Melee can get bladefury/SS people too, it just takes an extra hit or two. The key is having low ping, since at 200+ ping its impossible to hit anyone with it.
The gun changes are nice, but all the upped damage in combination with the previously nerfed SS seems to have made it much much much weaker. I'm dieing WAY more often before I lose my SS, and often within a second or two as if I didn't even have it up. Especially if they have crit.
From looking at the numbers heres the way it seems to work now:
Level 30 shoots me with AK47. 30 damage gets 10 removed by my level 10 SS, 2.5 blades are canceled out. 70% modifier applies, cutting damage down to 14. SS effectively absorbed 7 damage, or 1/3 of it. Total shots to kill me = 7 with 2 hp left, so barely 8, 3 more than the usual 5 to kill someone without it. Total SS used: 56, out of a total of 132 (from my 33 blades, 14 blade skill). So I had 56 extra hp.
Level 30 shoots me with AK47 and gets 1 critical. 75 damage gets 10 removed, 2.5 blades canceled out, 70% modifier applies, cutting damage down to 45.5. SS absorbed 7 damage, or about 13% of it. Assuming 20% crit chance, 1 of the 5 shots would be a critical. So approx 5 shots to kill me at this point, making the total absorbed 35. So I had 35 extra hp.
Pre-change the AK did 15 over a level 10 SS and 10 over a level 15 SS, post-change it does 20 over a level 10 SS and 15 over a level 15 SS. So for a level 15 SS user the base non-critical damage taken went up by 50%, and for a level 10 it went up by 33%. For non SS users it went up 20%.
It's a bit better on shotguns, but wow this gun change was like another big SS nerf in disguise.
Anyone with force fields have a comment on how they are now? Tempted to change and see if it makes me more survivable than the SS. I see the gap in them was reduced, and I had a bit harder time killing an FF guy (his shields broke before he died), but im not sure if it was just because his FF was low level or what. And my ping has been awful lately, so I couldn't tell if the shots hitting him and seemingly doing nothing were *actually* hitting him or not.