering, there was a slight girl, not too old, but still old enough that most women would have birthed at least once by then. She huddled on a stone rock, fearing these men. The mash of plants and worms they had fed to her were not strong enough to assuage the fear of the ceremony.

Or the fear of the priest.

The men began to chant. It was guttural tongue, the tongue of beasts and things that go bump in the night. The words they sang, even though none could have understood, sent chills down the girls back. She scooted as far away as she could without falling off the rock.

As one, the group turned to her, hordes of eyes locking with hers. Again as one creature, they took a step towards her. The ground shook with the impact of fifty feet.

Another step. They drew closer. A few leered at her, but far more frightening was the simple apathy in the priests eyes.

Another step. She could feel the collective heat wafting off the warm bodies of the men in the clearing.

Another step. Something rustled in the bushes.

Another step. She could feel the fetid breath of men who had never known to wash their mouths.

Another step. A hand grasped her, and then she was rocketing through the woods. Trees flew past, quicker than lightning, and the wind roared in her ears like thunder. Whatever was carrying her, it was tiny, no bigger than a five-year old. And it moved faster than the wind.

The trees disappeared, and the great expanse of plains opened before her eyes like a flower. And soon she was flying above the ground, held lightly as if she were no more than a apple. Slight ripples in the ground now seemed like hills.

And then she was truly flying. Whatever had grabbed her had tossed her in the air like a ragdoll. She flailed her arms in a futile attept to fly. She felt herself slow down in her ascent, and then start to fall again. She shut her eyes tight and opened her mouth to scream.

But there was no wind to scream with once the thing caught her again. What little breath she had was knocked out of her in a oof in the impact. She was racing across the plains again, into fertile grasslands. She flew right over a raging river, floating over water as if it were nothing but a soupy mud.

Finally, in the distance, a arena rose. Tiny lumps that the small woman recognized as houses of a sort. And then she stopped, just like that. It was over, she was stationary, and around her more humans peeked from behind flaps of skin. She took a step back as the fear rushed into her life again like water held by a beaver dam. Her foot hit something hard.

A long, gleaming knife. It was very sharp, very smooth, and there were runes engraved with impossible quality in it. If you concentrated, her journey could be seen on the hilt, as could the burial of a old man, a small dot and a shadowy figure fighting, and a map of the Womb.

She reached down and clutched the handle of the blade.

Hi, Heroine! What's your name?

Carmanthyre finds a new "host"
Thou art I, I art Thou.
The trust you have bestowed upon thy comrade is now reciprocated in turn.
Thou shall be blessed when calling upon personae of the Hangman Arcana.
May this tie bind thee to a brighter future!​
Ikusaba Quest! - Fistfighting space robots for the benefit of your familial bonds to Satan is passe, so you call Sherlock Holmes and ask her to pop by.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood III Play Thread
« Reply #284 on: November 09, 2010, 03:25:41 pm »

Important! Wiki experts: Please add the artifacts, changes to gods, races, relations, tribes and other creations made during this turn to the wiki. Important!

Turn Four: Mysteries

Silver dies
Carmanthyre scratches a message into the stone of Silvers last dwelling. - No acts
Carmanthyre heads south. - No acts

Endras creates The Edge of Reason. - One act

Magus Creates the Lay Lines - Three acts
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Magus Creates the Tower of the Magi - One act
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Kar'Thos creates the Elemental Sanctuary. - Two acts
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Kar'Thos imbues the Lay Lines with Elemental energies. - One act
Kar'Thos manipulates the Lay Lines to form yet another great pool of power beneath the Elemental Sanctuary. - One act

The Wanderer 'plants' the seed of corruption, which is just the result of him touching the earth around him. - Two acts
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The Wanderer creates a sub-form of spirit, called the 'Tauristans'. - One act
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Akiel creates the Animus Blade, an extremely powerful sword. - Three acts
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Aarseral increases the power of The Vestera, making it protect the circle from any danger and slowing down The Corruption over the whole world. - One act

Amparos makes an offer to the human tribe Telazar had forced to migrate. - Two acts
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Rahisael orders the Wargaz to worship him and to make contact with the other races. - No acts

The Maw creates The "Rust". - One act
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Kastheen creates the stone feather, an artifact that will transform Mayura into the Mayura Amaashi when they touch it. - One act
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
(Also: Please send me a PM with the desired effect.)

Kar'Thos gives the knowledge to wield elemental magic and lessons in theology and philosophy to several people of the races of the world. - One act

Khan delves into the crust of the planet with finesse so as to not disturb the other going-ons. - No acts
Khan gathers ores and metals beneath the crust, and uses them to fill in the hole he made. - One act
Khan then enters the dreams of one of the farmers, giving him instructions, plans, and a just reward to seek the ores, and build a forge to make tools and weapons. - One act

Tass creates the Tree of Plenty above a Murr burrow at the Arena. It will grow a huge variety of healthy fruit, as well as tubers that can be made into alcohol. - One act
Tass teaches the Murr to brew alcohol from the tubers. - No acts

Aarrook alters a valley, formally infertile, to be the most fertile place in the world. - Two acts
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Aarrook begins watching over the Valley of Aarrook.

Jack appears to the Dirk Dancers and gives them a mission to infiltrate the many clans of the northren, including those of the volcano and mountain if they can. - No acts

Carmanthyre gathers vermin from many tribes across the south, then transports them near the cave Shaq and Rahisael are in, and bids them to press into the cave. As a prank. - One act

Phera blesses one of the springs on the mountainside of her vulcano. - One act
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Phera creates an eternal flame atop the summit of the volcano, sustained by the faith of it's inhabitants. - One act
Phera vests divine powers in the chief's bloodline; the men gaining power over fire, and the women gaining influence over light, their appearances changing accordingly. - One act

Endras creates The Taste of Power. - One act

Jack tinkers with a colony of communal spiders, uplifting them to sapience. - Two acts (Also: Please make your additional information a bit more readable when adding it to the wiki.)
Spoiler: Threadmaker (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Modifications (click to show/hide)

The Lord of Death creates the Crown of The Dead, a crown that absorbs souls and gives power to his user. - Three acts (Please, just.. Please. Check your posts for basic grammar and spelling errors before posting them.)

Carmanthyre inspires a human tribe near the equator to invent basic sailing. - One act
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Carmanthyre seeks out a new "host". - One act

Years brought wisdom and power to seven apprentices, to seven journeymen, and eventually they should grow to be seven masters. Trained in the powers of magic by a demigod, taught to bend the world by their will alone, these men had grown to be powerful and noble. Or so they were supposed to be..

Years ago an overconfident man had made a decision that had brought him to doubt and ponder. He had made a decision that had, unknowingly, made him into a monster.
Often the other mages had set out on quests to learn about the world or to study and collect magical items. As pilgrims they had visited several of the pools of magic Regnal had told them about. Not him, not Dordrath. Instead of pure knowledge, he had sought out power. He had studied the lay lines not to learn about what they were, but about how to use them. Many years had he practiced with using those pools of magic, and eventually he had found a way to utilize this power. The art of runecrafting had more uses than those his teacher had taught him:
Dordrath had made his own mark on several of the pools of the world, linked to his own spirit. He had enabled himself to draw power from those pools, even if he were not there. Dordrath smiled at the formless heap at his feet. How can one hope to use a sword, however mythical and rare those weapons were, against one such as him? He held the sword, a beacon of magical power, taken from this poor man's hands and examined it. It was made of silver, impressive and 'alive'. It was inappropriate. Pouring his power into the sword, it turned a black obsidian, even sharper than however sharp it were before. Was black not the color of Death, the spirit of the deceased? - To Dordrath, it was, and a weapon, harbinger of death, would deserve no less than to wear those colors proudly. Sword in hand he made way for his master..

Before him a corpse, around him a charred wasteland, behind him no way back, in one hand a sword, the other proudly holding up a head. He was Dordrath, slayer of Phoenixes, slayer of Regnal. It snowed ashes and the ground cindered. He smiled, the magical markings on his skin still glowing with the power of the pools of power they represented. With his master out of the way, he alone would be master. He alone would conquer the world. He would demolish mountains, drain oceans, and be Godslayer. He would be glorious. He would be immortal. Slowly he approached the wellspring.

Yet even the darkest of minds and blackest of hearts knew very well what sorrow and anger would do to a person. He was the strongest, the most powerful, but together, his brothers might have a chance to destroy him. He would not make the mistake of waiting and challenging them on the seat of their power. Dordrath fled to the east, towards yet another beacon of magical power.

Six men, draped in six leather cloaks, stared silently at one another tiredly. Most of them had started growing grey, although their hair had retained most of its deep black color. They had gathered at the Tower of Magi, a monumental structure where they had lived for several years after they had left their master, abandoned their master. It had not been hard for them to sense the power with which he had fought for his life. It had not been hard to feel how his spirit left the world. What had been hard however, was the fact that he had died by the hands of their brother. What had been hard, was to suppress their feelings of hatred. They spent one day in silence, two days went by without a word, and the third, they had decided. They would grow stronger, seek out and enact judgment on Dordrath. They would give him proper punishment.

The only woman to ever fight in the arena, Jenna had proven to be nothing but the best. While the others used wooden or sometimes rare copper weaponry, she had used a weapon made of something beyond steel. While her opponents used spears and the occasional axe, she had used something beyond made of one single cutting edge; A sword. After a battle it was sport to give your weapons to the winner, but the amount of trophies she had won were beyond counting. She traded her winnings for food, a hut, and a husband. While this worked for a few years, and she along with the rest of the town prospered, danger emerged:
From the bowels of night a man had emerged, and he had claimed the town for himself, with a sword blacker than the darkened sky he had ordered them to worship him, for he was a God.
The chieftain, still rather young, approached him.
"We bow to nobody, stranger."
Dordrath replied with naught but Death, taking control of every tendon in the chieftains body, forcing the chieftain on his knees shockingly. The chieftain looked up in fear.His expression was immortalized as his head traveled through the air, landing at the feet of no other than Jenna. However proud and strong she had proven to be, she remained nailed to the ground, staring Dordrath in the eyes. Eventually, she kneeled.
"Well done." He said, as he claimed her sword for his own.
And with her surrender came that of the rest of the town.

Under Dordrath's rule the people suffered and all that were not human were discriminated. The arena was not only used for ritual combat, but also to enjoy him. He had both men and women murdered for disobeying him, and Jenna he forced to be his wife. The people feared him, and in their fear of him, they regarded him a God. However depraved and malicious he was, he did have intellect. He first invented carpentry, and then came up with masonry. He made his people build a wall around the town. Along with this wall they built a tower of stone and wood, something never done before, as a testimony of his power. The town he named Dordrath, and he crowned himself 'Godking' after five years. He had trained an army of men wearing bronze, ready to conquer the lands beyond. Before this would happen, though, he had every single inhabitant that was not of his own race massacred. Through the primitive gates six now old men entered the town. They had followed their senses to the town. Their eyes rested on the primitive tower, and they knew that they had found what they were looking for.

"There are several men here that wish to see you."
"Did I tell you you could speak? I should have you executed."
The soldier trembled, shaking his head.
"N-No, I-"
"I'll forgive you. This time. Tell them that they are not welcome."
"Yes, my liege, I will!"
Sweating heavily the soldier ran out of Dordrath's throne room.
Dordrath turned to the man by his side, sighing as if he were a tired old man.
Have his children put down. To make an example.
Bowing, his vizier retired.

Often tales about the gods and their creations, about so-called Evil and Good, are full of dialogue and disagreements on both sides. The circle of Magi did not act as the situation would dictate they should.
While they had underestimated Dordrath, their valiant assault on his figure caused drastic changes. Within a second two of the mages were dead, their mind forced out of their bodies, leaving empty husks. One more fell by the Animus Blade, and yet another was crushed under his psychic power.
He had taken the last mage, the strongest, by the name 'Garoth', and held him by the throat, in front of the widely opened doors of his tower.
"This!" - He paused, increasing the pressure on Garoth's throat. "This is what happens to those who disobey or confront me! Death by-"

He looked down to find his robes red and bloody. He felt another blow, and the tip of a sword emerged: A sword he had regarded naught but a trophy. He dropped both Garoth and the Animus Blade, slowly turning around to find his body once more struck.
He looked his killer in the eyes, grasping the crystal he had always kept with him strongly.
Two pairs of eyes lost their shine of life at the same moment, and two bodies slumped to the floor- Slain. Dordrath, slayer of Phoenixes, God-King of Dordrath, laid slain by his own wife, slain by a trophy, in a pool of his own fluid of lively fluids, at the foot of his own collapsing seat of power.

Garoth spent a year in the town, gathering apprentices from the now purely human population. They vanished in the night, and with them the Animus Blade, the Blade of Carmanthyre, and the great crystal. After their departure, the still shaken townspeople decided to hold a tournament to find a new leader. Through blood and drama, sweat and struggle, tears and labor, a man named 'Ornos' won this competition, and from that moment on, he was king of the city-state of Dordrath. His children would be king after him, and their children would once again inherit this right, for it could have been no other than Killa Khan, the generous, the Armorer, the one to give them the art of metalworks, their patron God, that would have granted this man victory.

The Womb, a world of mythical beings, stride, violence and magic, did not revolve around the city of Dordrath. It went beyond the farmlands and lush meadows, from the lands of the North to the plains of the south, and it was filled with life. While Dordrath rose to power and died in shame, much more had happened..
The Northren tribes, prone to infighting in their valley of snow and ice, had eventually made peace with one another, trading spoils of the hunt for fruits and clothes from the volcano of Phera. Some even traveled through the frozen wastes to seek out the blessed spring, and bring back some of the water to cure their ill beloved. This trade they expanded all the way to the mythical far-away city of Dordrath, and with this trade, they brought back knowledge of masonry and carpentry, agriculture and of lands beyond the that city. This knowledge spread through all the tribes, until eventually it reached the Volcano of Phera.
With this knowledge, the chieftain, two generations from the first to be blessed by Phera, erected a structure, a temple, to honor not only their Goddess, but also the Lord of Winter, the two Gods that their divided people worshiped. In the middle of this temple, the holy flame of Phera burned. On the fertile slopes of this burning mountain, the Northren established farmlands.

All this time, the hunter-gatherers of the Wargaz grew in numbers. They observed, stole, and at times, they attacked small groups of Northren or Dordrath farmers, leaving no trace of them. Quietly and patient, they started preparing themselves to overtake the Northren in the valley.

High up in the sky, an island of earth and rock trembled and shook, cracked and bursted, until, eventually, it broke apart and collapsed into the ocean below. Underneath the waves, sunken to the bottom of this ocean, rested a new being of immortality and power..

Near the equator, oblivious to the active areas of the continent in the North, several more human tribes lived. Primitive but prosperous, those tribes used the waters to sustain themselves. One of those tribes, toughened and strengthened by divine intervention, had grown warriors with fearsome qualities. Their bodies resembling the very sea-life that fed them, they kept all other tribes at bay. This tribe had pillaged and plundered, finding even easier sources of food and sustenance in their neighbors. They had stolen the knowledge of sailing, and destroyed the tribe that had invented it. They had developed even better ships, their craftsmen- and women carving boats out of trees. These canoes brought them up the rivers, to better use their flint spears and knives to hunt, fish and raid. A violent life was theirs.

In more exotic locations, the remaining races lived their lives in more simple ways. The Forologh lived in their forests retreats, intelligent but unable to use this intelligence for nothing but storytelling and observing, their claws never useful for anything but the hunt. The Vulpan families formed their own clan, migrating between the many forests of the world, observing the races but never getting close, in fear of being attacked.
On the Isle of Kastheen, high above the oceans of the Womb, the Mayura continued to thrive. Living in a paradise, there was barely any conflict, nor was there need for development. Finding their sustenance in the vegetation above and the waters below, they remained oblivious to the rest of the world. One more tribe roamed the lands below, traveling from plain to forest, from forest to mountain, and from mountain to plain. Terron's tribe, small yet stable, lost themselves in philosophy, knowledge, and curiosity. The few encounters they made with the other races of the world, ended in their absorbing knowledge, and then traveling on.

Quietly he set down the knapsack on the marble table, examining its potent contents. Below him, in the depths of the tower, his apprentices waited. Young women and men of various sizes and philosophies were his to educate. So much knowledge he had, so little time..
He looked quietly at them, examining them once more. While most of them were human, he had found talented beings of all sorts. A few Wargaz, some Northren, a couple of Vulcan and even the Murr had brought forth a promising apprentice.
"The laws of the Magi, your laws, punishable by death. Repeat them after me!"

No mage hides from the tower.
No mage hides from the tower!
No mage will use his powers to harm unless to defend themselves.
No mage will use his powers to harm unless to defend themselves!
Mages will serve, not lead the common people.
Mages will serve, not lead the common people!
No mage will practice the forbidden art of rune-binding.
No mage will practice the forbidden art of rune-binding!

Garoth turned his back to them, for he had much to prepare, much to do..

The farmer in the city of the arena sets up a smithy, working with bronze.

Magic rules over Man
Dordrath invents rune-binding.
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Dordrath kills the mortal bearing the Animus Blade, claiming it for himself.
Dordrath colors the Animus Blade a black obsidian.
Dordrath slays Regnal.
Dordrath gains the titles of 'Slayer of Regnal' and 'Slayer of Phoenixes'.
Dordrath takes the crystal of Dragnar, the crystal that was supposed to grow unchecked.
The six remaining mages vow to slay Dordrath.
Jenna uses the Blade of Carmanthyre to fight in the Arena of Killa Khan.
Dordrath proclaims himself Godking of the town of the Arena, now called Dordrath.
Jenna surrenders to Dordrath.
Dordrath forces Jenna to marry him.
Dordrath invents carpentry.
Dordrath invents masonry.
Dordrath dictates the construction of a still rather primitive stone wall around Dordrath.
Dordrath dictates the construction of the tower of Dordrath, a primitive stone tower.
Dordrath has all non-humans that live in the town of Dordrath massacred.
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The mages of the tower attack Dordrath.
Jenna slays Dordrath with the blade of Carmanthyre.
Dordrath kills Jenna.
The tower of Dordrath collapses.
Garoth is the only mage to survive the battle.
Garoth leaves the town of Dordrath, taking all magical artifacts and several apprentices with him.
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City State
A tournament is held in Dordrath to find a new king.
Ornos wins the tournament, establishing a monarchy.
Dordrath is now a city state.
Killa Khan is now the patron God of Dordrath.
Killa Khan gains the title of 'The Smith'.
Killa Khan gains the sphere of 'smiths'.

Religious Peace
The Northren tribe of the Volcano and the Northren tribes of the valley are no longer in war.
The Northren tribes establish trade ranging from the Volcano to the city state Dordrath.
The Volcano is now a pilgrimage destination.
The Northren learn the arts of carpentry and masonry, now on equal technological feet with the city state Dordrath.
The Volcano tribe builds housing and establishes farms on the volcano hillside.
The Volcano tribe erects a temple dedicated to both Phera and the Lord of Winter.
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The Wargaz grow in numbers.
The Wargaz start raiding isolated and remote groups of neighboring races.

One of the islands of the Elemental Sanctuary, aligned with Earth, crumbles and collapses.
Kain is born.

Tribal Warfare
Taenas' tribe accepts Amparos' offer.
Taenas' tribe becomes the dominant tribe near the equator through aggression.
Taenas' tribe steals the knowledge of sailing.
Taenas' tribe destroys the tribe that had originally invented sailing.
Taenas' tribe invents the canoe.

The Folorogh remain dormant in their forest retreats.

The Vulpan people observe the other races while their numbers recover.

The Mayura continue living a nomadic lifestyle.

Terron's tribe establishes a culture of philosophy.

Old Mage's Homecoming
Garoth stores the Blade of Carmanthyre, the Animus Blade and the Crystal of Endras in a magically protected room in the Tower of Magi.
Garoth takes many apprentices with him to populate the Tower of Magi. There are mages of almost all races.
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Garoth establishes the first Laws of Magi.
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Code: [Select]
Aarseral: 3
Aarrook: 3
Amparos: 2
Endras: 5
Kain: 1
Kar'Thos: 1
Kastheen: 4
Magus: 4
The Lord of Death: 2
The Lord of Winter: 5
The Psychopomp: 5
The Wanderer: 1
Phera: 4
Akiel: 2
Carmanthyre: 2
Jack: 3
Killa Khan: 3
Lord Hunger: 5
Terron: 4
Rahisael: 4
Tass: 4
Voltarucus: 4
« Last Edit: November 10, 2010, 11:44:24 am by Caesar »
Spider Overhaul
Adding realistic spiders to Dwarf Fortress. (Discontinued.)

Godhood VIII
The latest installment in the Godhood roleplaying game series.
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