Also, the useless infantry is supposed to be in FRONT of the mages, not behind them! And yeah, it was humorous to see them put away their crossbows and run up and melee him once he got too close. XD
Gotta love the AI...
Speaking of which, this is the first time I've ever seen an AI nation use an assassin... Effectively. Ack.
Now I need to do some clean-up to find stragglers and make them do something useful. I also need to assemble an army to counter the 90-some flying demonic axe-wielding mutants Abysia is sending into my lands.
Current target is still Vanheim, at least in theory... But since I'm currently under attack from a couple Abysian armies, I need to shift attention a bit so they mind their own business while I'm beating up the Vanir. I hate losing provinces.
At least now Vanheim is essentially crippled. There are a couple clusters of random-event militia on one side of the map, and he's got a few nasty elites to his name, but the old might of the North has been crushed. All I need is one decisive plunge into his territory, and I should be able to wipe out the last of his backstabbing filth.
I've also got a new Oreiad and I'm trying to work out how to suit her up for some assassinations of my own. Air magic actually lends itself quite well to this, with mirror images and items/spells that do AN damage... I'm bound and determined to find out if they actually do make for worthwhile assassins, or if I should attempt to find other uses for them.
Hrrmph... I still need to cut this off so I can refine the pretender design, but... Damn if I don't have a vendetta against these dweebs now.
Update: Well, looks like my army of cynical old bastards is going to be the force that wipes out Vanheim... They've still got a few random forces here and there, but dominion strength is waning significantly and I've got skeptics in all the provinces that still have candles lit in honor of Pourushti the Frost Father. PD will hold off any attacks they manage to throw at me before I'm awarded the dominion kill.
This is good news, because at the moment I can't really afford any troops being sent north... 126 Abysians have seen to that by burning up my doormat. They've got just under 40 misbreds set to hold and attack rear, which is wreaking havoc with my provincial militia. That, and charging headlong into Abysian formations is always good fun when you're confronted with those stacked heat auras. Blecch.
At least it's winter... And the AI doesn't seem to grasp the concept of 'friendly fire', so the random independents they've snowballed into this army are getting toasted by being placed inside the Abysian formations.
Well, I'm gonna attempt to head 'em off at the pass... Hopefully I'll at least be able to put a sizable dent in their forces, I'm still rather relying on physical might rather than magical superiority, despite the fact that I possess several times larger libraries than them. The fact that most of the effective battle spells open to me are either fire-based or primarily effective against unarmored troops doesn't exactly make matters easier.
Still, they're banking on this army. This is the sum of their aggressions against me at this time, and a significant defeat for it would stop the Abysian invasion in its tracks. All I need is for them to pull one stupid maneuver and step into a trap, and I can rush in to devastate their forces, thus opening the way to taking back the eastern border.
We'll see how this goes... I have faith in my troops, but a nasty defeat for me would make things quite difficult too. I have a difficult time raising new troops with my depressed production facilities, spoils of an early expansion fraught with chaos and meaningless foolery...
Should be fun.